Giant in RtL Dungeon #18 Garden of Grazius - Can he return attacks

By Panzerdude, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If the giant is not enraged by rolling a surge when herbs are picked, does he just stand there as the heroes attack him? The card says he can only move or attack if enraged and he is only enraged by rolling a surge when herbs are picked/damaged. This means he's basically useless or am I missing something.

I don't have the card in front of me, but I thought it also said that the giant could not be attacked until raged? Or maybe that was in the FAQ? *quick perusal* nope, not the FAQ. What's the exact text on the card?


Panzerdude said:

If the giant is not enraged by rolling a surge when herbs are picked, does he just stand there as the heroes attack him? The card says he can only move or attack if enraged and he is only enraged by rolling a surge when herbs are picked/damaged. This means he's basically useless or am I missing something.

Grazius is not a Leader, so there is no bonus for killing him. If he does die, the OL gets 3CT.

Why on earth are the heroes attacking him?

Oh yeah, that was it. We did this level 3 or 4 months ago, so I vaguely recall there was a reason to not attack the giant, just couldn't remember the specifics (and my copy of Descent is at work, where we play ;) ).
