What you are hoping for

By hellebore2, in Deathwatch

Personally I would like to see the following:

A break down of the astartes implants and an actual game function asigned to each one. A bit like the techpriest trait. More than simply 'unnatural strength and toughness'. Back when I playtested DH I created a list of the different organs and assigned them an ability on the assumption that a character started from a scout and moved up.

This is I feel an important aspect the RPG should address. Those implants are more than just a bonus to a stat, they are the reason a marine exists. They hold a holy reverance for them.

Reflection of indoctrination beyond just 'Mental Fortress' or 'Iron Discipline' talents. A marine's psychology is very specialised and also specific to their chapter. These I feel can be reflected in the rules of each character.

The other is individualisation of power armour. I would like to see power armour broken down into location with different marks offering different modifiers and upgrades. Ie a marine might be wearing Mk IV greaves, Mk VI pauldrons and Mk VII torso, arms and helmet.

Power armour is like a spiritual partner for a space marine, their other half. If a marine could be married to anything it would be their armour. They have an intimate knowledge of one another that produces a warrior greater than the sum of its parts. That reverence should be reflected in more detailed armour rules I feel.

Afterall, marines have a much narrow range of options than a normal human warrior so extra focus on specific important wargear items could go a long way to fill the deficit.

I can't imagine they won't have chapter traits as part of starting creation. It's an obvious choice. But the above are my biggest wants because to me those represent a space marine more completely than anything else. Not the gun, or the chainsword, but the implants armour and indoctrination.

So, what would you like to see in the Deathwatch book?

I would to see what each Chapter bring to he game and all of this can work both DH and RT

crazy action heavy streamlined roleplaying game.

The only problem is I see there is potential for characters, and witty dialogues but STORY, I think nothing more complicated then DER AR' ENEMYS KIL DER ASSES!

With the Deathwatch, I would like to see:

1) More Xenos (Hrud, Jakaero, Tarrelian, etc.)

2) Rules for Grey Knight. (maybe not in the main book, but as a sourcebook . they play a similar role but for the Malleus.)

I hope to see some more Tyranids, Ork and Eldar Stuff...

Proper attention to Power Armour. Rules, variants the whole nine yards. Both Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader always left me with the feeling of "not fully developed".

Both talk of a "non-military power source" providing "1D5 hours" of operation. Stop and think about this for a moment. Does that make sense? On monday my character gets four hours of use from his PA. On tuesday only one hour, the PA inconveniently freezing right in the middle of a fierce combat. sad.gif Yeah, right. So a "military power source" is apparently not as limited but unfortunately it is not listed or explained anywhere.

First batch of house rules for my own campaign on DH was to scrap the random supply of power. A stock Common quality PA with "civilian battery" gets 5 hours of operating time standard. Better quality increases the time. "Military battery" added a miniature nuclear power element that could keep the armour functional for several days.

Boneguard said:

With the Deathwatch, I would like to see:

1) More Xenos (Hrud, Jakaero, Tarrelian, etc.)

2) Rules for Grey Knight. (maybe not in the main book, but as a sourcebook . they play a similar role but for the Malleus.)

In regards to #2...that's not *completely* true. The Grey Knights are a strike force that is usually deployed in an offensive role, which operate for the most part out of Titan and Nemesis Tessera.

The Deathwatch are more akin to a normal Chapter than Chamber Militant. There are worlds the Deathwatch maintain(Necron Tomb Worlds, for example, usually have a Deathwatch orbital station above waiting for them to awaken) security on, and in addition to the normal role of slaughtering Xenos...the Deathwatch also are used to recover Xenos technology/specimens for study by the Ordos Xenos.

Boneguard said:

With the Deathwatch, I would like to see:

1) More Xenos (Hrud, Jakaero, Tarrelian, etc.)

2) Rules for Grey Knight. (maybe not in the main book, but as a sourcebook . they play a similar role but for the Malleus.)

I wholeheartedly endorse idea 1. But there are a spate of races referred to in GW fluff that have never got an 'official' look-in until perhaps now - like the Hrud obviously and the Tarrelians, but also the hyper violent and dangerous Barghesi perhaps? Then there are the races, that may or may not be extinct from DH and RT like the Slaugth, or the Yu'Vath that would make interesting and dangerous opponents, even to a space marine.

Kanluwen said:

Boneguard said:

2) Rules for Grey Knight. (maybe not in the main book, but as a sourcebook . they play a similar role but for the Malleus.)

In regards to #2...that's not *completely* true. The Grey Knights are a strike force that is usually deployed in an offensive role, which operate for the most part out of Titan and Nemesis Tessera.

Thanks for the clarificastion, I'm not too good no my DK fluff, but still Deathwatch would provide a good plateform to include the GK in the game. Even if only as NPC.

Boneguard said:

Kanluwen said:

Boneguard said:

2) Rules for Grey Knight. (maybe not in the main book, but as a sourcebook . they play a similar role but for the Malleus.)

In regards to #2...that's not *completely* true. The Grey Knights are a strike force that is usually deployed in an offensive role, which operate for the most part out of Titan and Nemesis Tessera.

Thanks for the clarification, I'm not too good no my GK fluff, but still Deathwatch would provide a good platform to include the GK in the game. Even if only as NPC.

They'd be an interesting platform to go from, no doubt about that.I could see them creating a "Hammer of Malleus" sourcebook detailing the different kinds of Daemons the Grey Knights usually face, and ways to incorporate them into Dark Heresy scenarios.

That would be indeed a nice sourcebook which would allow to give a bit more depth to Deathwatch and make corssover game easier.

In reply to Brd. Maximillian's comment of "I hope to see some more Tyranids, Ork and Eldar Stuff... " (and mainly cos I don't know how to do proper quotes :P ) as the descripion page mentions Hive Tyrants I'm hoping there WILL be more Tyranid stat goodness!! *drools at the thought*

Aajav-Khan said:

Proper attention to Power Armour. Rules, variants the whole nine yards. Both Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader always left me with the feeling of "not fully developed".

Both talk of a "non-military power source" providing "1D5 hours" of operation. Stop and think about this for a moment. Does that make sense? On monday my character gets four hours of use from his PA. On tuesday only one hour, the PA inconveniently freezing right in the middle of a fierce combat. sad.gif Yeah, right. So a "military power source" is apparently not as limited but unfortunately it is not listed or explained anywhere.

First batch of house rules for my own campaign on DH was to scrap the random supply of power. A stock Common quality PA with "civilian battery" gets 5 hours of operating time standard. Better quality increases the time. "Military battery" added a miniature nuclear power element that could keep the armour functional for several days.

I am certain we will see more care and attention administered to Power Armor in Deathwatch. If not, it would be a grievous oversight in my mind.

As to power limitations and "battery life" of Power Armor as it is presented currently, I actually presented what I thought of as good house rules for "military" power supplies here in the Dark Heresy house rules. After all, it talks about how a Space Marine is combat viable for more than a month of heavy combat if need be; this presumably precludes the replacement of their PA's micro reactor.

Just my two bits.

-=Brother Praetus=-

Not a lot actually, I'll be getting this purely for a sense of completion

Kanluwen said:

Boneguard said:

With the Deathwatch, I would like to see:

1) More Xenos (Hrud, Jakaero, Tarrelian, etc.)

2) Rules for Grey Knight. (maybe not in the main book, but as a sourcebook . they play a similar role but for the Malleus.)

In regards to #2...that's not *completely* true. The Grey Knights are a strike force that is usually deployed in an offensive role, which operate for the most part out of Titan and Nemesis Tessera.

The Deathwatch are more akin to a normal Chapter than Chamber Militant. There are worlds the Deathwatch maintain(Necron Tomb Worlds, for example, usually have a Deathwatch orbital station above waiting for them to awaken) security on, and in addition to the normal role of slaughtering Xenos...the Deathwatch also are used to recover Xenos technology/specimens for study by the Ordos Xenos.

I'm afraid I have to disagree. While the http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Deathwatch Deathwatch deals with zenos, the Grey Knights are only mobilized for the greatest of Demonic threats. The Grey Knights are the ones you call in to cleanse a world under demonic control (more or less) so long as the world can be taken back without resorting to exterminatus. They deal with the big Demons. Just like the Deathwatch deals with large scale Xenos invasions

http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Deathwatch Deathwatch article, W40k wiki

http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Grey_Knights Grey Knights article, W40k wiki

I'm not quite sure what you're disagreeing with, considering you basically parroted what I said Johnwithout reading the "in addition to the normal role of slaughtering Xenos" bit it seems.

But I'll field the statement anyways:

Yes, the Grey Knights are SOMETIMES fielded in vast numbers to combat a threat(Armageddon II, Vraks, the 13th Black Crusade for example)I can't think of any time where the entirety of the Deathwatch has been pulled into one massive counterpush against a Xenos incursion.

Because that's not how the Deathwatch operates. The Deathwatch is, much like the Grey Knights, about precision over brute force. Neither are ever fielded by themselves. They're used in (relatively) small numbers as part of an overarching plan. The Inquisition would allow entire Army Groups of Imperial Guard to be slaughtered just to give the Grey Knights or Deathwatch an opening to exploit.

I have to agree with the comment of more Xenos and i wouldlike to see more info for the different chapters.

Kanluwen said:

I'm not quite sure what you're disagreeing with, considering you basically parroted what I said Johnwithout reading the "in addition to the normal role of slaughtering Xenos" bit it seems.

But I'll field the statement anyways:

Yes, the Grey Knights are SOMETIMES fielded in vast numbers to combat a threat(Armageddon II, Vraks, the 13th Black Crusade for example)I can't think of any time where the entirety of the Deathwatch has been pulled into one massive counterpush against a Xenos incursion.

Because that's not how the Deathwatch operates. The Deathwatch is, much like the Grey Knights, about precision over brute force. Neither are ever fielded by themselves. They're used in (relatively) small numbers as part of an overarching plan. The Inquisition would allow entire Army Groups of Imperial Guard to be slaughtered just to give the Grey Knights or Deathwatch an opening to exploit.

Ah, sorry bout that, seems I misunderstood what you were saying.... oh no, its too late for me to edit my post >.<. oh well. As far as generaly operations go, the biggest difference is that the Grey Knights recruit directly, while the Deathwatch is a temporary assignment. other than that the Deathwatch is to the Ordo Xenos what the Grey Knights are to the Ordo Malleus, more or less. ok, I'll stop talking now before I say something else equally dumb, or make more typos....

i'm hoping to run a spacewolves campaign ending with a Spacehulk mission

A decent spread of xenos adversaries.

Tau, Necrons, Tyranids - expand upon them please.


I'd like to see more Tyranids, and some more Eldar and Orks, probably Tau too.

Also, Raven Guard represented either as 1 of the 6 chapters in the book, or in a future supplement.

Finally, some representation of a Grey Knight, even though far too strong to be considered a playable starting character, so probably as NPCs.

I hope it includes an intresting scenario and rules for playing scout marines.

The game does look quite good and I might get it. Will certainly make more combat oriented play than my normal campaigns but scenarios such as "This Guardsman bastion have had dealings with Kroots, deal with it" could make intresting campaigns.

Leogun_91 said:

I hope it includes an intresting scenario and rules for playing scout marines.

The game does look quite good and I might get it. Will certainly make more combat oriented play than my normal campaigns but scenarios such as "This Guardsman bastion have had dealings with Kroots, deal with it" could make intresting campaigns.

I'm looking at it the same way. The RPG version of Kill Team for Table Top. Bring your elite warrior's to wreck house.

I am mostly looking forward to the stats and gear, but Agamor already gave us most of that, and what he didn't give we can make up.

As with most of the other posters, I'd like to not only see more of the Xenos we all know and love (Orks, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Tyranids..), but I'd like to see some entirely new Xenos as well.

I'm curious if they'll include statistics for Marine sniper rifles; I haven't found any player created rules for one and I have a player in my RT group who is chomping at the bit for one.

Getting to Roleplay through a Space Hulk game.

Nothing more need be said.