What you are hoping for

By hellebore2, in Deathwatch

SonofDorn said:

As with most of the other posters, I'd like to not only see more of the Xenos we all know and love (Orks, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tyranids..), but I'd like to see some entirely new Xenos as well.

I'm curious if they'll include statistics for Marine sniper rifles; I haven't found any player created rules for one and I have a player in my RT group who is chomping at the bit for one.

The last couple of editions, they've either used needle rifles or long las'.


SonofDorn said:

As with most of the other posters, I'd like to not only see more of the Xenos we all know and love (Orks, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tyranids..), but I'd like to see some entirely new Xenos as well.

I'm curious if they'll include statistics for Marine sniper rifles; I haven't found any player created rules for one and I have a player in my RT group who is chomping at the bit for one.

The last couple of editions, they've either used needle rifles or long las'.

At one point wasn't their sniper rifle capable of firing bolt rounds? If I'm mistaken, so be it, but I was pretty sure it did.

SonofDorn said:


SonofDorn said:

As with most of the other posters, I'd like to not only see more of the Xenos we all know and love (Orks, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tyranids..), but I'd like to see some entirely new Xenos as well.

I'm curious if they'll include statistics for Marine sniper rifles; I haven't found any player created rules for one and I have a player in my RT group who is chomping at the bit for one.

The last couple of editions, they've either used needle rifles or long las'.

At one point wasn't their sniper rifle capable of firing bolt rounds? If I'm mistaken, so be it, but I was pretty sure it did.

Not that I ever remember hearing of in regards to the sniper rifle able to fire bolter rounds, but there is a 'sniper' round for bolters. The Stalker round, I believe it was called. I remember that it came up in Veteran Sergeant Naaman's codex entry back in the day.

Kanluwen said:

SonofDorn said:


SonofDorn said:

As with most of the other posters, I'd like to not only see more of the Xenos we all know and love (Orks, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tyranids..), but I'd like to see some entirely new Xenos as well.

I'm curious if they'll include statistics for Marine sniper rifles; I haven't found any player created rules for one and I have a player in my RT group who is chomping at the bit for one.

The last couple of editions, they've either used needle rifles or long las'.

At one point wasn't their sniper rifle capable of firing bolt rounds? If I'm mistaken, so be it, but I was pretty sure it did.

Not that I ever remember hearing of in regards to the sniper rifle able to fire bolter rounds, but there is a 'sniper' round for bolters. The Stalker round, I believe it was called. I remember that it came up in Veteran Sergeant Naaman's codex entry back in the day.

And is usable by Deathwatch members too, I believe.

But yea, the sniper rifles used by scouts have been needle rifles or long las' in the last couple of editions.

Just out of interest, the things that I'm looking for are:

  • Encompassing the different background approaches, i.e. "psychopathic killer" versus "noble knight" in a belieavable manner. One good suggestion has been the RPG conceit: PCs are special, so PC Marines are the ones that have broken the "programming" that marks the majority of the Adeptus Astartes .
  • Give the Marines a separate track for "Glory," or a measure of how well they're doing beyond just the XP.
  • As with Rogue Trader , make the iconic equipment into something more. For the Marine this is their equipment. Thus, give the power armour some more than "AV 12" or whatever. Make it have "personality." For example, an ancient suit of armour might come with certain upgrades/powers. If a Marine acts with heroism, they might acquire more powers still. This is an extension of the whole "Marine's weapon/armour is their soul."
  • Make the zygotes do something. Again, it's more about personality than just making the Marine uber.

Those are just the ones that spring to mind at the moment.


I'd certainly like to see a spate of minor xenos - by which I mean, not already covered by GW - like the H'rud, or the Nekulli, Bargheshi etc. More than that the xenos have to be dangerous . Not just combat potential, but a real threat to the Imperial way, something that could overrun a Sector. With the current plethora of Xenos there's threats enough, but I think everyone knows what the Tyranids can do by now, or why a Necron awakening is a sight to avoid.

While Death Watch Marines are pretty pure of mind over all, I hope there are some decent rules for Corruption. There is a limit for everyone one looking into the well of evil. Otherwise there wouldn’t be any Chaos Marines at all would there gui%C3%B1o.gif

Razseal said:

While Death Watch Marines are pretty pure of mind over all, I hope there are some decent rules for Corruption. There is a limit for everyone one looking into the well of evil. Otherwise there wouldn’t be any Chaos Marines at all would there gui%C3%B1o.gif

Oh I wouldn't worry about that. Space Marines falling from grace is one of the classic ideas of 40k, so it'll be in there.

I am hoping that this movie is as good as the cast!


Drais said:

I am hoping that this movie is as good as the cast!


Wow....that's an impressive cast for a direct to DVD project. My expectations for that movie just went up a couple notches.

The Ultra Marines movie is going to RULE! And I am hoping for the Deathwatch game to be a viable long term gaming experience. partido_risa.gif

Terminator Armor





Leave nothing out.

Wayfinder said:

Terminator Armor





Leave nothing out.

Including Fem Marines.

I. A Create-Your-Own-Chapter section would be awesome. (Think it's already been confirmed but not sure.)

II. A clear way of interplaying this with DH and RT. (For example, a Deathwatch Strike Cruiser to use in Rouge Trader or rules for scouts to use in a Dark Heresy game.)

III. All the special tasks a Marine can get being fleshed out. (Apothecary, Chaplain, Liberian, ect.)

IV. Finally some decent vehicle rules. (Land Speeders, Marine Bikes, Razorbacks, Rhinos, ect.)

V. Rules for Traitor Marines, at the very lest rules to make a Traitor NPC.

This is my top five things I want.

Most of all, I'm hoping for Deathwatch

Yes, I did say that. I don't want Space Marine RPG , I want Deathwatch . I hope FFG has been brave enough to leave out those elements of the Astartes that have nothing to do with the Deathwatch. Traitor Marine NPCs would be nice, but they're not appropriate as PCs. That kind of thing

I am hoping for a game that finally has enough scope that you can include all my favorites from the table top game without just smearing the PC across the battlefield. I am not talking about a c'Tan death-god, but I would like to be able to throw a Tau with a pulse rifle or a striking scorpion, or a necron warrior.

I still want to keep it tight and personal. I have the table top games for my full sized battles,