Before starting any battle, Eddard breaks his leg and is then captured. Remove him from the game. Start turn one.
Eddard's Special Ability Revealed (A Game of Thrones Spoilers)
Spike1382 said:
Before starting any battle, Eddard breaks his leg and is then captured. Remove him from the game. Start turn one.
ahem... that was cruel, man...
I suppose Jaime's would be "At the start of the game, remove up to three Stark and Lannsiter forces from the game (must be equal from each side). Then, Jaime runs away to fight a different battle; remove him from the game."
poor Eddard and the Stark family!
And Robb:
"At the start of the game, Robb Stark and all friendly units 5 hex away from him are invited to a wedding. Then, kill Robb and all those units."
And Tyrion:
"Put Tyrion Lannister in play next to a great city. The first enemy army to get near that city is destroyed due to chain in the sea and alchemist fire. Put Tyrion out of play for 2 turns due to battle fatigue and damage. Then add "uglier" to his record, make him kill 1d6 friendly unique units, and remove him from play (gone to another continent)."
Wow. That's fun.
Hey, at least the rest of those guys actually showed up at a battle.
Eddard really never did more than get jumped and break a leg, combat wise.
More seriously, will the game (extensions) permit to play only battles of the "War of the Five Kings" or those of "War of the Usurper/Robert Rebellion" as well.
I would rather play Robert Baratheon like that
than like that...
JerusalemJones said:
I suppose Jaime's would be "At the start of the game, remove up to three Stark and Lannsiter forces from the game (must be equal from each side). Then, Jaime runs away to fight a different battle; remove him from the game."
Better, on Jaime & Cersei card:
if J&C enter in the same tower tile, they cannot be played nor attacked until the end of the game; unless if a scout unit or a character with scout hability (like Brandon Stark) comes next to the tower tile to lurk by window.
Stark player must sacrifice one figure of the lurking unit. J&C come back in play but with NO armor for 1 turn.
My guess is that the next box is Baratheon Vs Targaryen and the Robert Rebellion would be perfect(with perhaps an alternate younger eddard stark)
My guess is it will be restricted to the war of the five kings, unfortunate as it is. But there will be a fan-mod, I'm sure.
Edmure's ability:
You win this battle, but to win the war you should have lost this one.
@stefan: Problem is that Targy isn't exactly a westeros faction during the War of 5 kings.
Mig el Pig said:
Edmure's ability:
You win this battle, but to win the war you should have lost this one.
@stefan: Problem is that Targy isn't exactly a westeros faction during the War of 5 kings.
Yep, that's right. There is always trouble with the passage of the Song of Ice and Fire the novels to games.
I'm kinda curious about BoW being announced as a game in which you can play the battles of the War of the Five Kings. It is kinda limiting... Also, it is a great name, but even if we do count Danny's incursion through the east as part of this same war, she definitly is not in Westeros territory. Ok, she is doing all of that because she wants to eventually get to Westeros...
Anyway, could it be possible that we are not going to see House Targaryen in this game? We still don't have a lot of information about how it is going to be organized. Maybe we will get expansions that are not limited to the same House organizations as we see in AGoT LCG, for instance. There, House Tyrell is a part of the Baratheon deck. Here, maybe we will have medium boxes featuring great and small houses without alliance distinction. What we could see is each battle scenario arranging house affiliation for that battle only. Stannis attacking Storm's End could mean Baratheon against Baratheon...
Stefan said:
My guess is it will be restricted to the war of the five kings, unfortunate as it is. But there will be a fan-mod, I'm sure.
I don't know, the LCG has printed a few older character (Rheagal, Ser Aurthur Dayne - Sword of the Morning, and Lysa's late husband - I am blanking on his name to name a few).
Targ is still a faction - you just have to use Dothraki and Dragons
Donnu...keep it to the books, I'd say. The name is Jon, by the way
I think it will depend on FFGs desire to make BoW strictly a "fantasy" game or if they want to make it a realistic "100 years war" style game. In the latter case they will need to make each house an imitation of a major power (Stark is England with longbowmen, Lannisters are France with crossbowmen and mroe knights, Dothraki are Mongols with mounted archers, Greyjoys are vikings, etc). This will allow for differentiation between houses, otherwise almost all of them are essentially the same pool of soldiers with just the leaders being different. I'm sure the FFG expansion plan will avoid selling us the same 50 minis + 5 unique "leader" units time and time again. Even though I am sure there will be OCD completists who would buy identical armies and paint them up for each house, I think that would be a much harder sell to the general gamer when all you really need are just red and blue army pools and generic leader units.