2017-18 Regionals Lists

By ThatJakeGuy, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

43 minutes ago, FrogTrigger said:

Cool that's a good turn out. I know many are nervous about legion siphoning/intercepting IA players, but The poll I did a while back here came up with the result that the majority of skirmish players bought this game for the campaign and ended up trying snd loving skirmish, many more than the campaign itself. So hopefully the influx of new campaign players from the app will result in more conversions and swell our numbers further and we can see this nationals number continue to grow.

BTW. I will be posting the video from the Finals from Michigan (Feb 24th) and Toronto Regionals (Mar 4) as well as Canadian Nationals (Mar 18) on my youtube site. Hopefully you can come! If not, I'll keep you posted when those get uploaded.

What's your Youtube site, @NeverBetTheFett ?

3 minutes ago, kennydkbrown said:

What's your Youtube site, @NeverBetTheFett ?

Nal Hutta Swamps


The Canadian Nationals from 2017 is posted, but is only available on limited platforms. I made the mistake of putting some star wars music on it (which Disney did not like). I have custom music for the next few videos, so that won't happen again. I plan to re-post that one.

1 minute ago, NeverBetTheFett said:

Nal Hutta Swamps


The Canadian Nationals from 2017 is posted, but is only available on limited platforms. I made the mistake of putting some star wars music on it (which Disney did not like). I have custom music for the next few videos, so that won't happen again. I plan to re-post that one.


9 minutes ago, kennydkbrown said:


It took so long to upload it the first time! When I get a whole day, I'll re-upload the video without the "Disney" content. Funniest part was that I thought I was being so smart when I recorded the audio from a youtube video using my iphone! Then added it to my video yet I still got busted! LOL.

And it was not "Attack on Jakku" that I recorded. It was the 1977 Star Wars opening. Oh well. I learned.


Edited by NeverBetTheFett
On 8/1/2018 at 3:28 PM, Trudem said:

The store that hosted in Marietta was awesome. I enjoyed my time outside of the results.

Hey guys, I just got back from the Muncie, IN regional. Managed to go 3-1 in Swiss finishing 3rd before the cut. But I lost my Top 8 match to...Ugnaughts! Yes they're back, more on that later. I have no idea who actually won the regional since I left right after my Top 8 game, but I'm sure somebody will post that info shortly.

I straight up took @pheaver 's regional list (Vader/2x eSentry/3x rOfficer/Zillo) with a slightly modified command deck. I just thought this list was just so dang cool. I know the Vader/Palp list is the hotness right now, but I just love Sentry Droids. There were about 15 people in attendance at the regional and to my surprise I was the ONLY Vader player! There were a couple Palps but they were paired with other figures like Sentries. The field was mostly Rebel and Scum.

Anyway I figured I might as well give a short batrep. Side note: this was my first IA regional and I only started playing the game last summer (I mostly play X-wing) so I was very happy to get as far as I did. Also I had only played 2 games with this list prior to the regional (both on Vassal) so I was kind of under-prepared.

Round 1 : Philip on Jabba's Palace (Spoils of Crime). List: eWeequay/eClawdite/Onar/Vinto/Greedo/Gideon/3PO/Jabba

Since this was the first match it's the one I remember the least about. I won the init roll and took the red deployment zone and started moving Vader toward the middle of the map with my officers while my opponent began powering up all of his figures. As his last activation of round 1 he did this interesting thing where he ran Greedo all the way to my terminal to deny me an extra card. I used Vader's end of round attack on Greedo, but he popped On the Lam to immediately to run away. Then Greedo laid into Vader at the start of round 2 with a Focused attack doing a decent amount of damage before running away again. He then threw the Clawdite, Vinto, and Onar all at Vader and who tanked the damage like a champ, even after Jabba ordered Onar to perform a hit, but he eventually fell to a Change of Plans reactivation of Onar later that round. Losing Vader so early without him having done much put me behind on the damage race and eventually I lost on points when we hit time, but it was very close. I had an opportunity on my very last activation where if I killed 3PO and Gideon with a single multi-fire from a Sentry, I'd win, but I just couldn't get the damage out. Ultimately I got out-played but part of it was also first round nerves for me since I know I missed a couple triggers.


Round 2 : Brian on Mos Eisley Back Alleys (Stashed Away). List: IG-88/Bossk/2x rUgnaught/eJawa/3PO/Chopper/0-0-0/Under Durress

I won the init roll again and took the red deployment zone...mostly because I had only played on this map once before and that was the only deployment zone I was familiar with. I wasn't entirely sure what my game plan was here since the list was a bit odd and I didn't know how to approach it. However, I knew above all else to keep Vader outside of 0-0-0's range because taking Stun would be devastating. I began by slowly moving Vader with my Officers across the main corridor that runs through the map, aiming to get him behind cover of one of the blocking terrain squares. To my surprise my opponent activated IG-88 immediately after my first Officer and attempted a range 12 double tap down the corridor at Vader. He missed range both times, but that move hinted at me that he had Blaze of Glory in hand, so I began playing it more safe. Eventually he moved Bossk in to contest the crates at the middle of the map, but between Vader and the Sentry Droids I was able to take him out by the beginning of the next round. After that I slowly took out 0-0-0, the Jawa, and the Ugnaughts with the Sentries while keeping Vader out of IG's sight. Eventually I took out just about everything but IG, but my opponent conceded after missing range on a couple more of IG's attacks and realizing he couldn't catch up on the damage race.


Round 3 : Peter on Mos Eisley Back Alleys (Concealed Treasures). List: Ahsoka/Obi-Wan/Jyn/Jarrod/Mak/Hera/Gideon/3PO/R2

Once again I won the init roll and took the red deployment zone. When I saw the list I knew that Jyn had to go ASAP beacuse of the Stun potential, I could not let her get it off on Vader. My opponent started moving all of his figures toward the bottom door of his deployment zone so I positioned by Sentries in place to respond when the doors opened. I also played to the end-of-round door opening mechanic by running Vader all the way up to my opponent's door during his activation. Since mission effects happen before player end of round effects, I was able to open the door first and then attack with Vader's end of round attack. Obi-Wan was up front so I went for him and we had a nice little re-enactment of the duel from A New Hope. Vader dealt about 5 damage from his end of round attack, then Obi-Wan attacked Vader back at the start of round 2 for just a couple damage. To my surprise he didn't run Obi-Wan away, though it wouldn't have mattered much since I had Dark Energy in hand and could've pulled him back. Vader killed Obi-Wan with his activation and moved out of sight of the other figures. From here my opponent began splitting fire between Vader and the Sentries. He moved Jarrod up to attack Vader, but a group of Sentries took out both him and his droid right after with a pair of multi-attacks. Jyn finally came up to hit Vader (but had to expose herself to do so) and luck was on my side because while she was Focused and rolled a ton of damage, she didn't roll a single surge and was just out of range of Hera's ability. Vader came away with a decent amount of damage but the Sentries finished off Jyn. Ahsoka then came in and did a bunch more damage to Vader, but by next round she too bit the dust between Vader and my Sentries. With the bulk of my opponet's offense gone I secured the victory.


Round 4 : James on Jabba's Palace (New Ownership). List: 2x eSentry/Palp/Terro/2x rOfficer/Zillo

For once I lost the init roll! And this time it was relevant because this was the first list I played against that didn't have more activations than me, securing Vader the last activation of round 1 and the first activation of round 2. My starting hand, for once, was also amazing: Blitz, Concentrated Fire, Call the Vanguard. My Sentries were ready to do some work, and work they did. I did the usual of slowly moving Vader toward the middle of the map. James moved one Sentry out to the middle but pushed him just a little too far and I was able to snipe him with a group of my own Sentries. My other Sentries were pushed up to the door, waiting for a chance to open it and snipe down the main corridor. James opened his own door and ran Terro all the way up to about 3-4 spaces away from mine, setting up for an attack + Flamethrower at the start of next round. He didn't get the chance though, because my other Sentries opened the door and melted him. My first Sentry only did about 4 dmg, but the second one played Concentrated Fire for the extra red die and rolled max damage on all dice, doing the remaining 9 dmg to kill Terro. My dice were hot this game and I was very surprised to have removed Terro in just two attacks. James rushed Palp up the middle and got off a Force Lightning that hit two of my Sentries and Vader, but I activated Vader and moved him up to the middle control point where I sat and Force Choked Palp. I then did about 5 dmg with my end of round attack on Palp and finished him off with a Call the Vanguard attack by one of my Sentries. I then activated Vader at the start of round 2 and shredded another Sentry before going back to sit on the control point. By the end of the first activation of round 2 all James had left were 2 Sentries (in different deployments) and 2 Officers, while I still had all my figures. We played it out but the writing was on the wall at that point.


Finished 3rd in Swiss with a 3-1 record which I was pretty surprised by given how little experience I had with the list. My goal was to get Top 8 dice though and I accomplished that, so I was very happy at this point!

Top 8 : Louis on Nal Hutta (Raining Freight). List: 4x rUgnaught/2x eUgnaught/IG-88/rClawdite/Black Market/Devious Scheme

What a blast from the (recent) past! I thought Ugnaught swarms were gone for good, but here they are again at the top cut of a regional. Normally I wouldn't be afraid of Ugnaughts because Vader can tear them apart, but of course just my luck we're playing Raining Freight...which is an auto loss against Ugnaughts for almost any list. Louis also brought Devious Scheme to take the good side of Nal Hutta (you know the one) and he split his Ugnaughts waaaaaaay to the extremes of his deployment zone to make sure Vader wouldn't have a chance to get them. Louis was a very smart player and on top of being experienced with the Ugnaughts he knew how to keep them alive against my list. But I didn't despair, I faced the list with a level head and tried my best. I brought the Sentry Droids up the middle to set up for some Round 2 snipes while Vader bombed it up the map as fast as he could. I knew I had to take out the Ugnaughts ASAP otherwise the Junk Droid would slowly tear apart my Sentries. While I was doing this the Junk Droid sucked up all the crates on the map without a sweat. To get Vader close enough for at least an end of round Force Choke I ended up exposing him to IG, but I really had no other choice because those Ugnaughts had to go. IG got one attack off on Vader...and it just so happened he had Blaze of Glory in hand, meaning Vader took two more attacks (R/R/G) that round, followed up by ANOTHER two attacks when IG activated at the start of round 2 before he ran way. By this point Vader was down to 1 or 2 health and he still wasn't close enough to attack an Ugnaught or IG...so I performed what might be the saddest Vader activation ever and picked up 3 crates. Seriously, that was the best move I had. Blaze brought me down to such low health that even the Clawdite could kill me if I tried to rush into the deployment zone for an end of round attack on an Ugnaught, and I was exposed to attack even if I tried to run away. So I decided to just grab 6 pts with Vader and wait for his inevitable death. The Clawdite eventually came up and knocked Vader out with Assassin's Blade. After this my Sentries began sniping IG as I knew that was the only way I could catch up on points, and I got him down to 2 health, but then the Ugnaughts finally started to move out and played bodyguard for IG. By the end of the match I had managed to snipe 3-4 Ugnaughts and the Clawdite but I was so far behind on pts due to crates that there was really no coming back. This was my first experience with Ugnaughts and it was by no means terrible, Louis was a great guy and we both recognized how unfair this mission was with the list, even if I had Vader. If it had been literally any other map (or even the Shielded mission) I think I had a good chance, but the combination of Raining Freight and that round 1 Blaze of Glory spelled the end for me. By the way Louis is from Chicago and says he's starting a new IA podcast pretty soon called Optimal Bombardment. Figured I'd plug that.

So that's it. This was my first IA regional and it was a lot of fun. Thanks to the guys at Atomic Games for running a great tournament. Like I said I don't know what the winning list was but I do know Ugnaughts made Top 4 at the very least. I don't know if they're actually making a comeback in the meta or anything but hey, here's one data point. Loved playing Vader and Sentries, but after seeing Palp on the board I'm intrigued by him so in the future I might try out that Vader/Palp combo people keep raving about.

Edited by defkhan1

Ugggg. Great bat rep! Sounds like some great games with a lot of diversity.

Grats on dice! Yeah, running into IG-88 with Blaze of Glory in his opening hand and Ughs on Raining Freight meant that you were not going to win that match, regardless of what you did.

34 minutes ago, pheaver said:

Grats on dice! Yeah, running into IG-88 with Blaze of Glory in his opening hand and Ughs on Raining Freight meant that you were not going to win that match, regardless of what you did.

That's the Kobayashi Maru of Imperial Assault, for sure. The good news is that Swamps is that much closer to rotating out. The bad news is it'll take two more rotations for that particular wrinkle to iron itself out.

@defkhan1 how many players made it to Muncie? Was there much snow? (I was going to drive up from KY, looked at the forecast, and changed my mind.)

Just now, cnemmick said:

@defkhan1 how many players made it to Muncie? Was there much snow? (I was going to drive up from KY, looked at the forecast, and changed my mind.)

I counted 15 of us, which is actually more than I thought due to the weather. The roads weren't actually as bad as I imagined. We got almost 3 in of snow in Columbus the night before but the highway was relatively OK by morning. The guys at Atomic gave us a free t-shirt for braving the weather so that was cool!

So my skirmish inexperience will show here and the fact I got away from this game over the past 6 months or so due to work, but what is it about Ugnaught swarms people hate playing against?

What makes them so unfair on that particular map?

Edited by FrogTrigger
2 minutes ago, FrogTrigger said:

So my skirmish inexperience will show here and the fact I got away from this game over the past 6 months or so due to work, but what is it about Ugnaught swarms people hate playing against?

What makes them so unfair on that particular map?

On the Raining Freight mission on Nal Hutta, you pick up objectives by spending movement points instead of interacting. The junk droid can get a ton of movement points during a round because it activates at least 6 times per round (for a full Ugnaught swarm) so it acts as a little Roomba, sucking up all the objective points, all without any risk to that player's figures. On top of that, the map is really big so it's hard to rush the Ugnaughts as they hide in their deployment zone. Basically, they will auto-win that mission, and they are still pretty good and consistent on the other maps.

2 hours ago, turkishvancat said:

On the Raining Freight mission on Nal Hutta, you pick up objectives by spending movement points instead of interacting. The junk droid can get a ton of movement points during a round because it activates at least 6 times per round (for a full Ugnaught swarm) so it acts as a little Roomba, sucking up all the objective points, all without any risk to that player's figures. On top of that, the map is really big so it's hard to rush the Ugnaughts as they hide in their deployment zone. Basically, they will auto-win that mission, and they are still pretty good and consistent on the other maps.

This sounds utterly boring and lame. Who plays such a list - people with a clinical lack of self-respect?

15 minutes ago, Fourtytwo said:

This sounds utterly boring and lame. Who plays such a list - people with a clinical lack of self-respect?

Winners, according to past results.

3 hours ago, turkishvancat said:

On the Raining Freight mission on Nal Hutta, you pick up objectives by spending movement points instead of interacting. The junk droid can get a ton of movement points during a round because it activates at least 6 times per round (for a full Ugnaught swarm) so it acts as a little Roomba, sucking up all the objective points, all without any risk to that player's figures. On top of that, the map is really big so it's hard to rush the Ugnaughts as they hide in their deployment zone. Basically, they will auto-win that mission, and they are still pretty good and consistent on the other maps.

Wow, how utterly depressing, what a massive step back for skirmish... Ugh... (pun intended).

Glad these lists are fewer and far between now and hopefully will be faded out with that map rotation eventually. I am not saying that tactic shouldn't have a place, but no list should auto win any map.. or that map should not be included imo.

37 minutes ago, Fourtytwo said:

This sounds utterly boring and lame. Who plays such a list - people with a clinical lack of self-respect?

I'd say blame the game, not the players. It's an interesting list that plays very differently from other lists. The main problem IMHO is Raining Freight, which is simply degenerate when combined with an Ug Swarm.

Madrid Regional, Madrid (Spain) 01/13/2018

43 Players

Winner List:

- Han Solo

- Rogue Smuggler

- Elite Alliance Rangers

- Ko-Tun Feralo

- Hera Syndulla

- Gideon Argus

- C-3PO

- Regular Alliance Smuggler

Omaha Regionals on 1-13. I ran:

Iggy Pirates
[12] IG-88
[0] Focused on the Kill
[7] Elite Weequay Pirate
[7] Elite Weequay Pirate
[4] Greedo
[1] Temporary Alliance
[3] Gideon Argus
[2] C-3PO
[3] Elite Jawa Scavenger
[1] Black Market


[3] Assassinate
[3] On the Lam
[2] Blaze of Glory
[2] Heightened Reflexes
[2] Tools for the Job
[1] Black Market Prices
[1] Negation
[1] Tough Luck
[0] Element of Surprise
[0] Planning
[0] Take Initiative
[0] Toxic Dart
[0] Wild Attack
[0] Devotion
[0] Positioning Advantage

I went 3-1 in Swiss and made it to Top 4.

My first draft of this list (created December 16th before anyone accuses me of copying the Georgia winner) used Jedi Luke, but I quickly realized that the Hunter synergy and sheer damage output made the murder bot a superior choice. I put in a multitude of practice rounds against various list archetypes as well, so I entered the Regionals feeling well prepared.

As for the field, I actually got all of the list sheets from the organizer so I can give you the numbers: of the 17 players, there were 6 lists that featured Han and at least one other Midrange or Titan such Drokkatta, Ahsoka, or Luke; 2 lists with Han, Jyn, and a variety of Smugglers and support; 2 scum Sentry Droids lists (one of which took the trophy); 2 Titan + Weequay lists (Brett Pidde's list, detailed later, and mine); 2 Vader lists; 1 Imperial Spies; 1 Rangers list; and 1 Force User/Smugglers list.

I'll write a very brief description of each match:

Round 1: Michael
[12] Elite Alliance Ranger
[8] Ahsoka Tano
[7] Elite Rebel Saboteur
[6] Davith Elso
[3] Gideon Argus
[2] C-3PO
[2] Rebel High Command


Map: Jabba's Palace B

Against Rangers I refused to open the door, instead staging just south of the blue deployment zone with Hidden Weequay and sending a focused Greedo to hold the middle objective. Michael staged along the staircase with his Spies while the Rangers opened the door and covered the throne room. I defeated the Spies and then pivoted to destroy the Rangers in a quick victory. Win 40-6.

Round 2: Tim @Archangel359 @The Archangel
[15] Chewbacca
[-4] Wookiee Avenger
[12] Han Solo
[-2] Rogue Smuggler
[6] Lando Calrissian
[5] Jyn Odan
[3] Gideon Argus
[2] C-3PO
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[1] Balance of the Force

Map: Mos Eisley Back Alley A

As usual, I had initiative first round. After standard setup plays, Tim's Jyn was left in a very exposed position. I elected to take advantage of this and killed her in one shot with IG, which allowed Chewie to reactivate. Chewie then attacked IG and slammed, finishing IG in one activation. The match then degraded into a general brawl, but losing IG before he really accomplished much meant the death of me. It did end very closely though at 35-38. Tim was a wonderful opponent to play against who just started recently. He made some great plays, and I will be watching his career with great interest.

Round 3: Brett
[1] Temporary Alliance
[12] Luke Skywalker
[7] Elite Weequay Pirate
[7] Elite Weequay Pirate
[4] Greedo
[3] Elite Jawa Scavenger
[3] Gideon Argus
[2] C-3PO
[1] Devious Scheme

Map: Mos Eisley Back Alley B

Round 3 was against my friend Brett, who elected to use the Luke version of my list that we had discussed previously. Seeing as this match was an almost perfect mirror, many of the opening maneuvers were very similar. We ended up with a mutual Greedo annihilation, then moved our respective Titans squared off. He got SoS and I got Blaze in the first round, so we entered round 2 with our heavy hitters each making an attack and retreating with little health. Eventually though, I was able to chain an On the Lam into a movement to target his Luke with a Weequay and defeat the Jedi. Win 40-22.

Round 4: Dave @seef1033
[12] Han Solo
[-2] Rogue Smuggler
[8] Elite Echo Base Trooper
[5] Jyn Odan
[4] Hera Syndulla
[3] Gideon Argus
[3] R2-D2
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[2] C-3PO
[1] Unshakable


Map: Nal Hutta Swamps A

My match against Dave opened auspiciously when I was able to use Greedo to contest a shield and kill C-3PO. A huge shootout then commenced over that shield, wherein my Greedo was traded for Han and Jyn in a flurry of intense command card action. Dave stuck it out, however, using his superior numbers to take shields I just didn't have the bodies to contest. It came down to a scarily close 40-35 win, securing my place in the Top 8. This whole match was on stream and can be seen in the stream thread I posted.

Top 8 Rematch: Tim

Map: Jabba's Palace A

In our second match, I tried to take better care of IG, but again a Jyn kill reactivated Chewie, who again used that free activation and the initiative next round to kill IG. I was able to stay in the game by using a set of focused Weequay to kill Han before he activated second round and the other set to finish Lando and Chewie. With this, Tim conceded. Again, Tim is a great player and I look forward to playing him again.

Top 4 Rematch: Dave

Map: Nal Hutta Swamps B

I knew from the beginning that this was going to be a tough match. Raining Freight is easily my weakest scenario with this list, and I was up against a list that was quite adept at it. The primary highlight was my using Blazw of Glory to dive bomb IG in and kill a cowering Han, but at the cost of IG, which death was Celebrated. I eventually conceded as Dave used his Smugglers to vacuum up crates all across the map. 19-36.

Overall, between the Arkansas, Kansas, and local players there was a lot of very talented people present at this Regional. I played against a lot of great people and had a lot of fun in and out of the tournament. As to my list, I think it is one of the highest damage output lists possible right now, but it can severely suffer in the objective game. As I prepare for the FFG Regional, I think I will switch to a more fun thematic list as I now have the dice I so desperately coveted and can afford to take it easy.

Thanks for reading!

Edited by ThatJakeGuy
5 hours ago, ThatJakeGuy said:

Round 2: Tim @Archangel359 (I think? Lots of Archangels on the forums)
[15] Chewbacca
[-4] Wookiee Avenger
[12] Han Solo
[-2] Rogue Smuggler
[6] Lando Calrissian
[5] Jyn Odan
[3] Gideon Argus
[2] C-3PO
[2] Alliance Smuggler
[1] Balance of the Force

Map: Mos Eisley Back Alley A

As usual, I had initiative first round. After standard setup plays, Tim's Jyn was left in a very exposed position. I elected to take advantage of this and killed her in one shot with IG, which allowed Chewie to reactivate. Chewie then attacked IG and slammed, finishing IG in one activation. The match then degraded into a general brawl, but losing IG before he really accomplished much meant the death of me. It did end very closely though at 35-38. Tim was a wonderful opponent to play against who just started recently. He made some great plays, and I will be watching his career with great interest.

Top 8 Rematch: Tim

Map: Jabba's Palace A

In our second match, I tried to take better care of IG, but again a Jyn kill reactivated Chewie, who again used that free activation and the initiative next round to kill IG. I was able to stay in the game by using a set of focused Weequay to kill Han before he activated second round and the other set to finish Lando and Chewie. With this, Tim conceded. Again, Tim is a great player and I look forward to playing him again.

I am The Archangel you are looking for, Jake. Haha! It was awesome to meet you and a ton of fun to play against your IG-88 list. I'll hopefully be posting my recap of the Regional soon myself.

Here was my list from Omaha. I just posted a separate thread for my battle report, as it was pretty long and I didn't want to clutter up this thread.

Han 10

Ahsoka 8

Hera 4

Gideon 3

C3PO 2

Alliance Smuggler 2

Rebel High Command 2


On the Lam

Tools for the Job

Heart of Freedom

I Make My Own Luck

Collateral Damage

Intelligence Leak


Stealth Tactics

Tough Luck


Element of Surprise

Officer’s Training


Take Initiative


I made top 4 and had a blast with this three-titan list :-)


14 hours ago, ryanjamal said:

Here was my list from Omaha. I just posted a separate thread for my battle report, as it was pretty long and I didn't want to clutter up this thread.

Han 10

Ahsoka 8

Hera 4

Gideon 3

C3PO 2

Alliance Smuggler 2

Rebel High Command 2

Ballzy (no groups) and greedy (3 big guns)! I LOVE IT! Nice job :P

20 hours ago, ThatJakeGuy said:

Omaha Regionals on 1-13. I ran:

Iggy Pirates
[12] IG-88
[0] Focused on the Kill
[7] Elite Weequay Pirate
[7] Elite Weequay Pirate
[4] Greedo
[1] Temporary Alliance
[3] Gideon Argus
[2] C-3PO
[3] Elite Jawa Scavenger
[1] Black Market

Ya, I'm so tempted to go to an Iggy list. I love the mercs so much, but you must have Iggy.

Iggy is solid, but I actually found that I prefer to play to "smaller" guys in most lists. In the Victory Manipulation list, I started out with Iggy - because you must have - but with him, I couldn't get Greedo and Greedo is muster have than Iggy :)

Greedo + Bossk felt better than Iggy and in hindsight I'd do Greedo + Shyla I think for even more control (and speed).