Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (IC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Tucker would put on his most winning grin as he hops out of the truck and saunters across to Hetaera, leaving the passenger door open. The drive could be seen to bring a hang to his face in frustration as Tucker leaves.

'No problem little lady' he'd drawl as he would move to free her. 'What happened to you huh? Pretty little thing like you should be more careful on a moon like this'.

Hetaera bites her lip, as Tucker helps unwind the whip twined about her, hoping her team understands what a distraction is.. and what it isn't.

This is it, guys. The truck is stopped.. Tucker is out..

(With Tucker now

engaged , Het (suffering 1 Strain) will actively distract him with her behavior , adding a Threat to his dicepools until the start of next turn)

Seeing Tucker get out of the vehicle from the side, Leto thought “ Oh Tucker... right on cue ”. Eager for the passengers to still jump out, he attempts to inspire the crew against the couriers over his comlink “ The sector-idiot just ate the bait and left the driver vulnerable! This couldn’t be going better ”.

Improved Inspiring Rhetoric + Prior Boost : 2eP+1eA+1eB+2eD 1 failure, 3 advantage
p-a.png p-a-a.png a--.png b-a.png d-th.png d-f.png

Passing advantages to next PC (2x Boost)

Edited by Vergence

Usshkr pulled down his hood and immediately approached Hetaera and Tucker. Tucker's face went pale as he saw the Supposedly dead Trandoshan appear before him " Missss me?" Usshkr immediately delivers an Uppercut to Tucker's Jaw, a few teeth fly past Hetaera's face as the force of the blow leaves Tucker on his back. Usshkr looks to Hetaera, " I'll handle him and the ressst you take the Driver." Usshkr puts a foot on Tucker's Chest " Ssstay Down!"

Brawl : 1eP+3eA+3eB+1eC+2eD 3 successes, 8 advantage
p-a-a.png a-s.png a-a-a.png a-a.png b-s-a.png b-s-a.png b-a-a.png c--.png d-th.png d--.png

Critical! : 1d100 88

6 damage after soak is applied to Tucker, 8 advantage spent on the following a Crit, disorient for 3 turns, knockdown and a boost to be passed. Crit was Compromised which upgrades all actions for the whole encounter.

Edited by Shlambate

When the Trandoshan appears from the shadows, attacking Tucker, Hetaera flees shrieking toward the idling truck. "It's him!! Help!! Don't just sit there!! Let me in!!"

Freed from the whip, the Twi'lek desperately tries the door Tucker had exited from, in a frenzy to escape the raging lizard man.

The door opens, to her surprise, and as she raises the unfamiliar weight of the heavy blaster.. she fires it prematurely, missing the driver completely. "Shavit!! Here, take this kriffing thing!" She hands the weapon over to the rattled driver in a fumbling manner, 'inadvertently' ejecting the power cell, which falls to the floor. "Save me!!"

Description Ranged light
Results 3eA+1eB+1eD : 0 successes, 2 advantage [3eA=A, -, A/A] [1eB=-] [1eD=Th]
a-a.png a--.png a-a-a.png b--.png d-th.png

Copy pasta: link bbcode

Edited by Edgehawk

Tucker would grit his teeth as he stares up at the trandoshan. 'Aw you should have stayed dead you chubby lizard!' he'd grunt from up on the floor. With that the man would scrabble for the pistol in his holster. It was a bulky creation, popular with ex-military types and the more violent mercenaries. He would fire randomly up at Usshkr, one shot grazing his snout as it narrowly misses blowing his jaw off. Another would sink into the old warriors thigh, giving Tucker a chance to shove him off and scramble to his feet.

As he gets to his feet he would grin at Usshkr. 'Pretty sucky of you pal, sucker punching a guy like that. Didn't you always whine on about honour or something? So what, now you're just kidnapping chicks or something? I knew you were into some weird stuff but that's just wrong.' His words would be rushed, almost tripping over each other as he glances behind him.

Meanwhile the driver was leaning on the horn of the truck as he steadied himself from the near death experience. 'Tucker! We're leaving!' His head would snap around to face Hetarea as he snatches the weapon out of her hand. 'Stupid girl, hurry up! Get in!'

Tucker Combat Check : 2eP+1eA+2eD+1eS 2 successes

p-s-a.png p-s-a.png a-s.png d-th.png d-f.png s-th.png Flips destiny point, does 10 base damage to Usskr.

Edited by Rabobankrider

Jace aimed the heavy blaster pistol at the driver for an eternity, waiting for the perfect shot. His hands shook as the driver reached for Hetarea's weapon. Jace took a deep breath and let his hand drop, seemingly unable to hit the driver as he was blocked by the door.

And now...let it out, he though as he immediately raised the heavy blaster up and fired. The glass did little to protect the driver as the blaster bolt penetrated through both glass and his skull.

Getting back into it. Jace felt a bit of the old days coming back up. He wasn't where he used to be back in the Clone Wars, but at least he could still shoot.

"Giz, keep that truck pinned," he would say over the comms before watching for any reinforcements.

Taking 2 strain to aim twice.

Ranged Light [Glass Shot] : 2eP+1eA+2eB+2eD+1eS 2 successes, 1 threat, 1 Triumph
p-s-a.png p-tr.png a-s.png b--.png b--.png d-th.png d-th.png s-f.png 

Gonna take an additional strain for the shot. With 9 damage total, the driver is probably smoked. Gonna take the Triumph to upgrade Jace's next roll.

Giz starts to aim the tactical tractor beam at the speeder truck and says over the comm "Copy that."

Shura pulls up in back of the transport and chooses to enjoy the show for awhile. Watching Usshkr rearrange Tucker's dental work was like watching poetry in motion. She would've felt sorry for the sucker, too... if he wasn't such a prick.

Edited by AdvocatXD

Tucker would duck down out of instinct as the gunshot rings out. The pilot is killed instantly as Hetaera in glass as the lifeless body slumps to one side against her. 'Aw are you kidding me!' Tucker would shout in frustration. 'You brought a sniper with you? Come on, I thought you were tough, but now you have to bring back up? You're getting old man'. He would twist to shout at the truck. 'Boys! We've got work to do!'

There would be a bang following this as the back door of the truck swings open. Jumping out of it would be a variety of grizzly looking thugs and brutes, presumably the security for the delivery. There was more than expected from the intel, ten in total, each carrying pipes, bats, and all manner of nasty ways to beat a person, as well as the blaster pistols in their belts.

'Alright, you lot, stomp the lizard, the rest of you, get that shooter!' The thugs would seperate, five of them drawing their shock sticks and making a dash towards Usshkr. 'Come here!' one would shout as the gang charge the veteran hunter. As skilled as he is, it is difficult to take on that number thugs. The guards would lay into him with a ferocity born on the rough street of the moon, and he would be forced to try and defend himself from the viscous swings that would catch him around his arms and torso.

While he is distracted by assault, the others move around the other side of the truck in search of the shooter. They aren't trained soldiers and do not know the tell tale signs that someone with such experience might have, but there is five of them, and that may be enough eyes to spot the target.

Truck Guard Squad 1 Combat Check : 3eP+1eA+2eD 3 successes, 1 advantage

p-a.png p-s-a.png p-s-a.png a-s.png d-th-th.png d--.png Does 8 base damage to Usskr, advantage spent to pass a boost to the next ally.

Truck Guard Perception Squad 2 Check : 2eA 2 successes, 1 advantage
a-s-s.png a-a.png

Jace thanked his luck that he hadn't lost his edge yet. A few seconds slower and the group below would have spotted him as he was watching.

"Still," he mutters to himself as he gets the concussion grenade ready, "they'll never see this coming."

The time spent in the Grand Army served him well once again. The concussion grenade sails into the crowd and landed perfectly in the middle. A high-pressure wave immediately blew out, knocking out almost everyone instantly. The only one left standing held his head out in confusion, giving the rest of the party a chance to finish him off.

Edited by satkaz

Usshkr beat off the attacking mob of Tucker's goons, one of them getting a hit in with a pipe at the back of Usshkr's head, the Trandoshan was looking tired and beaten, the kid was right he was getting old. But he wasn't gonna let Tucker best him with guards who any of them on their own couldn't even land a punch against him, Usshkr brushed past the henchmen pushing them out of his way.

" Boy, you never knew when to ssshut up." Usshkr punched Tucker in the throat before the boy could make any sort of quip or response. While he was dazed and choking Usshkr picked up Tucker and lifted him above his head, " You forfeited a honorable fight when you sssent a Wookiee to kill me." he brought Tucker before the group of guards that he brushed past. " I won't kill you boy that would be mercy." Usshkr bent Tucker's back on his knee " I will break you! " a sickening crunch could be heard by everyone nearby, the guards nearby were scared by the sound and the lizard who created it.

Edited by Shlambate

Noticing Tucker’s goons rush Usshkr with shock sticks, Leto calmly aims around the corner of alley with his heavy blaster pistol. In between the brutish goon’s strike attempts, Leto blasts a few of the courier guards in mid combat. With precision, a series of blue bolts fire from Leto’s barrel into the backs of Usshkr’s aggressors.

Flip DP to Downgrade + Aim 2x + Short Range : 1eP+2eA+2eB+1eD 3 successes, 1 advantage
p-s-a.png a--.png a-s-a.png b-s.png b--.png d-th.png

Flips a DP to downgrade, spends 2x strain to aim twice and spends the advantage as another setback to the minion group.

Finally. Shura thought. Something to do.

Shura dismounts her swoop, pulls out her heavy blaster pistol and heads over to where the action is. She takes her time to aim at the nearest thug and fires at him.

Ranged-Light check : 1eP+2eA+2eB+1eD 4 successes, 2 advantage
p-s.png a-a-a.png a-s.png b-s-a.png b-s.png d-th.png

Flipped Destiny pip to downgrade difficulty, endured 2 strain for extra maneuver, and aimed twice. Heavy blaster pistol does seven damage and I got 4 successes from the roll, so Shura dealt a total of 11 damage, minus soak. I use my two advantages as boosts for the next player.

The thugs would move slowly into the alley, looking around for the person who had fired on the driver. They were effective, but they didn't think to look up. There would be a light clunk as the concussive grenade lands between their feet. One would look down his face would drop. 'Oh-' he would manage to shout before it erupts in a fantastic flash and an ear bursting bang. Most of the men would be thrown backwards, crumbling onto the floor unconscious from the blast. One of them would be left staggering from side to side as he was doubled over, clutching at his ears. He would make faint whimpering noises as he managed to stay upright, his ear drums were probably burst, and he was almost certainly temporarily blinded.

Tucker was in a worse state. He was lying motionless on the floor from the attack he had suffered at the hands of Usshkr. As he had been raised int the air he would have shouted 'wait wait! I didn't'. It was too late to finish however as he was dashed on the ground. He may recover, but it would be a slow and painful recovery.

A few of the thugs attacking the trandoshan would be felled as the other ambushers get into the attack. The ferocity of their attack is quickly dampened as they realize their leader is down and their numbers are being thinned.

Hetaera starts when the blaster bolt penetrates the driver's window, and then his head. The now breached window allows her to better hear the sickening crunch of Tucker being broken. This is what I escaped the Hutt's service to be a part of..?

Het opens the driver's door, and unceremoniously dumps his body in the alley. Giz.. Now what was his code name..? He'll know what I mean. "Smog , Release the truck- I've got this."

Somewhat daunted by the array of unfamiliar controls, she prepares to make a go of driving the truck down the alley, with its unknown cargo...

Nowhere to go, without running them down.. and Usshkr's a monster, but he's my monster..

Seeing the last guard still facing her grievously wounded friend, she uncoils her whip, activates it, and lashes out. "Bzzzppttzz!" (closely followed by) "Frak, my elbow!!" as the Twi-lek hits her funny bone on the door.

Description Whip attack
Results 1eA+1eP+1eB+2eD : 2 successes, 1 threat [1eA=S] [1eP=S/S] [1eB=S] [2eD=F, F/Th]
a-s.png p-s-s.png b-s.png d-f.png d-f-th.png

Copy pasta: link bbcode

Edited by Edgehawk

'Ah! What?' One of the thugs would shout as he catches a lash across the elbow. 'I'm not paid enough for this, lets bail!' he'd shout to the others. They seem t be in agreement, as without a second thought the men turn tail and make a dash away from the trandoshan and the others, past the truck. They leave their fallen comrades behind, it seems they just want to get out of here with their lives. 'You can have the truck!' one of them would shout over his shoulder to the attackers. As they run,the injured thug int he alley continue to stagger back and forth, barely on his feet at this moment.

Truck guard squad 1 is still staggered.

Truck guard squad 2 moves to medium range of Usshkr, engaged range of alleyway exit.

Usshkr sensing that the trouble was gone rushes to Hetaera's side, having heard her scram of pain he went to investigate, "You let out a sssqueel, did one of them hit you?" He started inspecting her arm, that she was rubbing paying no mind to the burns on his scales or his plethora of other injuries, knowing that Usshkr was a grieving father Hetaera had newfound appreciation for why he was always so over protective, he had chosen the young twilek to be his stand in daughter. When he was done realizing it was just a hit funnybone he slumped by the side of the truck and held his sides his ribs were still broken and the various bats and pipes didn't help with the healing process.

Jace aimed the heavy blaster pistol at them. At this point, it'd be easy pickings. It'd be easy to fire when their backs are in front of him...

He sighed as he dropped the pistol to his side. If it was back at the battlefield, he'd shoot them dead. Even now, it'd be wiser to put a blaster bolt on them.

They're not the targets, Jace. They're just poor schmucks who got in way over their heads.

Jace started the climb down the ladder and joined with the rest of the group near the trucks, hoping to get the stuff and get out as fast as possible.

Spend both maneuver and action to get to the trucks.

Seeing the thugs on Usshkr begin to run off, Leto starts to walking out of the side alley calmly. As he glances at the staggering goon repeating the phrase 'Which way did he go?', Leto points his heavy blaster pistol at the courier and turns his heads towards Giz. Firing a blue bolt into the goon to silence him, Leto motions to Smog the truck is secure. Eager to leave, he begins to assist the crew with the cargo.

Light-range : 1eP+2eA+1eD 1 success, 2 advantage
p-s-a.png a-a.png a-a.png d-th.png

Edited by Vergence

The body of the injured man would fall to the floor motionless. The survivors would not stop running, too focused on surviving. The fight was over, the alley scattered with the dead and injured. The attackers were left with a largely undamaged truck and the cargo inside of it.

Investigating the back of the truck would reveal a dark grey interior with a corrugated metal interior. There were no seats, it seemed that the guards had been sat on the crates inside. There are only a few crates inside the truck, 1 long one with a shorter squatter one on top of it. On the other side of the truck there are three crates with similar dimensions to the first but smaller. It was time to go to work.

Edited by Rabobankrider

"Alright, everyone, let's get these boxes moving," Jace said as he got up on the back of the truck. He dragged the longer one to the edge of the truck before calling out, "Hey, Leto, I'll need someone else to carry this back to the truck. There are smaller boxes inside that can be carried to the truck inside."

Leto approaches the back of the truck to aid Jace in carrying the cargo. Lifting, he begins to wonder how many months rent will this item cover mentally. Regardless of what the unknown loot holds, speed was of the essence.

Shura starts picking up crates and helps carry them over to the truck.

It would only take a few minutes to move the crates from the back of the attacked truck to the back of Giz's vehicle. The crates would be made out of sturdy metal, and each has a code lock on the side to prevent it from being opened. On the dark grey metal, each has a white imperial logo stamped on the top, and underneath is the words'military reserve' written in basic. These crates do not belong to the couriers.

Regardless of this, the gang have to move fast. The survivors may have fled the scene, but this had not been the entirety of the couriers. It was unlikely they would take this highway robbery sitting down.