I'm looking for some clarification on an interaction involving The Inquisitor's Lightsaber Throw action, specifically with regards to triggering the Cleave 3 surge ability.
So the way I'd always played it was to roll the attack, resolve it as normal and when triggering Cleave 3, it was restricted to whatever I had rolled for Accuracy in terms of range to The Inquisitor.
I've been directed to the Rules Reference Guide on the subject and am looking at the following passages;
Cleave (p.8)
"...the attacker may choose a different hostile figure or object that he could target for an attack."
The first bullet point that follows states "The chosen figure must be an eligible target."
So this this lead me to look up the specifics of Attacks (p.5), which has the following lines;
Under "Step 1 Declare Target", first bullet point it says in part "For a ranged attack..., an eligible target is any hostile target within line of sight of the attacker."
So does this mean that after successfully landing performing my attack with Lightsaber Throw, I can activate Cleave 3 with a remaining surge and apply that damage to any hostile figure in Line of Sight, regardless of whether or not the Accuracy of the initial attack would have been enough to hit them?
This question was inspired by comments made on the Twin Troopers podcast episode on The Grand Inquisitor, which prompted me to do a fact check, leading me to this potential Rules Lawyering situation.
I'd love to hear some sound arguments on why you cannot Cleave 3 from any distance, Line of Sight permitting so I can straighten this out.
It seems that if this was actually a valid play that I've horribly mis-used The Quiz all this time.