On the Lam/Shrapnel interaction.

By Fightwookies, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Situation: Drokotta attacks a smuggler. Smuggler then plays on the Lam and performs a move out of line of sight. The attack misses.

Question: In this situation, the attack missed but Shrapnel should still be able to trigger the option of doing one damage within two spaces of the “target space.” Is the “target space” the space that was initially targeted, or is it the space the targeted figure occupies after performing the move?

On the Lam:

“Use while defending, before the attacker applies modifiers, to interrupt to perform a move.”


“Surge: Shrapnel: Choose one: This attack gains Blast 2 , or after this attack resolves, if it did not miss, each figure and object within 2 spaces of the target space suffers 1 damage”

Edited by Fightwookies

There's a pending decision about Collateral Damage that would answer this.

If a figure moves during an attack so that line of sight remains, the target space probably moves with the figure.

If a figure moves during an attack so that there is no longer line of sight, one of two things can happen:
1. The target space is not moved.
2. Target space no longer exists, because the target is no longer valid.

But, note that if there is no longer line of sight, the attack misses , and thus in skirmish neither Blast 2dmg or the other option of Shrapnel do not work ("if it did not miss").

Edited by a1bert

The collateral damage question is different. Shrapnel says "if it did not miss". Since you missed, you cannot trigger that ability.

2 hours ago, brettpkelly said:

The collateral damage question is different. Shrapnel says "if it did not miss". Since you missed, you cannot trigger that ability.

Read the ability multiple times and that never clicked. Haha