me and my friends created a program that uses the Official Character creation math/rules that will allow us to make our own custom characters. aside from adding pictures, you can also change the UI color theme (the Red outline). we may decided to offer it to the public so long as we arent breaking any laws in doing so.
we decided that we wanted to have unique character abilities because we got tired of the vanilla Abilities that are in the Custom Character rules. im a huge vampire fan and originally wanted to do some sort of draining attack, however any type of heal/regeneration is really a touchy balance subject in RTL, so instead i decided to go with a fun utility type character.
as you see Count Stravokov has to spend 2 fatigue to transform into one of the forms. each form being an actual ability (Charge is an OL Avatar ability that allows the Avatar to move double movement and attack). now he has to spend the fatigue to use the ability, and can only use one form per turn.
so what do you guys think. does the character look balanced? keep in mind we only have RTL/WoD/AoD for the time being. but id like the community's impute to make sure he is within reasonable playing range for RTL campaigns.