Hey boys and girls. It's time for another big UFS tournament in the state with its own Governator, California. With the hard work of a fellow UFS fanatic Rockstar, a tourny is being put together for the weekend of April 17th(subject to change but should be locked in by the end of the week). This is going to be a rival showdown; a clashing of playgroups; a bare-knuckled brawl of massive amounts of UFS. We want to see playgroups from all over CA show up and throw down. With your help this could be an event that rivals the Pro Tour Circuit concept.
As it stands right now the duration of the tournament is still up in the air. It could be a one day event, hosting a 5-pt standard tournament on Sat. and various side events snuck in (like ufs cube box drafting). It could also be a two day event that caters to your need for legacy, tekken-tag, standard teams and more. Your input is important, let us know how much UFS your scrawny bodies can handle. ;p In the event that it's two days, my group and I'm sure others will be making hotel arrangements and I don't see why certain rooms can't be shared.
You might be asking yourself: Tader Salad.....how much will it cost to be a part of this ground-breaking tournament, to carve a path in history with the finest UFS players to grace this humble earth? The answer: $8 per main event. If players want to start a side event, it will most likely be free or they can work something out. Now you have to ask yourself, can you afford NOT to go to this event? (pppssssssttttt...the answers no).
What are the spoils of victory? The treasures and trophies that seperate the champions from the broken and fallen. I have been told that there is a box of Quest for Souls up for grabs, as well as additional sealed product. Based on the location - either Santa Clara or Santa Cruz - there will also be donated legacy promo prize support as well as extra UFS product available for sale (which is rare). While we haven't nailed down the exact location yet, they are fairly close to each other so it shouldn't be too much of a problem.
(UPDATE: Epic Aventure Games in Scotts Valley, CA will be the location. Date soon to be locked in)
Still wondering if you should go? Of course you should, what a silly question. It's going to be a blast. This is a chance to relive the good times of UFS and see playgroups you haven't seen in a while (or ever). We are going to have something for everyone. Intense and heated competition for the glory of standing atop the broken bodies of your opponants as you clear your way through top 8, and fun events where people chill and have a good time playing a game they love. Pick up those cards you have a hard time getting by trading with other playgroups. I plan on bringing down a Nintendo Wii so we can play Super Smash Bros Brawl in between rounds. Not sure yet, but I MIGHT be able to get a hacked SD card to play Brawl+ (which if you haven't played it yet its AMAZING). Long story short, it's going to be pure win - get ur arse there
For additional info as it becomes available you can hit me up at Terradyne69 (at) yahoo.com. You can also PM Rockstar here on the forums, or email him if you have his address. I'm sure he'll make a post here soon as well. Be sure to give a shouout if you or anyone in your group is coming!
(Updated 02/28/10)
Sean Toysa
Tader Salad