Best expansions for App? Such a thing?

By VAYASAN, in Legends of the Alliance

I currently have Core, Twin Shadows and most of the small figure packs for the core(all I think).

I also just ran the tutorial for the App.

Is there such a thing as an Expansion that offers best value for money in terms of playing with the app? Really not sure how it all works.


The big box expansions and Wave 7 figures (obi-wan, Inquisitor, Greedo). Specifically the large boxes rather than the small ones.

These are where you will find the additional heroes, weapons and supply cards that can actually be used in the app right now. Every other figure pack in the game aside from the wave 1 figure are useless in app play right now.

Basically what Tvboy said.

big/small boxes get you more heroes, items and supply cards.

Ally and villain packs from wave 1 are all supported.

Obi-Wan, Greedo and Inquisitor all have an item in their packs that can be used.

And that's it for now.

Ok thanks folks.

I presume from your comments (for now) that they will probably or said htey will expand the App in the future?

18 minutes ago, VAYASAN said:

Ok thanks folks.

I presume from your comments (for now) that they will probably or said htey will expand the App in the future?

All content currently released can be selected in the app. Any of the content we didn't mention has a comment on it explaining that it will be updated to include it in the future.

when that is im not sure anyone knows.

Random question, but in the app when adding the rebel trooper ally pack it says '2 allies that can appear in any campaign.' For those of you who used them in game, is it 2 or 3 since there are 3 figures in the pack?

25 minutes ago, antipasta said:

Random question, but in the app when adding the rebel trooper ally pack it says '2 allies that can appear in any campaign.' For those of you who used them in game, is it 2 or 3 since there are 3 figures in the pack?

They mean two deployment groups: regular and elite. IIRC, if a regular deployment group survives a mission, they are upgraded to the elite version for future missions.

You get three figures in that specific deployment group.

Edited by FSD
On 12/11/2017 at 4:51 AM, VAYASAN said:

Ok thanks folks.

I presume from your comments (for now) that they will probably or said htey will expand the App in the future?

FFG stated in one of the articles about the app that they were planning on releasing future campaigns that tied directly into specific expansions. So we will see app campaigns tied into the Hoth expansion, Bespin expansion, etc. Here it is:


What’s more, future campaigns will draw heavily on expansions as you journey across the Star Wars galaxy and explore new planets beyond anything you’ve encountered before.

Edited by Tvboy