So this quest, like some others, has me stumped. I know that in order to shop you usually do a settlement action. The 2nd choice on quest 117 has you do a quest action at the raider camp and spend 3 caps. Does the quest action allow you to shop? Are you just giving up the caps for the quest? I’ve seen a few like this and we’ve went to the called for location, drew a settlement card and hopefully shopped and spent the required caps, then you do quest action next turn. Seem like we are doing it wrong.
Quest instructions 117
The Caps are part of the cost of completing the quest. Your not shopping. You take the quest action (not an encounter action, which is how you would shop) and pay an unnamed 3rd party (i.e. the cap pile, lol) for information on the doctor. That is why it cost 3 Caps.
Edited by j03n1nj4If you wanted to shop, you can take an Encounter action before or after the Quest action. But, as described above, it's two separate actions.
Makes sense. We played it wrong the first two games and I thought it should be played as y’all are saying but one of our group kept insisting that caps are too hard to get to justify spending them on nothing.
On another note, when you are reading/fulfilling card effects, if it has you draw loot before a fight, do you in fact draw and keep the loot even if you lose the fight?