2017-18 Regionals Lists

By ThatJakeGuy, in Imperial Assault Skirmish

19 minutes ago, brettpkelly said:

Wow, no IG? This list looks very similar to some of the top lists at worlds last year.

That is pretty cool. Would love to see what some of the other lists were. Still, 62 people? Worlds was 93 only two years ago. I'm loving this!

The only way I'd love this more is if a group just as big was in my backyard. Haha!

Congrats to Spain on a great showing! Hope you guys keep the community growing!

Last year we had 40 people in Barcelona and because the store limited the attendance.

This year the org was different and they did a splendid job, not only this weekend but the whole year. We had tournaments around +20 people every month in this store. The game also got a huge push when FFG finally published Jabba (almost one year later) and HOtE simultaneously with the States.

I think there is a very good level here, the game is quite popular.

1 hour ago, brettpkelly said:

Wow, no IG? This list looks very similar to some of the top lists at worlds last year.

2 IG in the top 8 (Amatore and Morfo).

2 Han-Rangers (9 activations).

And 3 imperials (One with ATDP-Jets-Palpa, one Vader-Palpa, and one with Jets-Royal Guards)


Edited by viktr
1 minute ago, viktr said:

2 IG in the top 8 (Amatore and Morfo).

2 Han-Rangers (9 activations).

And 3 imperials (One with ATDP-Jets-Palpa, one Vader-Palpa, and one with Jets-Royal Guards)

Last year we had 40 people in Barcelona and because the store limited the attendance.

This year the org was different and they did an esplendid job, not only this weekend but the whole year. We had tournaments around +20 people every month in this store. The game also got a huge push when FFG finally published Jabba (almost one year later) and HOtE simultaneously with the States.

I think there is a very good level here, the game is quite popular.


Wow. mind = blown. Seems the Spanish know a good game when they see one. I see the game has grown here a little over the last year, but it would be cool to see it get to this level like it is in Spain. Thanks for the update too.

57 minutes ago, The Archangel said:

The only way I'd love this more is if a group just as big was in my backyard. Haha!

Congrats to Spain on a great showing! Hope you guys keep the community growing!

Seriously. We need to evangelize the Skirmish scene to greater Omaha!

At the ABQ regional this past weekend I took the following list:

13 Vader+DBH
8 Palpatine
14 2xERiots
2 rOfficer
1 zillo
1 Unshakeable

2 grisly contest
4 2x reinforcements
4 2x parting blow
1 dark energy
1 deathblow
1 negation
1 face to face
1 pummel
0 deadly precision
0 looking for a fight
0 fleet footed
0 urgency
0 force rush

In the top 4 we had

2x Ejets
2x r Officers

13 Vader+DBH
8 Palpatine
14 2xEjets
4 2x rOfficer
1 zillo

13 Vader+DBH
8 Palpatine
14 2xEjets
4 2x rOfficer
1 zillo

My list.

If you want to see a batrep, its now up!

Seeing as my area meta is Rebel heavy, i can't help but smile when is see a top 4 with Vader in them

3 hours ago, Darth evil said:

Seeing as my area meta is Rebel heavy, i can't help but smile when is see a top 4 with Vader in them

Thats funny its the opposite for me. all mercs and imps lol.

11 hours ago, MadFuhrer said:

0 deadly precision
0 looking for a fight
0 fleet footed
0 urgency
0 force rush

And then, in that moment, you realize there's no Take Initiative and you just twist and shout.

7 hours ago, erlucius90 said:

And then, in that moment, you realize there's no Take Initiative and you just twist and shout.

but your opponent doesn’t know you’re not running it so they’re wondering the whole time, “Do they have Take Initiative? I’m going to hold onto my negation just in case.”

2nd Regional in as many weeks, this time in Toronto at the For the Win Café.

My list, same as Québec City regional:

  • [12] elite Alliance Rangers
  • [07] Ko-Tun Feralo
  • [04] Hera Syndulla
  • [03] C1-10P
  • [03] Gideon Argus
  • [03] Mak Eshka'rey
  • [02] Alliance Smuggler
  • [02] Alliance Smuggler
  • [02] C-3PO
  • [02] Rebel High Command

I didn't take notes like before so this will be a shorter, more rushed battle report:

Game 1: Mercs with Rancor, Onar, Greedo, eWeequays, eClawdite, Jabba, Beast Tamer - Jabba's Palace [A]

Honestly I lost this game 30-31 but my opponent granted me one more round right as time was called - I was about to pick up my stuff and wait for game 2.

There was one moment in the game where score pivoted in her favor: C3PO dies, celebration is played, Jabba is present: 7 points for this guy is insane!

But the final overtime round went as such: Jabba, Onar and eClawdite on her side, Ko-Tun, Gideon and a ranger I think on my side - plus a smuggler down in the pit with 2 crates.

Activation order mattered a lot here - she went with Onar first, he shot me, didn't kill Ko-Tun, Ko-Tun activated, killed the eClawdite (cutting that activation out) and then I moved 4 away behind a red line wall that Onar had no possibility of using Jabba's Order hit to make an attack and then I scored my crates. Game ends 40-31 in my favor.

I felt really bad I was given this chance and it played out in my favor since I had lost the game as the previous round ended. But given a chance to win in a tournament.. I'd take it again!

Game 2: Empire with eSentries, eSentries, eJets, eJets, Officer, Officer, Rule by Fear, Zillo - Mos Eisley Back Alleys ( B )

Played the crates, carried 3 home, killed 2 Jets and a Sentry while he danced his eSentries 2 forward, shooting, going back into hiding 2 back - so I only took shots I could take and escaped with crates - Hera and I think another figure were left on 1 hp so I had a bit of luck but with the crates and the kills, score ended at 29-18 by the time the round ended. Remove those 3 crates I got back and I'd have lost - the mission was really important here as it was really hard to move forward to take him out since he was playing safe - had it been a control mission (mission A for example) - he'd have been forced to move forward a bit more. He himself didnt take any crate at all during the game.

Game 3: Empire with Vader, eJets, eJets, rJets, rJets, Officer, Officer Zillo - Nal Hutta Swamps [A]

Shielded on Swamp means I have to move forward to control/contest, but since I had the range advantage, I could try to snipe out any incoming threat to each objective.

Vader in this game killed a smuggler and finished off Hera - that was all he did the entire game which definitely accounts for how I won the game, smuggler had denied him 4 points anyway, works for me! I believe I scored 3 times on the control but he almost had the opportunity to swing the score back in his favor at the end if he had just 1 more point of movement (fuel upgrade wouldve settled it) - luckily he didnt and I took away a 3rd win.

Game 4: Empire with Vader, eJets, eJets, eRiots, Officer, Officer, Zillo, Rule by Fear - Mos Eisley Back alleys [A]

Playing against my buddy Carl, who eventually won the Regional (ugh!) 2nd Regional in a row where I beat someone in Swiss rounds who then beats me in the finals! Oh well (:
The mission here was in my favor, control the boxes for VPs means that he would be exposed so he tried for some but I had mine and denied whatever big points he was going for while take shots at eRiots and eJets.

I ended up killing both eRiots, one group of eJets and another eJet out of the 2 remaining on the table... not sure if I killed an Officer. Game still ended pretty close 38-34 for me. Those boxes man!

However his Vader was extremely dangerous because of his command deck built more toward Vader and only a little bit toward his eJets/eRiots. He really went forward FAST and wrecked me many things~

Top 4 Cut: Rebels with ... well lets face it, my list is his list but he has Han instead of Mak & Ko-Tun - so definitely close to a mirror match here!

Han, Rangers, Hera, Gideon, Chopper, C3P0, 2 Smugglers, Rebel High command - Jabba's Palace ( B )

3 of us went from Montreal to Toronto - I played both of them, Stéphane this time.

Stash control!
This one was BLOODY right from the start.
He opens his door first, drops smuggler into the pit

I open my door next with Mak and he rolls me an X with his 2nd smuggler that hadnt activated... bad start for me!

Right away he activates his Rangers.. oh boy here we go - and he kills a smuggler, Mak and gets 3 damage through on Hera - oof, that was dangerous.
However, my reply was also pretty bloody:
Ko-Tun wounded the only ranger I could shoot and he had given a token to one ranger so that no more X could be rolled

Rangers then went and took out his unactivated Smuggler, finished his wounded ranger and then I shot Hera for 4 damage after defense: so I played Assassinate - Wham!

I dropped my own Hera into the pit to take out the smuggler: he rolled the 2nd X of the game! Come on man! O:

I took control of the large room Stash and we both contested Middle and Pit stashes - so a bonus 4 points for me here.

After that it became extremely complicated for me: I was vulnerable to both his Han in the center and his Rangers hiding in his deployment zone - they could take 2 steps, shoot, 2 steps back to where they were and I had no way of reaching a line of sight to them. It was pretty hard to deal with to be honest but I managed, with objective control and taking out things within reach - at one point I managed to take out both his C3PO and Chopper before they activated, leaving only Gideon, 2 Rangers and Han (on 4 hp remaining and no "on the lam" I later learned) to finish the job - He could never send someone down after Hera so I kept scoring 4 points there but it was a very close game once more. All I had left on the last round was Ko-tun (6 hp remaining), Gideon, C3PO (and that Hera down in the pit).

Score was 37-30 in my favor but if he killed Ko-Tun - bumping him to 37 and then we both scored to 41-41 - I believe he had more figure kill count

Unfortunately for him, I got to go first in the round (Call the Vanguard) and he had Tough Luck in his hand but Ko-Tun didn't need her Reroll: I rolled a perfect exact 7 damage after defenses on a mint Ranger, ending the game straight away 41-30.

Finals: Rematch against Carl - Vader, eRiots, eJets, eJets, Officer, Officer, zillo , RBF - Nal Hutta Swamp ( B )

I had already lost against Carl during practice on this very map, same scenario, same teams on each side - just the deployment areas were swapped around this time

Didn't matter, same result, I end up just short of the victory, game ended 36-40 - he could pick up just enough crates at the end and I couldn't. The pivoting point - and a weakness for me on this scenario - My only multi-figure deployment is Rangers, kill 2 and now I'm just playing single figures per activation. He still had a group of 2 eJets, Vader and 2 Officers alive at the end so he had a lot of movement to go get crates and avoid me, while I was avoiding Vader for the most part trying to run around for crates and maybe shots on a Jet.

If I still had 2 rangers alive instead of just one, I'd have a better chance of winning it - taking 4 crates in one go to secure the points, but alas, it slipped out of my hands again! (:

It was incredibly fun and our group from Montreal definitely made an impression there, securing 3 of the 4 Top 4 spots (glad it wasnt a top 8 cause man that wouldve gone late!)

See you guys at Toronto Nationals in 2 weeks!

Edited by Kalandros
On 22/1/2018 at 6:36 PM, hypnosis11 said:

My list was:

Chewie w/ Wookie Avenger (11)

Han w/ Rogue Smuggler (10)

Jynn (5)

Hera (4)

Gideon (3)

3p0 (2)

2 rSmugglers (4)

Balance of the Force (1)

I run the same list with R2 instead of rSmuggler+BotF. Can you tell me your command deck?


Edited by Golan Trevize
On 3/23/2018 at 11:33 AM, Golan Trevize said:

I run the same list with R2 instead of rSmuggler+BotF. Can you tell me your command desk?


Yep: Debts Repaid (3), On the Lam (3), Tools for the Job (2), Run for Cover (2), One in a Million (2), Slippery Target (2), Negation (1), Tough Luck (1), Smuggled Supplies (1), Brace for Impact (1), TI (0), Urgency (0), Planning (0), Element of Surprise (0), Officers Training (0).

I believe that's the list. Without balance I would drop Slippery Target and probably Smuggled Supplies, (Maybe now I would swap Run for Cover and Make My Own Luck). I would add Toxic Dart and probably positioning advantage. (Maybe Wild Attack for the Jyn super combo).

8 hours ago, hypnosis11 said:

Yep: Debts Repaid (3), On the Lam (3), Tools for the Job (2), Run for Cover (2), One in a Million (2), Slippery Target (2), Negation (1), Tough Luck (1), Smuggled Supplies (1), Brace for Impact (1), TI (0), Urgency (0), Planning (0), Element of Surprise (0), Officers Training (0).

I believe that's the list. Without balance I would drop Slippery Target and probably Smuggled Supplies, (Maybe now I would swap Run for Cover and Make My Own Luck). I would add Toxic Dart and probably positioning advantage. (Maybe Wild Attack for the Jyn super combo).

Jyn combo is a bit too situational. In theory a good player won't let Jyn trigger her ability. I like Wild Fury, To The Limit, Rally on Chewie for an Attack+Focused Attack+Slam+Attack sequence plus condition removal on next activation (likely with debts repaid as a stunned and bleeding Chewie will likely encourage opponent to steal a kill). Also Self-defence on slam helps out when you need that one damage for the kill. Evacuation is nice on the rSmuggler for triggering Debts Repaid or to evacuate an almost dead Chewie at only 3VPs.

Edited by Golan Trevize