Surprised this wasn't spoiled already.
Spoilers : Highlight to view.
Starts focusing on Seppun Ishikawa meeting Kaede in a tea shop in Lion lands. They reminisce a bit, Kaede expresses worries about her marriage to Toturi, about how she can't understand him, Ishikawa delivers Kaede a letter from her brother and a message from her father. We learn some about the problems facing Rokugan; it seems the water kami aren't responding, and the tsunami that affected the Crane may be a part of it. Kaede also notes the Lion lands are facing droughts. Ishikawa wants to deliver the news to the Emperor, but Kaede persuades him to hold off for a while.
Switch to Kaede's POV back at home, she goes looking for paper to respond to her brother in Toturi's study, snoops around, and finds what she thinks is his journal. She (predictably) starts reading it and (predictably) gets found by Toturi. Turns out okay, though, and they share a moment. He even brings her tea from her homeland. Toturi continues to be a pretty cool guy.
Edited by Swordbreaker