(Question) Web-Descent: Journeys in the Dark

By mechawk, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


When a Hero is "web" what can the Hero do and what cant he/she do will being "webbed"? (Actions, heal and etc.?) And is there a time limit on being "webbed"? It seems that the die roll to remove it can last way to long. And can be very quickly game endding. Any help on understanding this better, would be great.

thank you


"See you on the other side..."

While webbed a hero can not spend Movement Points. Anything that would cost movement points is not an action they can take. So the hero can attack for instance.

There is no time limit on how long a hero can have an effect token. Yes, this makes web very annoying. Are you using the rule that heroes roll the number of dice equal to their melee trait + 1?

Also if the game ends too early you can use "negative conquest". If the heroes run out of conquest the game doesn't end. You simply keep going until the last boss dies. If the heroes are at a positive value after the reward for the last boss then they win. If they are negative, the OL wins.

ProtoPersona said:

Are you using the rule that heroes roll the number of dice equal to their melee trait + 1?

This rule is only valid for Road to Legend expansion, not in the base game.

Parathion said:

ProtoPersona said:

Are you using the rule that heroes roll the number of dice equal to their melee trait + 1?

This rule is only valid for Road to Legend expansion, not in the base game.

I guess I should have double checked that. I've been using it in the base game as well since it seemed to be better balanced to me.

Then again, I use almost every SoB rule in RtL too.

One of the heroes in my SoB campaign has the ability to move their speed, when a guard order is placed, before or after the attack is made (forget the heroes name).

Because this does not require the expendature of MP, can this Hero make this move while webbed?

Without direct quotes of the card to be the rules-lawyer, I'd say no. The point of being webbed is that the hero does not move. The Ring of Quickness no longer works, any special abilities that allow movement no longer work (even that teleporting mage, cannot remember his name), etc.


In Descent, "you may move X spaces" means "you receive X movement points." Bad writing, yes, but that's also the language used for the Advance, Run, and Ready actions, which certainly don't allow you to bypass Web.

There's more discussion of Tahlia's ability buried somewhere around page 3 of the Gathered List of Answered Questions thread.

Thank you all.


Slightly off topic but does anyone use web that often?

I hardly ever do as its a pain to spawn the bane spiders due to their size. I've intended to use them late game but by then I've discarded the cards haha! I suppose I could just spawn the master bane spider on his own but that galls me so much. I hate losing out on creatures when i spawn its such a waste of threat.

Or is it?


I think it's sometimes worth the threat, even if you only use the master spider (and this is what counts). A webbed tank is always a nice view :-) especially when you are able to attack the party multiple times from behind.

Also because there are weapons with web, it can be used quite often.

Web is must on vanilla when a single web attack can pretty much screw the players and win you valuable time. In RTL is far less effective.

Red Die Guy said:

Slightly off topic but does anyone use web that often?

I hardly ever do as its a pain to spawn the bane spiders due to their size. I've intended to use them late game but by then I've discarded the cards haha! I suppose I could just spawn the master bane spider on his own but that galls me so much. I hate losing out on creatures when i spawn its such a waste of threat.

Or is it?

If you think you can get the webs into play before someone stomps the spider, it's not a waste. If you know your heroes hate webs and figure that if nothing else the spider can be used to draw fire from something more important, it's not a waste. If you have another card with a better chance of causing long-term harm to the heroes, but you can't afford that and the spiders, it is a waste :P

Thanks for the answers guys.

I tried it out tonight since I thought its just 4 threat. I played rage on it too just to make sure I got at least one web token landed. Turned out I got two which was cool. I even managed the normal spiders but they were truly woeful and cut down in short order. One of the web tokens stuck but he just opted to battle and killed the master from where he was! Actually, can you battle with range and magic? I've assumed so but at times it seems quite powerful especially with blast! sad.gif haha

Cheers again.

Yep, you can battle with ranged and magic attacks. You think it's bad with blast, wait until someone pulls the Word of Vaal. :)

Web is worth the effort in vanilla since the characters can get stuck there multiple rounds. I always spawned them in vanilla just for the master to put some webs and used the other ones as a wall to protect her.

My players have found the word of vaal once. luckily i was very late game so limited exposure. Quality card that for the heroes, I agree!

Drglord, you make an excellent point. Using the normal spiders to block shots at the master is cunning! Its just spawning all three near enough to each other thats the tricky part I'd wager. I suppose mid quest when you can spawn behind the heroes is a feasable tactic. I shall have to try this cheers.

I shall try to provide a tactic for you, (forgive me if its rubbish, its Friday and I've finished work, putting my feet up gui%C3%B1o.gif ):

An evil play which annoys heroes no end is to mimic a chest and double its movement, run through a door and use poltergeist to move heroes back and shut it so you can spawn on the other side (pit trap if necessary to slow down further, make sure no one gets through the door) and waste yet more time while the mimic legs it. It requires a few cards in hand but its not a one trick pony because the heroes have to be really wary of all chests (well maybe a huge waste on copper chests) and tend to approach chests from all angles which means they are likely spread out. And hey if you can run it towards a dark glyph you've planned all the better! If the map is poor for this tactic or the heroes have a way around through a skill or whatnot you can just ditch the mimic but keeping it in hand is threat enough (chortle!)

Major downside is it really really annoys some players, and unless FFG brings out solo rules, we'll all need friends to play this game!