Who did not get a message about UFS?

By jasco games, in UFS General Discussion

For information about UFS please visit the new home at www.jascogames.com

If you have not yet been added to the mailing list and you want to recieve updates, please contact us at ufsmail@jascogames.com and ask to be added.

Fight On!


I didnt get one my email address is JJwozere_1@hotmail.co.uk

Jonathan Armstrong

for some reason my email server has difficulty opening your emails. my address is jvargo42@mail.com

You have both been added

Hi, only just returned to the forums, left the game but spent last week playing loads of ufs with joe hill so thought i'd join the mailing list if at all possible. my email address is madeofwin@hotmail.co.uk.

cheers muchly

could you add me to the list
