The Dejark Table- Tabletop Ready

By subtrendy2, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

In all my time on these forums, I've never shared a gallery of my painted minis- partially out of laziness and partially because you all just do such fantastic work that I was a little bit intimidated. I figured I should change that, so I started a series to be released daily this week on my projects, focusing on my "tabletop ready" minis. I remember seeing a thread about a year ago about minis someone had painted that were far from professional quality, and it inspired me to paint my own- and I'm so glad I did!

I'll update this post as I release more articles throughout the week.




Edited by subtrendy2

Very well done! Hahaha don't sweat the wampas, there are some really nice paint jobs in there. With the clawdites especially, you can really see how far you've come along - they look great! From the photos I also think the Gammoreans and the Tuskens turned out particularly well.

I feel like I'm in a similar boat to you - Sorastro-inspired stormtroopers were the first thing I ever painted, but there's just such a difference between the dull plastic and even the first-attemps minis. My big problem now is that as I've gotten more comfortable I've also become more of a perfectionist, and while I think some of them are starting to look really good my output has slowed to a crawl :P

Thank you!

And absolutely. After finishing Heart of the Empire's figures, I've revisited several of my minis. I really wish that I'd taken "before" pictures of them, because some were just awful originally.

I always welcome players who don't have much experience painting miniatures who just dive into it. It's a first step, and painted minis are always more enjoyable than unpainted ones. So - congrats! :)