A few nOOb questions

By Krede, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1) When spawning, say, a skeleton patrol. Do the figures have to be placed next to each other? or can they be placed alone anywhere on the board(as long as they keep to the rules for spawning)

2) It says in the rules that if a resting hero takes a wound his resting order is lost. Now. Is that before armour/shields etc. (my point being that I would find it pretty hard to rest while I had arrows bouncing off my armour)

1) You can spread them out if you wish.

2) A Rest order is only lost if you actually remove a wound token from your character sheet. Damage that is blocked by armor does not cause wounds, and wounds that are "canceled" (e.g. by a shield or ghost armor) never happened.

That was what i thought.

Though I think the resting rules pretty much makes the "advance" order useless for most of the game when you can make one attack, move your fatigue amount of squares, all while using a rest order.

So unless you are in the thick of fighting, and are wearing a bit of armour, you are pretty sure to recover your fatigue every turn.

Krede said:

Though I think the resting rules pretty much makes the "advance" order useless for most of the game when you can make one attack, move your fatigue amount of squares, all while using a rest order.

That may be true for heroes who have more Fatigue than Speed, but if Fatigue is equal to or less than I don't think this follows. First of all, spending fatigue to move and then taking a Rest order leaves you vulnerable. If I was OL and saw a hero doing this every turn, I'd focus on hitting him with everything I could until I knocked off that Rest order, just to show him why it's not such a hot idea.

Secondly, if you make an Advance order then you can move your speed, attack, AND burn fatigue (either for stronger attacks or for more movement.) Leave one MP at the end to swig a fatigue potion if you really like having your fatigue back, as long as you don't need another potion that turn. Ultimately, any predictable tactic will eventually be countered. Using a Rest order instead of Advancing might be helpful in some situations, but using it all the time is just asking for trouble. Advance actions are hardly useless.

Our experience has been that Rest orders rarely happen, probably because when they do, the OL seems to think it's his responsibility to try to wound the hero that's resting. He'll go out of his way to get that one skeleton in range to ping that resting hero, causing him to waste the order. Instead, babies-in-a-bottle are used a lot more.


Krede said:

Though I think the resting rules pretty much makes the "advance" order useless for most of the game when you can make one attack, move your fatigue amount of squares, all while using a rest order.

So unless you are in the thick of fighting , and are wearing a bit of armour, you are pretty sure to recover your fatigue every turn.

Except for the easiest 'learning' quests, the heroes will pretty much always be in the thick of fighting. And if you do have a short respite and heroes rest, that's a perfect time for the OL to spawn some skeletons, hop around a corner, and cancel those rest orders.

I am, of cause , only speaking out of experience from one game where the dungeon was apparently much in the heroes favour.

But I doubt that I would have been able to "ping" one of the armour 4/shield heroes even if I could have gotten my skeletons in range.

That is why I was hoping a "hit" would be enough. :)

Don't write off skeletons so easily, with their Pierce ability, they tend to get in at least one hit.


shnar said:

Don't write off skeletons so easily, with their Pierce ability, they tend to get in at least one hit.


Hmmm..... now... chained them to a master beastman, and kept them out of harms way.. they COULD be quite nasty... MU HA HA HA !