Allied Clans.. and the Crab

By Doji Hyōkin, in L5R LCG: Lore Discussion

Crane court allies of & mutual Lion enemies with the Unicorn, who are allied by marriages with the Dragon.

Lion & Scorpion are mutual enemies of the Crane and with Shiba Tsukune having trained with the Akodo & Kaede’s marriage to Toturi, the Phoenix are Lion friendly.

Crab have no friends and turned to the Mantis.

This brings to mind a video I saw around the release of Marvel: Civil War, where Thor was chilling with his roommate, trying to pretend he wasn't bitter about not getting invited to either team XD.

The Crab may not be part of either "side" yet, but they're well on their way to siding against the Crane by getting friendly with their enemies the Mantises (Manti???). I don't know if they story's going to turn into an actual bilateral conflict, but if it does I could see the Crab and the Mantipota siding with the Lion Alionce, since they've both got a beef with the Crane.

Ah, but the Crab have already had issues with the Lion & Scorpion over chain of command over troops sent to the Wall. Interestingly, they apparently didn’t even bother asking the Unicorn.

2 minutes ago, Doji Hyōkin said:

Ah, but the Crab have already had issues with the Lion & Scorpion over chain of command over troops sent to the Wall. Interestingly, they apparently didn’t even bother asking the Unicorn.

The Unicorn did fail a bit spectacularly the last time . . .

Which leaves the Dragon, who don’t have the numbers, and the Phoenix who would in no way play nice with the Kuni. They can’t even bear the existence of Jade Magistrates.

Also there is potential trouble between Dragon and Phoenix - Dragon trend a bit too liberal on certain issues, from Phoenix's persepctive.

Maybe there are seeds planted for a Crab - Unicorn alliance, depending on how the Naga encounter plays out. That would open the door for Dragon assistance, since they're allies with Unicorn. Plus we know Dragon are mobilizing for something, we just don't know what yet.

The Crane's current vulnerability threatens the traditional balance of power. The Crab are not served by instability in the interior. Thus it behooves them to shore up the bottom until the status quo has a chance to reassert itself.

Kakita Yoshi single-handed perpetuated the traditional Crane-Crab rivalry. Though Crab/Mantis/Naga makes a very interesting power bloc. A sort of ultimate pragmatism.

1 hour ago, Doji Hyōkin said:

Which leaves the Dragon, who don’t have the numbers, and the Phoenix who would in no way play nice with the Kuni. They can’t even bear the existence of Jade Magistrates.

Not so.

A Kuni is a samurai carrying out the highly specific duties of his family. The Phoenix should have no more issue with them than the shugenja of any family, save that the Kuni are a bit grubby and pragmatic- much like the Crab Clan as a whole.

I've actually long maintained that the Phoenix and the Crab don't make natural allies (particularly not in Kisada's era), but they make good ones- each addresses the other's shortcomings pretty well, and they have overlapping areas of interest. In the old lore, the Asako Inquisition got along pretty well with the Kuni Witch-Hunters and the Kuroiban, irrespective of wider clan politics.

The current obstacle to Crab/Phoenix alliance isn't the Kuni... it's the Isawa and the Hida, neither of whom have had to eat any humble pie as of yet, and who are both convinced that they know best. They share no borders, their contact appears minimal, and their day to day existence is considerably different. There's just not as much common ground to build on.

(Old-and-therefore-irrelevant-Lore note: By the time Iweko Seiken took the throne, the Crab and Phoenix were getting along swimmingly... like, "marry out the Master of Fire, Crab help the Phoenix in their war with the Unicorn, high fives and fist bumps all around" swimmingly - before the Onyx Edition boom got lowered, the Phoenix were on superb terms with the Crab and Lion, the Crab were tight with the Phoenix and Scorpion... some scary, scary combinations there)

Crab/Crane relations were at their nadir before Taka's audience with the Imperial Chancellor. Neither man did anything to repair the relationship. The text did not indicate the meeting made things worse.

Crab/Mantis cooperation is born of mutual desperation. Crab needs supplies that no one can afford to give them. Mantis needs a Great Clan to owe them a favor. (And I doubt any Crab other than Taka would even consider the implications of Yoritomo's offer.)

9 hours ago, Doji Hyōkin said:

Crane court allies of & mutual Lion enemies with the Unicorn, who are allied by marriages with the Dragon.

Lion & Scorpion are mutual enemies of the Crane and with Shiba Tsukune having trained with the Akodo & Kaede’s marriage to Toturi, the Phoenix are Lion friendly.

Crab have no friends and turned to the Mantis.

There are no clear cut sides as everything is more a web where my allies may not be my allies allies.

Case in point the Lion and Crane are hostile but the phoenix are friendly to both. Their may be an edge going to the Lion side with the recent wedding and clan leadership change, but at the same time the Phoenix Champion has limited power as he does answer to the Elemental Council in matters outside of war and the Toturi/Keade pairing is not a recent event but dates back to their childhood (thus the story of them playing at catching fish in the pond). The better route to look at is how each clan feels on its own.

Crab - Have been traditionally focused more on the Shadowlands and the threat it poses so ignore the majority of court politics. Are on neutral terms with most of the clans with Phoenix verging on friendly due to the association of the Kuni Witch Hunters with the phoenix in the study of techniques to combat Maho and the Shadowlands (this used to be reflected more with the Asako inquisitors but we haven't really seen these yet so not sure if it still applies). Potentially verging on hostile with the Crane depending on how the results of Taka's negotiations with the Imperial Court for supplies are taken by Kisada. Have entered into a new alliance with the Mantis for supplies in exchange for support in exerting their legitimacy at court

Crane - Working closely with the Unicorn as a buffer against Lion aggression, generally friendly terms with the Phoneix although relationship may become strained given the recent marriage of Toturi to Keade. Neutral to the Dragon who they have little interaction with outside of supplying excess food stores to them (something they haven't been able to do due to the recent Tsunami flooding) and the Crab for similar reasons (although depending on how Kisada takes the reports from Taka on his meetings at the capital that could change). Are in a cold political war with the Scorpion for control of the court and are engaged in open hostilities with the Lion for Osari Plains and Toshi Ranbo. Mantis raids on the Tusnami ravaged coast are also taking a toll on them. Special note for Crab Crane relations is that the Yasuki family are not able to fulfill their role of primary political wing of the Crab Clan in Crane lands due to long standing hatred for them leaving the Crane to join the Crab and so all relations are handled through Hida and Hiruma diplomats instead.

Dragon - Close ties to the Unicorn whom they are assisting in the care of and adoption of orphans and using numbers to combat low natural birth rate. Generally neutral to most other clans as they interact very little with the greater clans at large. Special note the Scorpion in old Timeline (if Hoshi story line is respected) have a secret pact with the Dragon however the Kitsuki and their investigative techniques draw special ire from them.

Lion - In open hostilities with the Crane and on poor terms (trending towards open hostilities in the aftermath of the failed marriage) with the Unicorn. Generally neutral to the Crab and Dragon. Phoenix were generally neutral/friendly but may be trending towards friendly/allied with the recent marriage of Toturi/Keade and and Tsukune's ascension to Clan champion. Neutral verging on distrust with the Scorpion but have been working together to undermine a common foe in the Crane.

Phoenix - Have friendly relations with most clans. Distrustful of the Perfect Land Sect that has taken root in the Dragon lands which may lead to future escalation of tensions. Have been in conflict with the Unicorn over the practice of Meishido and that conflict came to a head recently with their failed petition to have the practice banned could potentially lead to worsening relations with the Unicorn if they push the matter. Relations with the Lion may be on the rise in light of the recent marriage of Toturi and Keade and the ascension of the partially Lion trained Tsukune to the role of Champion.

Scorpion - Contesting for the Crane for control of the Imperial Courts. Distrusted by the other clans but not actively engaged in any overt hostilities with any one. Old canon were contesting with Unicorn for control of Ryoko Owari. Old cannon had secret alliance with Dragon to protect secret of champions true identity and existence of Hoshi (may not still be in effect).

Unicorn - Friendly/Allied with Crane as mutual enemy in the Lion. Allied to the Dragon due to agreement to send widows and orphans to help swell Dragon numbers due to low birth rates. Neutral to Crab and neutral verging to distrustful of Scorpion (may elevate to distrustful/contesting with for Scorpion if Ryoko Owari situation is still applicable). In disagreement with Phoenix over potential dangers of Meishido which should have been resolved due to Imperial decree but may still escalate. Were on poor terms with Lion which is now trending to open hostilities due to the failed marriage of Altansarnai and Ikoma Daimyo.