SoB, Special and leaders

By gerrard8, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Question: what kind of bear is best?

Or... It says in the SoB rules that the overlord should read out everything on the cards before the heroes enter a dungeon/island. Doesn't this mean that they get to know secrets and surprises about the dungeon? For example "the meat locker" *SPOILER*, should the heroes from the start know that they need to bring the meat to the hellhound?? That seems strange to me. Shouldn't that be something they will have to find out by themselves?

How do you play? Do you reveal everything before the dungeon starts?

For a second I thought that said which BEER is best ;)

Yes, for normal dungeons, you read everything on the card, just like RtL. Some might feel it plays better to have the suspense of what to do, but then that gives an unfair advantage to the Overlord. Play as your group prefers, but if you like the hidden info better, maybe just play the normal missions?


Ok, thanks.

If it's for the balance of the game of course you should read out everything on the cards. Sometimes I think to much rpg and to little boardgame when I play Descent...