[Suggestion] Option To Name Group

By Phoenix_FFG, in Legends of the Alliance

Playing the app with painted figures and clear bases presents a challenge with regards to assigning the group a colour as the numbered stickers included aren't being used. I understand that this is a choice I have made, and not FFG's problem. (I also have the number of the miniature in the group solved with notched bases). But, what if where the name of a group/deployment appearing could be edited? So instead of "Blue Stormtroopers" as as example, one of my painted Stormtrooper groups that has matching blaster scorching on the same leg could be renamed to "Blast Stormtroopers" with still keeping the colour selection behind the text so the standard form of identification is not changed. Or some other distinguishing feature could be typed/edited in at the time of deployment for any custom markings you have made to your figures, such as coloured Probe Droid eyes, Trandoshan Hunter flight suit colour, blood or no blood on a Nexu's claws/teeth, etc. Adding the ability to edit the group name would make the custom flourishes we've added to our figures easier to track. What do you think?

Nicknames I give my Stormtrooper deployments, for your consideration: (Left) Shiny , (Middle) Twofer (Right), Blast .


Wow, great paint job, I like the subtle blue color on the helemts, may have to steal that.

Freaking COOL how you ground the Litko bases to easily mark 1, 2, & 3!! Gah I am so impressed, that is CLEAN.

I used clear bases and just put 1/4" round colored stickers on each and marked the sticker with either a I, II, or III.

Did you use a drywall router or something? I must know!

1 hour ago, Conviction said:

Wow, great paint job, I like the subtle blue color on the helemts, may have to steal that.

Freaking COOL how you ground the Litko bases to easily mark 1, 2, & 3!! Gah I am so impressed, that is CLEAN.

I used clear bases and just put 1/4" round colored stickers on each and marked the sticker with either a I, II, or III.

Did you use a drywall router or something? I must know!

Thanks about the paint job, but the bases were far simpler: I spoke to the owner of Applied Perspective to make his 1, 2 and 3 notched bases available for bulk purchasing (rather than just one set included in an Imperial Assault Clear Base Pack that does all the core set). Link: http://www.appliedperspective.com/acrylic/product-category/imperial-assault-compatible/

NOW you tell me :P