A long while since i posted here, but real life is hardly compatible with playing x-wing on a regular basis, lately however i found the time to go to two tournaments, this is my report of the first one. Disclaimer, the tourney took place on december 3th, so i you're looking for an action report of the shiny new wave 12 toys, sorry....
The tournament itself was a team challenge organized by the wonderful people of Outpost Brussels, Ego Squadron, at the moment one of the biggest x-wing groups in Belgium, was able to send no less than three teams to the tourney. The group i was part of was aptly named Ego the Third, loosely based on these guys:
For those of you wondering, i was playing Scum, so i'm definitely Baldrick
Our fine group of gentlemen consisted of:
Greg our fearless captain playing imperials : http://xwing-builder.co.uk/view/778725/major-backdraw
Jimmy our resident rebel scum: http://xwing-builder.co.uk/view/778724/gunboat-kanan
and myself truly scummy : http://xwing-builder.co.uk/view/778721/nyms-noobies
a total of 10 teams showed up, which for Belgium is a really good showing, we sadly don't have the immense following, the game has in the UK.
Ten teams also meaning four rounds of play and a top 4 cut
Round 1 vs R2-T3 1
R2-T3 1 are one of the two home teams and some really hard players, so our chances of victory were a bit on the slim side, but hey you never know right?
I got paired against Wouter flying the dreaded Kanan/Lohwrick, Jimmy faced Rafha flying some mean imperial aces, and Greg took on Corentin fielding a very bomby version of Nym/Assaij. Honestly i kinda liked this matchup, as the Ghost is really vulnerable to TLT-attacks, and my ships, while also vulnerable to TLT, do take some time to kill. i setup my Y-wings first dead centre, he put Low and Kanan across the board and i put Nym in a corner ready to creep up the side.
The initial engagement did not go my way however, Nym's harpoon on the ghost got shenanigan'ed, and did nothing, one of my Y-wings ate a frontal blast from the host and some end phase TLT-dessert, while most of my red dice ended up without paint. So i was quickly down one Y-wing and not looking good on the second one, so i decided to change tactics and look for range one and bombs with Nym, this scared my opponent a bit and he did split up his forces with both Nym and Y-wing getting behind Lohwrick, and the Ghost out of range, i was able to quickly dispatch the wookiee in a few turns of shooting, meanwhile my second Y-wing got TLT'ed to his last hull point. The fight was won however as now Nym was now able to mercilessly strafe the Ghost on his sides with his autoblaster. i lost my last Y-wing, but Nym finished the Ghost a turn later, Zeb was ejected in a last ditch effort, but he was also quickly dispatched by Nym. scoring my my first win of the day with 100-50
the picture really shows how Nym seized the advantage in the late game, and also my really shaky hands, problably some tourney stress and caffeine OD.
Later on we found out that i had made a mistake somewhere by releasing a bomb after bumping with genius, this is now apparently FAQ'ed, i honestly thought the FAQ only meant i had to discard the bomb after using Genius, sorry about that.
The rest of the team did not fare so well, Greg's TIE's got literally bombed off the mat by Corentin and Jimmy lost very close on time only giving away half points on his Ghost, and leaving Quickdraw on one hull, so in total we lost this round 1-2.
thank you for readin, i will post the remaining rounds in following posts