Hello! Several Clans prior to worlds polled the online player community in Discord or Facebook or elsewhere to try to get a good picture of what players thought would be the best Keeper or Seeker for their community.
However, there was a problem in the way most groups polled.
Most places polled giving a list of all the keeper and seeker roles like this:
- Keeper of Fire
- Seeker of Fire
- Keeper of Earth
- Seeker of Earth
- Keeper of Air
- Seeker of Air
- Keeper of Water
- Seeker of Water
- Keeper of Void
- Seeker of Void
They then asked players to rank their favorites. The favorites were then listed in order of number of votes.
Polling this way causes a problem, because there are two axes being combined here. The first, Keeper vs Seeker, has a very large effect on gameplay and is split only two ways. The second, element, has a smaller effect and is split five ways. In addition, depending on playstyle, for most elements, there are definite advantages and disadvantages to each element, so the voters can easily be split among all the choices. However, with Seeker Roles, because of the nature of clan-specific provinces, one specific element is more advantageous than the others.
The problem comes with combining them.
So, in a given community of, say, 100 people, let's say 75% of a player base wants the Keeper role, and it is split evenly between all 5 elements. That means that for any one keeper card, each Keeper of the X element gets 15 votes, Meanwhile, 25% of the voters might want the Seeker role, but 4/5ths of them want the Seeker role that is optimized for their clan province, while the rest are situated randomly between the other elements. In addition, many casual voters, if asked to pick a favorite two, will pick their favorite individual keeper and seeker just to make clear their spread, but that doesn't weigh the difference between the preference for a keeper and seeker.
in this scenario, even though most players want a Keeper role, and don't even care what element it is, the highest count of votes will go to the Seeker role with a breakdown like this (assuming the favored seeker element is void):
- Keeper of Fire 15 votes
- Seeker of Fire 2 votes
- Keeper of Earth 15 votes
- Seeker of Earth `1 vote
- Keeper of Air 15 votes
- Seeker of Air 1 Votes
- Keeper of Water 15 votes
- Seeker of Water 1 vote
- Keeper of Void 15 votes
- Seeker of Void 20 votes.
By polling alone, the Seeker of the Void would seem to be the most popular, when the great majority of voters want a Keeper role. Even without such a strong effect locking the seeker votes to an element, it still ends up skewing the results.
This effect is just an example, but I think it is worth realizing it's happening when we poll for what element is wanted next.
I wanted to open to the community to find out others' thoughts about different ways to poll to get an idea of what is favored without causing this issue so that next time the community is polled, we have a better picture of what is actually sought.