Multiple survivors in single space and combat knife wording

By player500850, in Fallout

Hi, just played my first game and has two questions.

1. If two survivors are in the same space and an aggressive enemy enters that space (or a gun wielding one in an adjacent space). Which survivor does it attack and if both, in what order?

2. On several cards (combat knife for instance) the wording is "each time you spend a [leg] result, suffer 1 damage". What does the "spend" wording mean? Each time I reroll a leg result or each time I "finalise" a leg result.



There are tiebreaker rules in the learn to play booklet. I believe it attacks the survivor with less hp first.

You must spend dice to count their body parts for damage. If you roll three legs, but only need one to kill the enemy, then the knife only triggers the once. I suppose you could spend more if you wanted to, for some reason. Enemy damage pips always count regardless of whether a die is spent or not.

2 hours ago, Iuchi Toshimo said:

There are tiebreaker rules in the learn to play booklet. I believe it attacks the survivor with less hp first.

You must spend dice to count their body parts for damage. If you roll three legs, but only need one to kill the enemy, then the knife only triggers the once. I suppose you could spend more if you wanted to, for some reason. Enemy damage pips always count regardless of whether a die is spent or not.

You are correct about there being tie breakers and that it goes after the one with the least health, then if tied for lowest health it will attack the survior in player order from who the 1st player is.

In regards to spending the die result: In comabt when fighting an enemy you roll the vats dice and then this order goes....decide if you are going to re roll based off of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats, next suffer damage based off the * showing on the vats dice, finally choose to spend corrisponding hit areas to what the monster is weak to based on its token.

Ex) Roll dice getting head and *, Legs, and Legs

choose no re roll

suffer one damage

looking on token as a lvl 1 monster only needed one legs vats roll to kill it

choose to spend one vats leg roll

now having combat knife equiped suffer one additional damage for having choosen to "spend" one leg result.

Ooo that's a good point - I like that clarification. I've thusfar been interpreting "spend" as "if it's in your pool after all your re-rolls, you're stuck with it."