Starfighter squadron game re-recruiting

By Rakaydos, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

When you joined the rebellion, you imagined shiny space bases and living those Clone Wars history specials on the holovid. That is, for the most part, absent as you ride a repulsorlorry across endless fields of Dantooine grains. You’ve been flying for at least 4 hours, and the only thing to change is the time of day.

As the truck finally slows down, you spy an agricultural equipment hangar, suitably large for the area it needs to cover. As your vehicle pulls to a stop, a farm mechanic comes out and beacons you inside. “Welcome to Dustbowl Base, glad you can make it. I’m Commander Rijin. We’re still refitting your ships, but you should be good to fly in a few hours. Meanwhile, if the imperials ask you’re officially farmhands, not pilots, and quarters are around back. We don’t expect many questions though, given how far out in the boonies we are.”

Inside the equipment hangar is an even dozen stripped down Clone Wars-era Y-wings, half of them with cropdusting rigs hanging from their normal bomb bays. The flash of arc welders from astromechs and mechanics show work underway as rigs are removed and cannons are attached.

“Briefing is at sunset, in 3 hours. Go ahead and get settled, then we’re taking your ships out for a test drive.”

A vehical-heavy, high combat game that I can hopefully weave story elements into, with at least half the quality of the old Xwing flight simulators.

Character creation:

Each player controlls 1 "Pilot" and 1 "Astromech", both at starting XP to begin with, both with actions at the same inititive slot. Players are encouraged to be mechanically creative within this template- if your "astromech" is actually a jawa in a spacesuit, or your R2D2 is actually the ace pilot and anakin is just a cheerleader with Inspiring rhetoric, awesome.

Character/astro pairs get 20 duty total. If you want to play a Warrior/Starfighter Ace, Sentinal/Racer, or other F&D class, great- we wont be tracking morality, but force powers are mostly personal scale and most conflict is on vehical scale.

Houserules: non droids who start with 1 in brawn get 10 less racial XP, and races that start with 3 brawn get 10 extra racial XP. As DM, I don't expect athletics to come up much in a starfighter.

Silhouette 2-4 vehicals do x5 personal scale damage instead of x10. Ewebs and bazookas are scary, and so are starship turbolasers.

The squad rules are in effect on both sides of the screen- Minion NPCs in your formation always seem to be shot before PCs are, not because you're a bad leader, but because bad luck. (they DO benifit from your range defense, though) The same applies to rivals and nemisis and THEIR minions. Having at least 1 minion in formation with you also gives a free assist die on basically everything.

Force user who are piloting can use Sense to protect their vehicle, and pilot and astro are considered to be engaged with one another. Move "Strength" upgrades provide 1 silluette boost per activation, and can only be activated once each.

PC vehicles that go over hull threshold can benefit from the "Emergency Repairs" rule in Genesys (page 222 genesys core) if you have time.


Just the basics- this isnt really a game for much personal drama.

Again, putting my interest in this game. And also to bump up the thread a bit.

Sounds fun, I'm fairly active on my phone to view the forums. I'll have to consider the changes for character creation but Operator(Gunnery support talents)/Squadron Leader (Party Buffer) combo is in my mind. Shall I just post what I have on this thread once completed?

Sure thing. I'll be looking at somewhere between 3 and 6 players, but I dont have a firm cutoff yet.

I would be interested as well. My current idea is a Squadron Leader/ Rigger combo.

If these Y-wings are the two seater version I'll gladly be a Gunner, if not I'll be there cocky hotshot looking to get his hands on some new toys. This gunna be a roll20 game?

I'm interested. However, having never played an rpg like this through a forum, how will it work?

2 hours ago, Samuel Richard said:

If these Y-wings are the two seater version I'll gladly be a Gunner, if not I'll be there cocky hotshot looking to get his hands on some new toys. This gunna be a roll20 game?

I think you get to be both as according to the first post you will control 1 Pilot and 1 Astromech. As there are existing OOC and IC threads in the beginners forum I assume it will be played here in this forum. (No problem for me if it's somewhere else)

2 hours ago, Kiowa706 said:

I'm interested. However, having never played an rpg like this through a forum, how will it work?

There are two threads, called IC (= in character) and OOC (=out of character). In the IC thread the roleplaying takes place, while the OOC thread is used for organising the player actions. If you check the beginner forum sections you will find a couple of ongoing PBP games you can look at as an example.

Here are my first drafts for my Gran squadron leader and my Astromech Rigger.

@Vergence As you were first to plan a squadron leader, could you take a quick look at it? If it overlaps too much with your planned character I will change it.

@Rakaydos For the background are our characters recruited on Dantooine or can they be recruited somewhere else? My idea for the Gran is that he's originally from Malastare. Also do we bring our own Astromech or do we get one from the rebellion?

Sullustan Operator ; Astromech Squadron Leader

@Sterf it’s good, I was going to go down the right side of the tree for passive party buffs and RP the astromech as a tactical squadron droid programmed for strategic naval wing formation ops. Not the actual position in the squadron.

I would create my character immediately but I am in the middle of something so gimme a few hours.

1 hour ago, Sterf said:

There are two threads, called IC (= in character) and OOC (=out of character). In the IC thread the roleplaying takes place, while the OOC thread is used for organising the player actions. If you check the beginner forum sections you will find a couple of ongoing PBP games you can look at as an example.

Alright, I'll take a closer look at those threads after work tonight to get a feel of how things work. I'll come up with a character as well, but will be later this evening once my Sith-spawn children go pretend to sleep.

3 hours ago, Sterf said:

@Rakaydos For the background are our characters recruited on Dantooine or can they be recruited somewhere else? My idea for the Gran is that he's originally from Malastare. Also do we bring our own Astromech or do we get one from the rebellion?

Off planet is fine, and the rebelion welcomes additional droids, but can provide them if you dont have it.

This game sounds awesome, and I'm happy to see my squad and squadron rules getting some use!

One thing I will say, is don't discount Athletics and Resilience! If someone loses control of their ship, and it enters a spin (maybe a despair or lots of threat), instead of just applying strain, you might have a character make a Resilience check to avoid passing out from the G forces at play! Certain flight suits might have an equipment bonus to this, and acceleration compensators obviously can handle this in most normal combat maneuvers, but don't be afraid to toss one at your pilots every now and then!

We often see ships in powerful dives in movies and hte like, where the pilot seems to be having an arm wrestling match with the stick to avoid a crash, this could be pilot with brawn or an athletics check, if you want the variety!

And of course, should a fighter crash land, there is often some element of pathfinding and wilderness survival that has to occur to make it to safety. And they might not just be moving on their own, but dragging some essential gear with them.

Still, your house rules to get people to avoid dump-statting and mix maxing are not a bad approach, I like it!

16 hours ago, KRKappel said:

This game sounds awesome, and I'm happy to see my squad and squadron rules getting some use!

One thing I will say, is don't discount Athletics and Resilience! If someone loses control of their ship, and it enters a spin (maybe a despair or lots of threat), instead of just applying strain, you might have a character make a Resilience check to avoid passing out from the G forces at play! Certain flight suits might have an equipment bonus to this, and acceleration compensators obviously can handle this in most normal combat maneuvers, but don't be afraid to toss one at your pilots every now and then!

We often see ships in powerful dives in movies and hte like, where the pilot seems to be having an arm wrestling match with the stick to avoid a crash, this could be pilot with brawn or an athletics check, if you want the variety!

And of course, should a fighter crash land, there is often some element of pathfinding and wilderness survival that has to occur to make it to safety. And they might not just be moving on their own, but dragging some essential gear with them.

Still, your house rules to get people to avoid dump-statting and mix maxing are not a bad approach, I like it!

Thanks! I'm still refining how to best handle a "classic flight sim" style game, and there will probably be more revisions before I'm done. The Genesys vehical rules are a refinement that I may include, and I need to work on a user-friendly way to introduce people who''ve never done starship combat to starfighter shenanigans.

2 hours ago, Rakaydos said:

Thanks! I'm still refining how to best handle a "classic flight sim" style game, and there will probably be more revisions before I'm done. The Genesys vehical rules are a refinement that I may include, and I need to work on a user-friendly way to introduce people who''ve never done starship combat to starfighter shenanigans.

Starship shenanigans, sounds about right when are talking about this system.

Hi guys, I'm interested as well in this game. I need to learn the starfighter rules and I think this will be a great opportunity. Have room as I'm thinking you're going to have an actual squadron?

1 hour ago, Cartergame said:

Hi guys, I'm interested as well in this game. I need to learn the starfighter rules and I think this will be a great opportunity. Have room as I'm thinking you're going to have an actual squadron?

On 12/7/2017 at 9:43 PM, Rakaydos said:

Sure thing. I'll be looking at somewhere between 3 and 6 players, but I dont have a firm cutoff yet.

@Sterf , @satkaz , @Rabobankrider , and myself are the only players who posted characters between this thread and the OOC one so far.

Since we have 4 out of 6 characters created & posted there is room but others have shown interest in this topic.

46 minutes ago, Vergence said:

@Sterf , @satkaz , @Rabobankrider , and myself are the only players who posted characters between this thread and the OOC one so far.

Since we have 4 out of 6 characters created & posted there is room but others have shown interest in this topic.

Ill post mine tonight

Unfortunately I simply don't have the time to devote to this right now due to life stuff. I sure wish I could, but just can't. I'll definitely be reading the IC thread though. Hope you guys have fun.

3 hours ago, Kiowa706 said:

Unfortunately I simply don't have the time to devote to this right now due to life stuff. I sure wish I could, but just can't. I'll definitely be reading the IC thread though. Hope you guys have fun.

Aww, wish you could have experienced it with all of us :( .

I expressed interest before but didn't follow through because of a busy schedule... I have time once again if their is an opening.

Edited by TheShard

You & Me & @Edgehawk ! :) Let's do it! :P

I'm coming up with a Pantoran Seeker Executioner who's so Cool he was born Blue... :)

Still working on the Details... :)

Edited by Cartergame

Hmm.. I'm already playing a hotshot pilot in another game.. but I've yet to play a droid pc...

Would you be willing to let me play your somewhat independent-minded astromech? If there is room, and the GM permits, of course.

100% :) Sounds great! & I know you're playing the Hotshot pilot, Dex, but you could Always come up with a Tactician... or a Gunner turned pilot... or a unique take on a Pilot class. I'm playing an Executioner for that very reason. :)