Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (IC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Jace whistled at the sight of 'military reserve' stamped on the top of the boxes. They had hit some good stuff today. But as with all things good in Nar Shaddaa, they needed to cash out fast.

"Alright, once we get all the boxes in and everyone has a ride, let's hit the road. Leto, we heading back to the warehouse or is there anywhere else you have in mind?"

Edited by satkaz

Leto replies “ Homeward bound! ” as he whistles spinning his finger around upward to round the party up. The human jumps into the truck and says “ Let’s bug outta here, Crash-Course ” looking through the windows to confirm it’s still clear.

Usshkr got up and put a claw on Hetaera, " I'm ready to go, Hetaera you ride with Ssshura, you'll be lesss Cramped than in the truck, I'll take a walk, I need to clear my head." Usshkr would wait to see Hetaera and Shura leave on the bike before he would leave himself, if there was anyone he could leave his charge with and knew she'd be alive it was Shura, despite the ornery Lizard's misgivings with the young sarcastic Twilek he knew she was a good friend of Hetaera's and good with a blaster, and more than capable of protecting her.

Edited by Shlambate

Once everyone was done loading the crates, Giz starts up Smog as everyone gets in. Giz tries to lose any potential followers by leaving the immediate area, then looping around a few blocks and then stopping in a few places before heading back to their hideout. Giz parks Smog a half a block from the hideout itself and says with a satisfied grin over the comm, " We pulled it off, nice going guys!"

Edited by BeingofMortis

Shura sped away from the scene as fast as she could with Hetaera behind her in the passenger seat.

Hope all this was worth it, Shura thought as they neared the hideout.

Hetaera holds tight to her friend, trying not to let the Nautolan extensions whip her off the bike. Bangarang indeed.

They seem to have made a clean getaway, but she twists her neck around to look behind them, just in case.

While pulled off to the side to confirm we weren't followed, Leto turns to the back of the truck and says to Re'peek, " So, what's in the cargo? Have you been able to see what's inside yet? ". He figures now is good as any to inspect the recently acquired merchandise.

After a short drive, the truck pulls up in front of the tattered accommodation that the party had been using. It would not take them long to unload the crates into the building, leaving them to decide what to do next. The most obvious decision was to crack the locks on them to expose their contents, but imperial locks on military supplies were not a simple mechanism.

As they finish unloading, HU-1K would move to glance through the front window. 'Observation, something is coming this way'.

'What?' Jex would ask with concern in his voice as he moves to the window. As he does, there is the roar of engines outside before they suddenly go quiet. 'Oh, now I see them' he would say with disappointment. 'Trucks'.

Who where they though? Giz had been extremely careful to lose any potential tails, so if it was the couriers how had they found them? Of it wasn't the couriers, who was it, and what did they want? Was it even linked to the heist? There were other accommodations around here as well. Perhaps it was unrelated.

Far away from the house, Usshkr would find himself in a quiet part of the sector. Here there was only the quiet hum of machinery far off in the distance, and every so often the sound of a speeder passing overhead.

He had found his way to the graveyard that most of the sector used when they lost someone. It was a drab affair, stone blocks and the occasional holo-projector with the face of the dead. He and there a plant would sprout out of the cracks in the ground, adding a little colour to the concrete scene.

Today had been a long and difficult day for the group, but it was not done yet. More was coming, both good and bad. All the group can do for now is weather the storm, and hope they make it out the other side.

Usshkr moved into the depths of the Cemetery, it was an old place with barely any space left in it, but it did house the graves of his Wife and Daughter. He would stop near the end of graveyard at the markers that designated their spots. " It's been to long since I was last able to pay a visit my beloved ." Usshkr would say in perfect Dosh, " I have failed you once again, A Walking Carpet bested me... Thus unless I find it the Scorekeeper will not allow me to see you and our little one again ." Tears would streak down his snout, " I tried to see if I was ready to face the wookiee, A blasted droid bested me, I should have won, if I was in my prime... If I had my old arms..., I'm too old Beloved." Usshkr would punch the wall next to him in frustration, he would stay there at the graves for a few minutes until he had collected himself and felt he had payed his respects, Usshkr heads back to the base.

Trucks outside?! Now? Can't be a coincidence.. Probably too late, but... "Guys, check those crates for trackers."

Hetaera makes her way over to the window, to have a look at their untimely visitors. She takes in the models and markings of the vehicles, and notes their number. "What have we, here..?" Syndicate? Ganks? Imps? My adoring fans?

Het does not wish to disturb Usshkr, suspecting why he had chosen to walk home, but she calls him nonetheless: "Don't talk, just listen. We have company." She considers, before going into further detail...

Streetwise Check for determining who the trucks outside belong to?


Edited by Edgehawk

Usshkr' communicator would beep shortly after he had left the Cemetery, when he turned it on he could hear Hetaera's voice. " Company? Get to cover, I'll be there ssshortly." He was far from the home base but he could get there quickly if he sprinted, ignoring the pain in his rib cage he went as fast as he could, he wasn't going to fail a life debt.

Jace pulls the blaster close to him, checking the crates to see if anything was attached to them before trying to see if he could open the locks.

Hopefully, I remember how to get through these things, quartermasters be damned.

As Usshkr sprinted across the sector the trucks would stir to life outside of the house. Ree'peek, Leto, HU-1K and their trusted doctor had gathered by the window to see what was happening. The back doors to the trucks were swung wide and individuals clouded by the shadows of the skyscrapers hopped out. There were three trucks in total, all battered and worse for wear due to their age. There were no identifying markings on the hulls of them, but perhaps the passengers would give a clue as to who they belonged to. It was the Duros. There was about twenty of them in total, and all of them were armed with pistols, knives and even a few carbines here and there. This was the biggest gathering of the gang that the sector had seen for a while, especially while being armed like they were. One of them would walk ahead of the others as they get their equipment in order. He was a tall, lithe individual, and was wearing a rich blue biker jacket. He'd pause as he surveys the building for a moment before waving behind him to one of the other gang members.

The second Duros would make a dash towards the house suddenly, but stop just short of the apparent leader as he hurls something from his hand. In the other room where Leto and the others had gathered there would be a faint smash followed by a shout. Before anything could be done, there was a rip roaring explosion that tore through the room and burst out through the window. Part of the front wall would be flung into the road and a great fireball would explode into the other room where the rest of the gang were, though it dissipated before anyone was seriously burnt. From the other room there was no noise, no words, but from the road it was another story.

The head Duros would reach to press a finger against a collar wrapped around his neck, activating the amplifier set into it. 'Is anyone still alive in there?' He'd ask, causing a few chuckles from those behind him. 'If there is, I think got our mail by mistake? We're here to collect'. It would seem now that the group knew where the imperial surplus was being sent, though what it is and why is still a mystery.

Jace sighed as he worked on bypassing the locks on the crates, just in case things got hairy. The panels to perform a bypass were rather small and Jace needed to walk around a bit to get the items needed to do it.

Really missing those specialist tools right about now.

This would take him a fair amount of time getting through all the boxes, but after that, they'd be easy to open.

I just hope they don't do anything quickly.

Hetaera activates her own collar amp in reply: "Not only are we alive and well, but we've just opened your mail, and are quite prepared to return it to you. Is that really what you want?" She pauses, for effect, hoping the crates are filled with enough firepower to give the Duros pause. "I suggest you leave while you can, before we decide to paint what's left of these walls green."

Hoping her bluff delays them.. but it might not be a bluff.. Het crouches behind cover, clutching the heavy blaster with both hands.

Results 1eF : 2 Light Side [1eF=LS/LS]

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Description Hard Deception w/ Setback + Destiny flip
Results 3eP+3eD+1eS : 1 success [3eP=S/S, S/S, S/A] [3eD=F/F, -, F/F] [1eS=Th]
p-s-s.png p-s-s.png p-s-a.png d-f-f.png d--.png d-f-f.png s-th.png

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Edited by Edgehawk
Added rolls

The Duros would pause as he glances behind him at the others. After a moment he would turn back to the damage building. 'Whether you have or not, we're not leaving without them. Time to use them or time to hand them over!' With that he would wave for the other gang members to advance. The bluff had only bough them a little time but it may help. The Duros were determined to recover the contents of the crates, at the cost of the lives of their opponents, and maybe themselves it seems.

Giz jumps down still in his jawa disguise, and whips out his heavy blaster pistol and says, "Time to get messy."

Giz then shoots at the closest Duro to him.

Jace could only get off a whistle as he saw the contents of the biggest box inside: a launcher.

What, expecting Hailfires in Nar Shaddaa? Quickly, Jace pulled the launcher out of the box, noting its weight being heavier than he expected.

"Hey, Shura!" Jace said, finding the nearest person in the group. "Gonna need you to open the box here." He pointed to a smaller box that was nearby where the launcher was taken. "That should be the ammo for this missile launcher. Open up the pad, pull out the largest blue and green wires you see, then grab the Y-shaped piece of metal near me and place it where the wires were connected. After that, type some random numbers and press enter, that should short out the pad and open it."

"After that...take a missile, get behind me, and load it into the launcher so that the fins are facing you. And then get some cover."

Edited by satkaz

Hetaera is about to flip her collar amp again, when the blaster fire rings out, signaling an end to congenial negotiations. Hope those crates are packing some serious firepower...

The Twi-lek sinks deeper into cover, as the melee ensues.

On ‎7‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 7:31 PM, satkaz said:

Jace could only get off a whistle as he saw the contents of the biggest box inside: a launcher.

What, expecting Hailfires in Nar Shaddaa? Quickly, Jace pulled the launcher out of the box, noting its weight being heavier than he expected.

"Hey, Shura!" Jace said, finding the nearest person in the group. "Gonna need you to open the box here." He pointed to a smaller box that was nearby where the launcher was taken. "That should be the ammo for this missile launcher. Open up the pad, pull out the largest blue and green wires you see, then grab the Y-shaped piece of metal near me and place it where the wires were connected. After that, type some random numbers and press enter, that should short out the pad and open it."

"After that...take a missile, get behind me, and load it into the launcher so that the fins are facing you. And then get some cover."

"On it," Shura replies.

She moves over to the crate, and following Jace's instructions, Shura manages to open it. She lifts a heavy missile from the crate and loads it into the launcher.

"It's ready," Shura tells Jace.

"Thank you. Now, get clear from the blast. It'll hurt if you're behind this."

Jace lifts the missile launcher up and tracks the group who already had one of their own wounded by Giz. The weight of the launcher was heavier than Jace thought, but he never trained as a heavy trooper in the first place.

He looked behind to make sure Shura was clear, then yelled, "Backblast clear!"

The missile flew straight into the group and blew up in a ball of fire. The screams of some Duros would ring out as they caught fire.

The Duros would shrug off the small arms fire from the figures holed up in the house, but the screaming red missile would have a different effect. The gangsters would be wreathed in flame, a number of them falling to the attack while the others emerge with the flames coating their jackets, trousers and skin.

The others would pause in their advance as they witness the devastation, but their leader would quickly snap them out of it. 'Come on! Before they reload, get a move on!'

With that the remaining Duros would run forward with a shout and their pistols held high. The volley of gunfire thumps into the building, leaving great pock marks in the wall and shattering what little glass remained. A couple of the shots would catch Jace in his arm as the Duros clamber of the rubble to reach the front of the house. Shura would also suffer injuries for her trouble, taking a shot to her shoulder with another scraping past her temple. Soon they would be inside and firing the missile would be impossible without killing everyone. The group must act fast.

Duros Group 1 Combat Check : 2eP+2eA+1eD+1eS 2 successes, 3 advantage

p-s-a.png p-a-a.png a-a.png a-s.png d--.png s-th.png Does 8 base damage to Jace, advantage spent to add 1 to targets ranged defence next turn.

Duros Group 2 Combat Check : 2eP+3eA+1eD+1eS 4 successes
p-a-a.png p-s-s.png a-s.png a-s.png a-a.png d-th-th.png s-th.png Does 10 base damage to Shura

As the Duros approach, Hetaera raises the heavy blaster in both her hands, and fires as Usshkr had shown her. She thinks she hit with a couple shots, but is quick to duck back into cover.

Description Heavy Blaster at Duros
Results 3eA+1eD : 3 successes, 1 threat [3eA=-, S/S, S/A] [1eD=Th/Th]
a--.png a-s-s.png a-s-a.png d-th-th.png

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(hits for 10 dmg, takes a Strain?)

Edited by Edgehawk


Edited by Rabobankrider

Honestly, whichever Duros are closest, or heading her way. Already applied the Strain, but adjusted for not taking the second maneuver.