2017-18 Regionals Lists

By ThatJakeGuy, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

Quebec city regional, 16 players

place in 5th after going 3 - 0 and loosing my last game.

list : eRangers, Han/RS, Hera, Gideon, Chopper, C-3PO, 2 x rSmuggler, rebel high command.

Chopper hero of my list.... finish an AT-DP first round with focus attack :) and kill a rRiot that stayed to close to is terminal, GOT at least 1 kill second and third round with terminal Control and all of my opponent stayed well back of the terminals all day.

Jabba palace is still the map that i struggle with, and we played twice on it.

Good job to @Kalandros my good friend and travelling buddy for is 4 - 0.

next step Toronto regional before national .......

Edited by TBone56

On 2/19/2018 at 3:46 PM, bshafer said:

I played in the Nashville Regional at The Game Cave this past weekend, and was fortunate enough to come away with the win. I’ve never attempted any sort of batrep before (and I wasn’t planning on doing so during the tournament itself so I didn’t take any notes or pictures while playing), but I figured I’d give it a shot. If anyone who attended wants to chime in and add anything please feel free to do so!

In the weeks leading up to the tournament I was pretty set on running a double Elite Sentry, double Elite Jet, and two officer list, but I hadn’t been having much success with it in practice, so I decided to switch things up literally the night before and run the following (shout-out to the guys from the Jodo Cast, who I basically just stole the list from lol https://youtu.be/6pt7UeJdXIk ):

  • Elite Sentry (10)
  • ATDP (9)
  • Palpatine (8)
  • Elite Jet (7)
  • Officer (2)
  • Officer (2)
  • Rule by Fear (1)
  • Zillo Technique (1)

I used pretty much the same command deck I was running for the previous list, except for I included Prepared for Battle and Collateral Damage:

  • Covering Fire (3)
  • Prepared for Battle (2)
  • Call the Vanguard (2)
  • Shared Experience (1)
  • Collateral Damage (1)
  • Concentrated Fire (1)
  • Armed Escort (1)
  • Brace for Impact (1)
  • Planning (0)
  • Urgency (0)
  • Fleet Footed (0)
  • Positioning Advantage (0)
  • Element of Surprise (0)
  • Take Initiative (0)
  • Targeting Network (0)

So the morning of the tournament rolls around, and my wife and I are about 3 hours into the trip from Atlanta to Nashville when our alternator goes out, leaving us stranded on the side of the road (while it’s pouring down rain). We ended up having to get it towed the rest of the way, and I called the store who was hosting and explained my situation, and the TO agreed to let me participate if I was able to make it by the start of the second round, and I would just take a loss by forfeit in game one. The tow truck driver dropped my off at the shop with a few minutes left in round one, so I just barely made it in, but it wasn’t exactly the start I was hoping for and I knew I had an uphill battle by starting off 0-1 before I even rolled any dice.

Round 2 (0-1):

Stashed Away, Mos Eisley Back Alleys

My opponent was fairly new to the game (I think he said our game was only like the 8 th he had ever played), and he was running a Scum-Hunter list with Bossk, Vinto, Onar, Jabba, eWeequay, a regular Clawdite, and I think Greedo. He had just gotten Heart of the Empire the week before so he had never seen Sentries, Palp, or the ATDP, and underestimated the range of the Sentries a little, so he ended up leaving a few of his figures pretty exposed. Also Mos Eisley is great for the ATDP, as with the help from the officers you can get set up in those short corridors with the terminals at the end of round 1 and have line of sight to a pretty big portion of the map. I was able to take out a few figures and score enough objective points to give me a 41-11 victory. Our game ended pretty quickly so we got to hang out and talk for a bit, and he was a really cool guy so I hope he continues playing.

Round 3 (1-1)

Spoils of Crime, Jabbas Palace

My opponent was running eRangers, Han with his fix, Lando, 3po, Gideon, a regular alliance smuggler, and I think either Balance of the Force or Rebel High Command (or both). In my practice games with the 2xSentry and 2xJet list I was planning on bringing I had a ton of trouble with Rangers/Han, as Rangers just chew through Zillo and Han could almost one shot most of my figures, so I was a little nervous about this matchup. I was on the side without the stairs, and we both opened our door pretty early on, but I had used my officers to move the ATDP down the hall so his Rangers wouldn’t have line of sight from their deployment zone. He then played pretty aggressively with his Rangers and Han, running them both out to take a shot at a Sentry and Jet that were left in my deployment zone, and I ended up losing a Sentry pretty early on, but since I had moved everyone down the hallway he couldn’t really get any more shots on me. However, since he had moved everyone out into the throne room area, by the end of round 2 I had taken out two rangers, Han, Lando, the Smuggler, and I think 3po, so he conceded as all he had left was one ranger and Gideon against pretty much my whole list. I ended up winning 28-5, and moved to 2-1.

Round 4 (2-1)

Concealed Treasures, Mos Eisley Back Alleys

This was my first game on the stream, and my opponent was 3-0 and playing a Scum list with Ig-88 and Focused on the Kill, Elite Sentry, Elite Weequay, Vinto, 3po, an Elite Jawa, and Devious. I never like seeing IG across the table, as it’s been my experience that if he gets Blaze of Glory off I usually have a hard time winning. This was a very close game, as both of us played very conservatively, so there were a lot of very long range shots played as we stayed in our deployment zones for the most part. I don’t remember much from this game (I guess I should’ve just watched the stream before typing this up lol), except for the ATDP must of soaked up at least 9-10 shots, as he fell short on range 3-4 times throughout the match. At one point he ran Vinto up, and from 4 spaces away took a Tools for the Job shot on the ATDP with a damage power token and rolled max damage, but whiffed on the accuracy. I scored 8 points from crates and I think killed both his sentries, and he scored 4 from dropping one off and he eventually took out the ATDP and I think a Jet, so when time was called I was up 18-17, but we had to finish out the round. He used Vinto to take out my other sentry to put him up to 22, and all I had left was Palp, who activated and tempted his Jawa to death, but I had no other way to put up points, so I ended up losing 22-21 at the last second. However, he had Blaze of Glory sitting in his hand, so even if I had managed to get ahead of him somehow he would have just re-activated IG and blasted away my last jet, so there wasn’t much I could do at that point. It was a great game though and he was a great opponent, so it was a lot of fun even though I ended up taking the loss.

So after swiss I was sitting at 2-2, but both of the opponents I had lost to (my round 1 forfeit and round 4 opponent) were the only two at 4-0, so I ended up placing 7 th due to my strength of schedule. My goal from this tournament was to get those sparkly dice, so I was very glad to have made the cut.

Top 8 (2-2):

New Ownership, Jabba’s Palace

This was technically a “rematch,” as I played the opponent from my round 1 game which I had to miss. He was actually running the double Sentry/Jets list I had practiced so much with, so I had a fairly good idea of the general strategy, and was a wary going into it because it has so many models with Pierce 2. My strategy was to go after his Sentries early and try to take them out as quickly as possible. He won initiative and chose the side without the stairs, and round 1 was basically a mirror match, as both of us pitched Targeting Network for Rule by Fear and moved our forces down each hallway towards the maze area in the middle. By the time I activated my ATDP a majority of his units were down by his terminal, so I double moved the ATDP out in the middle of the throne room at the top of the maze area, so I had line of sight running down both hallways on either side of the middle. I was also able to play Urgency on a Sentry and move him down to get a shot on one of his Sentries during round one, and my ATDP was able to finish it off with Palps attack as my last activation round one. I think at the start of round 2 I was able to get off Covering Fire and Call the Vanguard to stun another one of his sentries, but from there the rest of the round is pretty fuzzy. The ATDP’s positioning was key in this game, as he wasn’t able to really move his forces out of the hallway in his deployment zone without risking taking multiple shots from it, so I was able to be pretty aggressive. He had sent a Jet into the rancor pit to hold that objective, so I sent one of mine down there as well and got off an Element of Surprise attack, which left him at 1 health, so Palp finished him off and I also got those 4 points from the objective at the end of the round. The highlight of this game though definitely belongs to my opponent, who at one point moved an officer up and attacked one of my sentries for a whopping 4 damage (he rolled 2 damage on blue, 1 damage 2 surge on yellow and I rolled an evade lol). However, I was able to mop up the rest of Sentries and score some objective points and ended up taking the game by a score of 37-19. I feel like this game really could’ve gone either way, but I was able to draw the right command cards before he did (having Planning in my opening hand definitely helped), and just like that I was in the top 4!

Top 4 (3-2)

Shielded, Nal Hutta Swamps

Nal Hutta was the one map I was not looking forward to playing on, as I haven’t practiced on it as much as the other two, but Shielded is the more favorable mission for my list so I felt pretty good going into it. My opponent was running double eWeequay, Onar with Prey on the Weak, Vinto, Greedo, 3po, Gideon, a regular Jawa, and I think Devious and Black Market. He chose the bottom so I got the top with the pond, which honestly isn’t as bad with my list so I didn’t mind. He was very worried about leaving anyone open to taking shots from the ATDP, so most of his first round he kept everyone but the Jawa (who ran to the terminal) and Greedo (who ran to contest a Shield) in his deployment zone, which also meant that halfway into round 2 he had 4 focused, hidden Weequays, which is a little terrifying lol. I don’t remember a ton from this game, as by this point I had been playing for over 6 hours. I did jump out to a lead of 22-0, but my opponent climbed back into it and made it a very close finish. Essentially at the end of the game I had 38 and he had 35, and I had a Sentry who had already gone that was badly damaged and in line of sight of a Weequay (I don’t think it was focused or hidden), which would’ve been the game if he had gotten the kill. I double moved an officer to sit in front of the Sentry and block line of sight, and his Weequay couldn’t move up far enough to get the shot on my Sentry so he took the shot at my officer. He rolled more than enough damage to take him out, but the officer cowered and rolled a dodge, and he didn’t have anything in his hand to remove it. Beginning of next round I played Take Initiative and killed 3po with one of the Sentries, which put me to 40 and ended the game.

Championship Game (4-2)

Stashed Away, Mos Eisley Back Alleys

Let me start out by saying that I didn’t really think I had a serious chance at playing in the final, as I only really got into IA back in November and this was only my second big tournament I had attended (also the fact that I hadn’t practiced with this list at all). Needless to say, I was thrilled to be playing in the final game, and was pretty worried I’d let my nerves get to me. My opponent was running IG-88, eWeequay, Onar, Vinto, Greedo, Gideon, and 3po. He won initiative and picked the blue deployment zone, so I got the red one, which is the deployment zone I had all three times I played this map. Pretty early on he started moving his guys down the hallway where his terminal is, except for Greedo, which he ran across the map to control the crate at the top left (if you are looking at the map and the blue deployment zone is in the top right.) Usually I use my officer to move the ATDP right on top of the terminal so it can open the door to the middle hallway, but since I didn’t think he could move anyone else to shoot at me I pushed the ATDP up to the door, and then opened it and repositioned so I would be in the middle at the beginning of round 2. I then used my Sentries to take shots at Greedo from 7 spaces away, as I figured he couldn’t hit me back, but sure enough his parting shot managed to make the range and do a solid 4 damage to a Sentry. Meanwhile he had moved IG down the long hallway on the right and taken a shot at my Jet who was attempting to control the crate at the bottom, did some damage, and then played Opportunistic to move a focused Weeqay closer to get a shot at the damaged Sentry. The Weequay killed him, and then Blaze of Glory was played, so my Jet got obliterated, and at the end of the round he was controlling 3 objectives, and I had none. At the start of round 2 I was able to pull off the Covering Fire/Call the Vanguard Combo again and stun IG with my other Jet, which was huge because he only got off one attack instead of two. I’m pretty sure he played Take Initiative at this point, and his Weequays moved up and took out my remaining Sentry, so all of a sudden I was down 20-4 and a fairly significant portion of my offensive output was gone. My ATDP attacked twice and took out his Weequays (one was left on 1 health which Palp then tempted to death). Things get a little fuzzy after this point, he did a lot of damage to the ATDP, and I finally managed to take out IG by force lighting him a couple of times. By the last round I had 37 points to his 31. I was in control of 4 crates, so he used Onar’s Rush to do a damage and then attack my Jet, but I was able to Zillo and keep him alive by one. He just had Gideon left after that, and he couldn’t contest or remove enough of my figures to keep me from getting to 40, so the game ended at 41-31, and I went home with the trophy!

Some closing thoughts: I hadn’t exactly written off Palpatine, but I definitely didn’t think he was as good as everyone was saying. Looking back over the tournament he was definitely my MVP though, because I feel like he adds so much more to the ATDP. A lot of the people I played ended up being pretty conservative, because even after the ATDP had gone they had to worry about a fairly hefty shot coming their way, which allowed me to contest objectives and be more aggressive with my troopers. Anyways, I better wrap this thing up (I apologize for the length, I tend to get carried away talking about this game), and just want to give a big thanks to The Game Cave and all of my opponents for an awesome experience!

WE were the group that made that drive from orlando(14 hours),you played my son in round 3 and my buddy in top 4.Really great event and your list was tough.And from starting off 0-1 you made a great comeback as well.

2 hours ago, Mrshojen said:

WE were the group that made that drive from orlando(14 hours),you played my son in round 3 and my buddy in top 4.Really great event and your list was tough.And from starting off 0-1 you made a great comeback as well.

Oh wow. Orlando, thats awesome. Hopefully people travel like that for the Melbourne regional next saturday. We have a decent size group coming down from jacksonville.

i played in the Quebec city Regional this past weekend. Because the store has to be closed at 5pm because it's in a mall elimination rounds where going to be a problem, at the end of the day they decided on a top 2 which was extremely disappointing considering i was 3rd and in a formal event it should have been a top 8. in the End the 4th place player who i played in the 3rd round and i played a rematch which counted for nothing.

my list

Vader+DBH,Palpatine,eJets,eJets,Officer,Officer,Zillo Technique

CC: New Orders,Force Surge,Call the Vanguard,Overrun,Stealth Tactics,Brace for Impact,Touch Luck,Dark Energy,Single Purpose,Negation,Urgency,Take Initiative,Element of Surprise,Brace Yourself,Force Rush

Round 1 : Bye from SC

Round 2: i played Julien, a young 11 year old but with a good knowledge of the game and beautifully painted figures by his dad. He was Running Maul,Bossk,Vinto,Shyla,eWeequays and regular Weequays.We where playing Raining Freight in Nal Hutta and he deployed first in the red deployment. 1st round i Force Choked a regualr weequay and he took the damage instead of strain, i realised then they only have 4hp so killed him off with Tempt, i had sent an eJet unit to take my terminal and a crate on my left side and i quickly learned how nasty Shyla can be, she shreaded an eJet and mangled another so i abandoned my terminal, mean while i sent everyone down the right flank using my officers to move Vader closer and closer to the edge. Vinto,Maul and Bossk where hiding in the middle behind the blocking terrain. I waited until Maul had activated and gotten withing 5 to activate Vader, i moved within 1 of Maul, used Dark Energy to bring him into melee range and struck i think a 7dmg hit, Vinto tried shooting Vader but nothing got through. Palpatine then commanded Vader to eliminate his former apprentice and Vader struck again this time for 6 killing Maul. Palp then moved and used Force Lightning on Vinto, an eWeequay tried shooting Vader but wiffed. End of Round Vader moved 2 and swung at Vinto with Red/Red and rolled max 7dmg, poor Vinto rolled Block/Evade and died. At this point time was called i'm down an eJet and Julien has1-2 crates, i've killed Vinto,Maul,Weequay and gotten 6 crates. It was a good start to the day and Julien is a good opponent despite his young age.

Round 3: was against Guillaume running Vinto,Bossk ,Greedo,eClawdite, eJawa,Jabba,C3PO,R2D2 and Chopper. We played on Jabba's Palace playing the mission with the crates and it was my closest game of the day. I earned a new respect for the eClawdite,Vinto and Bossk. His command deck is also super well built, full of sneaky tricks i had trouble coping with. He deployed in the zone with the stairs and opened his door to use Vinto against Vader, he did manage some damage but that left and opening and i rushed everyone up the middle, by turn 2 i had killed Jabba and Vinto but at the Start of turn 3 i lost Vader, but then my eJets went to work killing the Clawdite,Chopper and R2d2, i lost the Emperor after using Force rush to get into a spot to Force lightning a hiding Greedo on the stairs and R2D2 hid my from the retrun shot, but Bossk killed off Palp next activation. At this point he only had Bossk and i had 2 eJets from different groups and both officers, i grabbed 4 crates and headed as far away from Bossk as possible which ended up giving me the win 40-29 i think but the scores are fuzzy in my memory

Round 4: was against Pierre-Yves again on Jabba's Palace but the other mission which was so bad for me because he has 9 activations. eRangers,Ko-Tun,Hera,Chopper,Gideon,C3PO,Mak,Allaiance Smuggles x2,Balance of the Force. I opened my door with my sencond activation instead of passing, i also made a mistake using Overrun on the wrong eJet jumping into the pit to kill a Smuggler who had taken 1dmg falling in, Overrun should have been the eJet who didn't open the door and this cost me early, he then used the eRangers to pop in and out of his deployment to snipe Palpatine 8 spaces away in my deployment zone and with a combination of Hera and Ko-Tun's card he killed Palp before he even activated once :(, at the end he was going to win no matter what with 12vp per turn plus all the troops he killed but not before Vader got revenge, he went on a Rampage racking up 23 VP by himself killing everything in his path, he even one shotted Ko-Tun after i said i needed his max dmg to kill he and i actually rolled it without the reroll(3+3+1 and double surge) this was my only loss and it cost me being in the top 2 which was Pierre-Yves and Jean Francois

i then played Guillaume again in what i thought was a top 4 round on Mos Eisley and Vaders Rampage continued, he took out Vinto who had come to attack Vader in the Cantina area, i then moved Vader with an Officer to the middle to be next to Bossk even though Vader had Activated.Then an Officer moved Palpatine next to Vader. And here i got to pull off the New Orders Vader death march. Palp activated and Tempted Bossk, he Emperored Vader to attack Bossk, he then readied Vader with New Orders, Greedo tried coming back to help Bossk but his shot didn't hurt my eJet hiding with a crate. Vader activated and Force Choked Bossk and then cut him in half with his light saber. End round Vader went around the corner and attacked the eClawdite coming to help and i thing i did 5dmg. next round i got initiative and cancelled his take initiative with Negation, Vader cut the eCladite down and headed for the duo of Chopper and R2. Greedo shot Vader and did 6-7 dmg after removing one of his defence dice. Palp saved Vader by Tempting Greedo and using Single Purpose he double Force Lightininged Greedo but died with the Parting shot. End Round Vader disassembled Chopper. i ended up winning 40-8 but it counted for nothing.

in the end i had good games with great opponents, however i felt slightly cheated since i was in the top 4 and din't even get to play elimination rounds, Regionals are formal tournaments and Asmodee should look in the future to hand out Regional tournaments to stores that can actually run them in the correct format, it was mathmatically impossible to from the get go to have 4 rounds of swiss and 3 elimination rounds(495 minutes) in 8 hours(480 minutes)

Edited by Darth evil

@Darth evil Um, yeah, that sucks. Congrats on the solid finish, but seriously lame of the store to not follow tournament structure.


7 minutes ago, ryanjamal said:

@Darth evil Um, yeah, that sucks. Congrats on the solid finish, but seriously lame of the store to not follow tournament structure.


Had we had a proper top 4, @Darth Evil wouldve gone up against the guy I played instead and I would've played his opponent, Guillaume.
But I'm pretty sure Regionals are supposed to use the advanced structure which was a top 8, right? 13-24 players - top 8 cut

Edited by Kalandros
3 hours ago, Kalandros said:

Had we had a proper top 4, @Darth Evil wouldve gone up against the guy I played instead and I would've played his opponent, Guillaume.
But I'm pretty sure Regionals are supposed to use the advanced structure which was a top 8, right? 13-24 players - top 8 cut

thats correct it should be a top 8 which why i said it takes 7 rounds (4 Swiss,top 8, top 4 , Final)

and now we know each others secret identities oh no lol

Edited by Darth evil

Michigan Regionals was amazing! The atmosphere was great and the meta was diverse. We had 21 players and frankly the meta was "bring a faction you like and play well". Logan from Oxford, MI won with his Han/Leia "I love you. I know." rebel list. I played him in the 3rd round and he said he brought it to prove that Leia does not need a buff. I think he officially wins the internet.

LOL. I'll give you more details later when I post my batrep. The saddest part was when Leia and Han (using her "Battlefiled Leadership") killed my Chewbacca. I let out a Wookie death whine. Chewy didn't get a medal, but he got some shiny dice.

Edited by NeverBetTheFett
1 hour ago, NeverBetTheFett said:

Michigan Regionals was amazing! The atmosphere was great and the meta was diverse. We had 21 players and frankly the meta was "bring a faction you like and play well". Logan from Oxford, MI won with his Han/Leia "I love you. I know." rebel list.

Ok, I gotta see this list & command card deck.

1 hour ago, cnemmick said:

Ok, I gotta see this list & command card deck.

Jyn, Chopper, Mak, Threepio, Hera, Han, Leia, Smuggler from what I remember for sure. I went to slam Jyn and he played "Slippery Target". I was lucky that he either didn't top deck or use "On the Lam" during the game, but the threat was always there. He also used "Smuggled Supplies" with Han which was annoying. That means Han could get 4 attacks (return fire, regular, battlefield leadership, end of round) with a free surge added.

Otherwise what also sticks out was when he played "Take Initiative", I played "Negate", he played "Comm Disruption". LOL!!! That translated into a dead Chewy.

20 minutes ago, NeverBetTheFett said:

He also used "Smuggled Supplies" with Han which was annoying. That means Han could get 4 attacks (return fire, regular, battlefield leadership, end of round) with a free surge added.

Note that Smuggled Supplies lasts "until the end of the round", so per the FAQ its effect ends immediately when the "end of round" window is triggered. So Han will not get the benefit for his end-of-round attack. See the discussion here .

5 minutes ago, turkishvancat said:

Note that Smuggled Supplies lasts "until the end of the round", so per the FAQ its effect ends immediately when the "end of round" window is triggered. So Han will not get the benefit for his end-of-round attack. See the discussion here .

Oops! We got that one wrong then. I suppose still having three attacks with a free surge is still pretty good.

Regional in Barcelona (Spain), 62 participants, winning list: 

- Elite weequay pirate 
- Elite weequay pirate 
- Onar koma 
- Vinto Hreeda 
- Elite jawa 
- c-3po 
- Devicious 
- Temporary Alliance 
- Gideon 
- Hera syndulla 
- Black market
Edited by alexkazze
33 minutes ago, NeverBetTheFett said:

Michigan Regionals was amazing! The atmosphere was great and the meta was diverse. We had 21 players and frankly the meta was "bring a faction you like and play well". Logan from Oxford, MI won with his Han/Leia "I love you. I know." rebel list. I played him in the 3rd round and he said he brought it to prove that Leia does not need a buff. I think he officially wins the internet.

LOL. I'll give you more details later when I post my batrep. The saddest part was when Leia and Han (using her "Battlefiled Leadership") killed my Chewbacca. I let out a Wookie death whine. Chewy didn't get a medal, but he got some shiny dice.

I took Leia to my first tournament and still love her card. I think people need to understand how she works; with 5 speed, you want her to run out, take a shot with a friend, and duck back into cover. I've been pairing her with rangers recently for guaranteed attacker synergy (and possible Assassinate re-draws), but that makes for a lot of tough back-rank positioning. I've tried her out with Chewie (his attack is great, and if the opponent DOES eliminate Leia first, Debts Repaid goes off. If they focus elsewhere and kill a figure, Debts Repaid goes off and then I redraw it!), but not Han. It's interesting to see Chopper instead of 3p0 in that build, though I guess it does give you further attacking options in Mos Eisley: ram/attack, RG attack from Battlefield Leadership .

1 hour ago, alexkazze said:

Regional in Barcelona (Spain), 62 participants, winning list: 

- Elite weequay pirate 
- Elite weequay pirate 
- Onar koma 
- Vinto Hreeda 
- Elite jawa 
- c-3po 
- Devicious 
- Temporary Alliance 
- Gideon 
- Hera syndulla 
- Black market

Wow, that's an amazing attendance for a regional, I'm guessing the game is popular in Spain atm!

Would love to hear more about how you guys are building the community.

5 minutes ago, RoyalRich said:

Wow, that's an amazing attendance for a regional, I'm guessing the game is popular in Spain atm!

Would love to hear more about how you guys are building the community.

Europe population density + good transportation system in the EU probably goes a long way.

1 hour ago, alexkazze said:

Regional in Barcelona (Spain), 62 participants

Too bad this game is dead- Sarcasm

I hope FFG is actually paying attention and seeing the increased numbers in regionals.

Edited by Fightwookies
3 minutes ago, Fightwookies said:

Too bad this game is dead. I just hope FFG is actually paying attention and seeing the increased numbers in regionals.

Nice doom & gloom attitude.

1 minute ago, Kalandros said:

Nice doom & gloom attitude.

I need a clearly defined sarcasm font.

Just now, Fightwookies said:

I need a clearly defined sarcasm font.

/s goes a long way ;)

51 minutes ago, Fightwookies said:

Too bad this game is dead- Sarcasm

I hope FFG is actually paying attention and seeing the increased numbers in regionals.

It's a great balance right now, but there's a pretty large front-end investment for new players. This strikes me as an even better reason to add skirmish upgrades to the basic set. If people could reliably build using the basics, you could jump into Skirmish with the basic game and, say, a skirmish-upgrade-box that has "fix" cards for rebel heroes, and some later expansion characters for the others: Bossk and Dengar (Fett will surely be an incentive for us to buy something later, right?), and the imperial big bads from some early campaigns (Weiss, Sorin, Somos?), along with maybe a handful of new 0-cost command cards? Maybe just include tokens instead of figures, to keep incentivizing the old packs (together with command cards).

How about it, FFG?

5 minutes ago, GottaBadFeelingAboutThis said:

This strikes me as an even better reason to add skirmish upgrades to the basic set.


Seriously, though. I think we're discovering you can make a decent IA list out of the following:

  • Core Box - $100
  • One Box Expansion - $70 for one of the newest ones
  • Four A/V Packs - we can overestimate $15 each for a total of $60
  • Total Cost: $230

In Legion, it looks like you can make a full army for about $250-300. Spending $300 in IA would (roughly) mean an extra box expansion or another four or more A/V Packs... and you'll probably have TWO armies worth playing with that amount of stuff.

If FFG doesn't release a Core Box 2.0 in May, selling a pack of playing card-sized Skirmish Upgrades in a blister wouldn't be that hard to do. And that would do WONDERS for folks who are sitting on a Core Box they bought a few years back.

On 26/2/2018 at 10:28 PM, RoyalRich said:

Guau, esa es una asistencia asombrosa para un regional, ¡supongo que el juego es popular en el cajero automático de España!

Me encantaría saber más sobre cómo están construyendo la comunidad.

In Spain the community is awakening, and some regional ones of more than 40 people are being made ...
On ‎2‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 3:17 PM, alexkazze said:

Regional in Barcelona (Spain), 62 participants, winning list: 

- Elite weequay pirate 
- Elite weequay pirate 
- Onar koma 
- Vinto Hreeda 
- Elite jawa 
- c-3po 
- Devicious 
- Temporary Alliance 
- Gideon 
- Hera syndulla 
- Black market

Wow, no IG? This list looks very similar to some of the top lists at worlds last year.