Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (IC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Jace decided discretion was the better part of valor and decided to go. DeGroot was a good supplier, but like in the battlefield, luck was a big part of life. His had held, while DeGroot just ran out. Jace made his way back the hideout a different way than he came from, grenades safely stored.

At least I got them. This is going to be helpful...hopefully.

"So...what'd I miss?" Jace would say as he went inside the room with the others.

Edited by satkaz

" Not-much, everybody has been idle here other than Jex " Leto responses. " How do the streets look? " he questions, considering what is about to go down.

"Some Imps are out and about. Nearly got nabbed by a raid while I was trying to get some of these grenades. Managed to get the grenades, but unfortunately, DeGroot's now sitting pretty in an Imperial holding cell, so these two are it for now."

"Before you say anything: I came back a different way than I went, so no one's following me."

Edited by satkaz

Leto nods, " Alright guys, time to disguise ourselves ". The human entertainingly enough uses the disguise kit to impersonate himself as a Mirialan thug. As he dressing up, he discovers a bandit mask with eye slits cut to wear over his green paint. " Hey Hetaera, do you mind helping paint little black tattoos on my face? Maybe say, YOLO or something appropriate in Mirialan " he chuckles. " Don't worry HU-1K, we got you " Leto adds with a grin.

"Disguises, huh?" Jace put on some fake scars and blast wounds to his face before putting on a balaclava. "Should be good enough, I suppose."

" I will be out of view, there isss no need for a Dissguissse, if I am needed I will be fighting the guardsss." Usshkr growls as he gets up from where he was having his arm set. " Plusss looking like a Deadman ssshould confusse them well enough." He gathered the weapons he was given for this raid and waits by the door for Hetaera to get herself ready.

Edited by Shlambate

Giz finds a brown cloak and yellow glowing contacts. As he finishes putting on the disguise, Jace walks in and starts talking to Leto. After they're done Giz walks up to Jace and says, "I hope I make a convincing Jawa, I'll go and prep smog."

"So.. You're certain you don't want to wear that mask, then, Usshkr..?" Hetaera glances over her shoulder long enough to catch the Trandoshan's withering gaze, then continues to work on Leto's facial artwork. When it is completed to her satisfaction, she begins to work on her own disguise. She makes no attempt to disguise her species, but proceeds to apply a bluish cream to her exposed skin.. which is a lot , though less than she sometimes flaunts. She regales anyone within earshot, with the unlikely tale of the dye's origins:

"..made from organic Tuanulberries, cultivated from.. I don't know? Some remote desert planet, where the bushes only bear fruit once every seventeen cycles. Oh! And just a hint of Booster Blue." The gentleman who had gifted it to her may not have been entirely honest, in his description.. or more likely, was just repeating the exaggerations of some merchant at the local bazzar.. But where's the fun in that?

Once the dye is set, she fusses with her makeup.. until it becomes painfully obvious that everyone else is ready to get going. "Oh.. I've been ready.. just some touching-up.. Ready-to-go?"

Rummaging through the crates full of props and costumes, Shura finds a pair of huge, black contact lenses; head-tress extensions; and body paint. In a matter of minutes, a dark blue Nautolan ushers over to her patiently awaiting gang.

"Let's see," Shura scrolls through her datapad, "I could position myself over at this alley, act casual, and comm you when they're coming. The distance would give you guys about a five-minute warning before they arrive. They should be making their round early in the afternoon."

Edited by AdvocatXD

And so a plan begun to form. However with the number of people taking part in this heist, it was going to stop things looking suspicious. Ree'Peek suggested that he and Jex hang back to act as reinforcements if needed. After all, from what they had learnt they should be able to carry off this heist with minimal issues. After a moments thought it was also suggested that Hu-1K should hang back as well. His size simply made keeping this low key too difficult. The droid begrudgingly agreed to this plan, and so all that was left was for the group to make their way to the selected ambush point. It was a short drive there, with minimal traffic at this time of day, and they were able to arrive with a little time left to prepare their plan.

The alleyway was indeed narrow. It'd be almost impossible to turn a truck around here. It was set between a number of tall buildings that had almost merged to form a solid wall on either side that stretched high into the sky above. There was a few narrow alleyways on either side of road that were too narrow for vehicles, but you could fit a person on foot no problem. Most of them lead to fire escapes that ran up the side of the buildings like some great petrified insects.

The main alley itself was covered in trash and dank looking puddles. They rarely seemed to try in the shade of the sky scraping buildings of Nar Shaddaa. The entrance to it was around a sharp corner from the main road behind, and the exit lead to a t-junction onto a busy. If the truck was able to make it there it would be lost without an exceedingly risky chase. It was time for the crew to put their plan into action.

Jace waited high above the fire escapes, concussion grenade in hand. As he waited, he placed the concussion grenade on his belt and pulled out a necklace from one of his pockets. It was a gift for Elise shortly after they had got married, and one of the few things Jace took when he started his way back to Nar Shaadaa.

Forgive me, Elise. This is the only thing I can do.

He put the necklace away and sat down on the fire escape, trying to make himself look like a beggar who decided to get comfy up high.

"Desperado here, in position. Everyone else ready?" he would say in comms.

Edited by satkaz

The would-be Mirialan bandit chooses to wait in the shadows of one of the humanoid-wide sized alleyways which connected to courier route on the passenger-side. Leto was leaning against the walls of the dark alley's silhouette thinking, " The plan is simple, everyone just needs to play their parts ".

Edited by Vergence

Giz sat out of sight in Smog pulled to the side next to the T-Junction awaiting the signal so he can block the exit. Giz started thinking to himself, " I hope things go as planned." Knowing that anything can go wrong, he placed a family good luck charm, a washer with his families names engraved upon it on the dashboard.

Edited by BeingofMortis

Hetaera's mouth quirks into a smile, as the guys make up their code names. Usually it's me, with the flair for the dramatic... Inspecting her blue-skinned appearance with satisfaction, she chimes in: "Call me Booster. "

"And this is starting to seem more like a smash-and-grab, than some elaborate ruse. Not sure how much of a distraction my appearance or actions will be to an armed convoy, in route.. Usshkr.. You're with me, now, running distraction..?

The Twi'lek exits the vehicle, and makes her way to the designated pedestrian alley. She can't see him, but she knows Leto is lurking in a similarly dank alley, just down and opposite. The heavy blaster feels heavy, under her cloak.

Usshkr would stand behind Hetaera, " Big Lizzzard in posssition." One of his claws would grab her shoulder tightly, "If thisss getsss rough hide behind me, I'll take the fire." Usshkr would whisper to Hetaera reminding her of his life debt to her, Usshkr put up the hood that Hetaera had found for him since he wasn't willing to wear a mask or paint his face, she found the next best thing lying around in the Human's base.

Shura situated herself inside her designated alley.

"This is Bangarang. I'm in position," Shura informed her gang through the comm, "the transport should be arriving any minute."

Edited by AdvocatXD

As the group waited for their mark, a sense of quiet would fall over the alley. There was only the noise of the traffic beyond the T-junction to keep them company. Every so often there would be a dull drip as water from a roof added to the contents of a puddle. Sat on the fire escape Jace would find it difficult to find a try spot as the mucky water follows the hand railings and the window ledges, every so often dropping onto his shoulders and down his neck. It would be perhaps quarter of an hour and there was no sign of the truck. Just when it seemed like they wouldn't be arriving, there was a low rumble in the distance. Something was coming. A squat grey truck would pull up around the corner, heading into the alleyway, and into the trap that had been set for it. It was go time.

Eventually, Shura spots the transport making it's way down the street.

Right on time.

"Target's coming. You've got five minutes," she warns her friends.

After giving the vehicle time to pass, Shura slowly and inconspicuously follows in pursuit on her swoop.

Edited by AdvocatXD

Alright, it's go time, Jace thought as he undid the flap on the holster, ready to pull the heavy blaster out.

Grabbing his comlink, Leto says " Copy that, Bangerang. See you in a few ". The human glances around the corner as he positions himself, " Booster, you look dazzling. All of the spot light is about to shine on your performance " he assures his fellow Twi'lek con artist.

Hetaera swallows. Go time. Showtime.

She had not wanted to reveal her plan in advance, knew Usshkr would not approve...

Checking to ensure it would not activate, she begins to wind her whip about her torso. "Don't just stand there, help me make this secure.. or at least appear secure."

The Trandoshan automatically starts to help her, then begins to protest.. but she's off! As she exits the narrow alley at a run, she trips, looking back over her shoulder. The performer manages a reasonably safe landing, but it looks painful, and her brilliantly tacky jacket gets scuffed in the process. Struggling to regain her feet, with her arms bound at her sides.. the leggy blue-skinned Twi-Lek looks scared. Desperate.

Wild-eyed, she starts to dash up the alley, then turns to run the opposite way, away from the rapidly approaching vehicle. Knowing that she has been seen, and cannot possibly outrun the truck, she hides behind the first cover she finds. Shivering, she peers out from behind the barrel, awaiting her fate.

Surely they'll stop? If they don't want to help me, they'll at least want to sell me...

The truck would screech to a halt a few feet away from Hetaera. She and Usshkr would be able to see Tucker in the passenger seat talking to a balding pilot. A brief argument seems to be happen between them, with the pilot about to get out of his seat before Tucker pulls him back into it. Instead, Tucker would swing his door open and lean out of his, peering over the frame as on hand drops behind the metal out of sight. 'Hey! What is this? Let's clear out already!' He seemed unusually serious today, and instead of his usually flamboyant get up he was wearing a small leather jacket over a white cotton shirt, although the jacket is the same colour as his previous attire. Other than the pilot, there was no one else visible.

Giz pulls behind the transport with Smog to block them off. Getting ready for trouble, he smiles at himself thinking, "This is where the fun begins." He then places his hands near the controls to the tactical tractor beam.

Edited by BeingofMortis

Hetaera looks back over her shoulder, then casts a tentatively hopeful smile toward the man in the leather jacket. "Well.. You've stopped, so there's that. My pursuants.. is that a word? Anyway, what I mean to say is.. I'm not being chased, at the moment, but I'm still in a bit of a predicament.." Her hesitant smile falters, as if suddenly remembering she is addressing strangers in a dark alley. She permits a ray of hope back into her eyes, and a glimmer of hope into her voice: "Can you help me?" (glancing down at the whip twined about her arms and torso, then back up) "Please..?"

Men are so predictable...

Character Hetaera
Campaign Kings of Nar Shaddaa
Description Avg Charm
Results 1eA+2eP+2eB+2eD+2eS : 2 successes, 1 advantage [1eA=-] [2eP=A/A, S/S] [2eB=S, A] [2eD=Th, -] [2eS=Th, F]
a--.png p-a-a.png p-s-s.png b-s.png b-a.png d-th.png d--.png s-th.png s-f.png

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