in quest 152 "Drain the Swamp", both options require you to perform a quest action at a location that does not have any enemies within 2 spaces. My gaming group got into an argument about whether that means active enemies or any enemies at all, and the rulebook provided no clear explanation. Most of us came to the opinion that it must mean active enemies, as otherwise this quest would be near-impossible, but the rules don't say anywhere that inactive enemies aren't enemies, so we're looking for a rules clarification on this card.
Looking for Clarification on Quest no. 152
I'm not an official rules person, but I can explain how we have played it.
In our games, when an enemy is killed, we follow the rulebook and refill a space with a face down enemy of the same type. In the early game, it is especially common to refill the space that you are in with that face down tile. However, we can still adventure/camp there since there is no longer an enemy.
Based upon that logic, we'd say that face down tiles are just respawn markers and not enemies themselves.
I would assume the intent is active enemies. We had a similar issue and played it as such.
That was the majority of the groups thoughts as well, but one of our players would not accept it because of the way the enemy spawns are worded
Our group also is of the mind set that as enemy tiles can not be interacted with and don't hinder a player until they are active. The toke is there as a reminder that an enemy "could" spawn there. Agreed that this could be avoided with a simple FAQ answer that will probably occur later on.
Actually, if you look at page 6 of the Rules Reference book under "Enemies", it says ,"Inactive enemies do not stop survivors from performing encounter, camp, or quest actions in the same space." It also says on page 11 of the Rules Reference under "Quest Action" , "Inactive enemies do not stop survivors from performing encounter, camp, or quest actions in the same space."
the book says if they are face down they do not stop anything happening. only if type is activated on turn of card do they change to face up.
On 12/13/2017 at 2:59 PM, Duntac said:Actually, if you look at page 6 of the Rules Reference book under "Enemies", it says ,"Inactive enemies do not stop survivors from performing encounter, camp, or quest actions in the same space." It also says on page 11 of the Rules Reference under "Quest Action" , "Inactive enemies do not stop survivors from performing encounter, camp, or quest actions in the same space."
Couldn’t have said it better. We’ve only played 3 games so far and have had only a few questions, some of which have answered themselves through play.
On 12/13/2017 at 1:59 PM, Duntac said:Actually, if you look at page 6 of the Rules Reference book under "Enemies", it says ,"Inactive enemies do not stop survivors from performing encounter, camp, or quest actions in the same space." It also says on page 11 of the Rules Reference under "Quest Action" , "Inactive enemies do not stop survivors from performing encounter, camp, or quest actions in the same space."
This argument was raised, but the arguing party pointed out that since Inactive enemies are still referred to as "Enemies", And the quest card just refers to "Enemies within 2 spaces", that the referenced rule doesn't apply since even though they don't stop you from performing the quest action on the square, they do count as enemies within 2 spaces. And unfortunately RAW he's not wrong.