Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (IC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Jace's entrance would cause a lull in the quiet chatter among the figures gathered in the blocks lobbey. It was a drab grey colour with plaster flaking off of the walls and a few bits of litter scattered about. The figures in the room were all male from various different alien species. Most of them were species often employed by the Hutts, Weequay, Aqualish and Klantooine. The must have been six or so in total.

One of the Weequay steps forward to confront Jace. 'You boy? He's on the second floor, room B-12. Ain't no one here wanting to get shot for that burn out'. With that he would move to one side to let him past. The others would do the same.

When Jace passed him buy, the Weequay would shout after him. 'Hey human! Next time you walk into an alien block, you better watch your manners, otherwise we're gonna string you up as a warning for the next one of you lot who come by!'

"Thank you," Jace said as he made his way to the stairs. When he hears the Weequay's warning, he turned his head around.

"I'll keep that in mind," he says, before making his way up the stairs. Once he was up the stairs he started looking for room B-12.

Room B-12 would not be difficult to find, though it is not a place that many would prefer to stay. This carpeted corridor was on a worse state than the lobby, with litter and all sorts of muck strewn about. The door was made of some cheap looking metal that only just kept the room secure. There was a com beside it and a small grimy looking spy hole set in the door to let the resident see out. There was no noise from inside the room, and the corridor was deserted.

Back at Ree'Peeks house the sound of excited shouting could be heard from the doorstep where Munch was gambling. Judging by the noise, it sounded like he had lost a large portion of the credits he had amassed.

Jace banged on the door, just in case DeGroot got into a drinking match the night before.

"Hey, Tavish! It's Jace. You know, ran some jobs for old man Frelien before I got tossed in the can. You up?"

After glancing towards the doorstep Leto sighs and turns towards Giz. “ Thanks again for fixing up HU-1K, buddy. Smog and your mechanical skills have already been extremely helpful. How did you become a bounty hunter again? Hah, I never saw that coming as kids ” the human says starting up small talk.

Other than HU-1K, Jex was the only gang member that Shura didn't know anything about. And Shura preferred to know who she was working with.

"Hey," she motions to Jex, "You're a doctor, right? There's a friend of mine who still needs medical attention."

Jex tends to Usshkr's injuries. Noting his medical skill, Shura asks, "What's a doctor of your caliber doing in a place like Nar Shaddaa? What's your story?"

20 hours ago, Vergence said:

After glancing towards the doorstep Leto sighs and turns towards Giz. “ Thanks again for fixing up HU-1K, buddy. Smog and your mechanical skills have already been extremely helpful. How did you become a bounty hunter again? Hah, I never saw that coming as kids ” the human says starting up small talk.

Giz replies, "Some other friends of mine recently started doing some minor freelance bounty hunting. Locally of course... We started with bounties targeting small business espionage and theft. Then, there was this Rodian gambler with a gambling debt. After that, we arrested this guy called Elanti Guun the Quad-Slinger. That almost went south." Giz grimaces at the memory, a little embarrassed, as he continued, "The Xexto had my friends pinned down when a stray blaster bolt came my direction. In my attempt to dodge, I accidentally fell on the controls to a repulsor crane. It dropped a dura-steel rod on the Xexto knocking him out cold. After that, I became famous. The bounty I was currently tracking was a guild hunter that didn't pay his dues. That's when I ran into Jace." Giz takes a breather then asks, "So, what about you, how have you been."

Ha, my story isn’t as interesting. After Zay and Cami left this rock, Cadski apparently vanished to the Capital which left me here on the streets of the industrial sector. Fortunately, Salc discovered my social skill set and decided to take me under his wing. So, I’ve been enjoying the Nar Shaddaa nightlife ever since. Now, ha, I’m helping these mooks pull off a heist to get on their feet ” Leto says chuckling with his friend.

Edited by Vergence

Jex would move across to look the Trandoshan up and down before gesturing for him to sit in a threadbare chair. He would place his medi-kit on the floor before kneeling to examine the dressing from the previous medical work. As he examines the injuries he would talk to Shura with a slight murmur while focusing on the job at hand.

'Oh I don't know about all that. If I was really good I wouldn't be on this moon right? My story is pretty straight forwards. I crossed the wrong person and that ended with me having to make a hasty exit, all the way to here'. There wasn't much more for the doctor to do at this time. Not without a proper surgery.

He'd use his tools to neaten up a few of the injuries, sterilize for infection and replace the dressings. 'Alright, I'd say the best thing would be to just take it easy for now, nothing too stressful'.

While Jace waits by the door, he would hear a rustling noise followed by a gruff shout. 'Who are you? What do you want?' It seems that Jace's memory had quickly been diminished in a lot of peoples minds. It could be a benefit as well as a hindrance.

Jex Medical Check : 2eP+1eA+1eD 2 successes, 1 advantage

p-s-a.png p-s.png a-a.png d-th.png Usshkr recovers 2 wounds and 1 strain

"**** it all, doesn't recognize me. Should have expected this." Jace cleared his throat and decided to approach in in another direction.

"Heard from a...friend that you specialize in making things go boom. I'm interested in some of the concussive kind. Maybe even a glop or two."

Suddenly the door would be flung open and Jace would be grabbed roughly by the jacket as he is dragged through the door. It would slide shut behind him and he would find himself face to face with a burly looking green nikto. The nikto would snarl at him before letting him go.

The room he had been dragged into was a small flat with almost every surface covered in oily cloth covers. These were in turn covered with all manner of technology and electronic devices. It all looked very high tech while at the same time looking like it belonged in a trash can.

The nikto would move back into the room centre where a wooden chair had been set near a desk. 'So you're looking to buy huh? You don't look like an imp so that's something. Fair warning, rices have gone up recently. With the imps cracking down on competitors and suppliers everything is harder to come by'.

"I bet. With the war done, those Imps got a whole lot of nothing to do but screw with innocent folk. So, how much for 2 concussion grenades and glop grenade?"

The nikto would let out a low whistle as he rummage through a draw set in the desk. 'Who are you going to war with huh?' As he talks he would produce three grenades, one after the other. They didn't look like the standard type sold by the professional companies, they were much more makeshift in appearance. 'Well with how rare these parts are in this sector I can let these go for 110 credits a piece. Anything less and I'm robbing myself. If you want cheaper I've got some stuff I couldn't shift from a month back'.

"Hmm, I got a light blaster pistol to trade in. Wonder how much that would get me," Jace said as he pulled out the light blaster pistol, trigger off of the finger, and placed it on the desk.

The nikto would pick up the blaster, holding it up to the light to examine this. 'Hm, decent enough quality, good maintenance, but second hand'. He'd put it back down on the table as he faces Jace. 'I can probably push it on some punk in the area looking to get their feet wet, most serious gangsters like something with a bit more punch. I'd value it at around two hundred and thirty credits if you still want to sell'.

Back at the house where the others were waiting, Munch would wander back into the building empty handed with a look of disappointment on his face. He'd look around the gathering before speaking. 'So how's all your planning going? Ready to get your business rolling? I've heard a few rumblings of the Druos rearming themselves after that attack last night'.

When Usshkr noticed the doctor was readying to stop he spoke up " Hey Doc, I don't think you're finisshed, my armsss still broken and my ribsss sstill ss shattered." He stares down the Natuolan doctor who was already making chit chat with Shura instead of finishing the job Shura gave him, amateur.

Jace nods at the price given by DeGroot. "That'll do. I'll take two concussion grenades."

Edited by satkaz

Hetaera winces with Usshkr, as he gets up, obviously still in much pain. Gotta say.. Expected the doc to patch him up a little better than this...

Stepping closer to the physician, she places a hand on his arm. "Doctor.." she entreats, looking up into his eyes, "Surely there is something more you can do for my friend, here? His fitness for duty is his livelihood, and 'taking it easy' is not really an option. Is there nothing in that bag of yours, that might help speed his recovery..?"

Jex would give out a laboured sigh as he crouches down to reopen his bag. I cannot keep patching people up if they are unwilling to look after themselves. You really need to invest in a bacta tank soak for a few days if you want to really recover, or you want to stop taking stupid risks in the name of honour'. As he talks he would produce a thin metal brace that he would slide over the trandoshan's arm. 'Your species has an above average rate for injury regeneration, so the bone should nit together soon'. As he talks he would tighten the brace, causing some discomfort for his patient. 'Keep this on until I tell you otherwise and your arm will be fine. I can't do anything for your ribs with the equipment I have here, I have to recommend that your rest'. He would put special emphasis on the word rest as he straightens back up.

Meanwhile the nikto would nod as he pushes the pistol into his pocket as he slides the grenades across the table. He would hold his hand out to Jace with a stern expression. 'The rest of the credits' he'd state.

Jex Medical Check : 2eP+1eA+3eD 2 successes

p-a-a.png p-s-a.png a-s.png d-th.png d-th.png d-th.png Heals broken arm.

Jex Medical Check 2 : 2eP+1eA+3eD 0 successes, 1 threat
p-s.png p-a-a.png a-a.png d-f-th.png d-th.png d-th-th.png Jex takes 1 strain.

Edited by Rabobankrider
17 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Jex would give out a laboured sigh as he crouches down to reopen his bag. I cannot keep patching people up if they are unwilling to look after themselves. You really need to invest in a bacta tank soak for a few days if you want to really recover, or you want to stop taking stupid risks in the name of honour'. As he talks he would produce a thin metal brace that he would slide over the trandoshan's arm. 'Your species has an above average rate for injury regeneration, so the bone should nit together soon'. As he talks he would tighten the brace, causing some discomfort for his patient. 'Keep this on until I tell you otherwise and your arm will be fine. I can't do anything for your ribs with the equipment I have here, I have to recommend that your rest'. He would put special emphasis on the word rest as he straightens back up.

Meanwhile the nikto would nod as he pushes the pistol into his pocket as he slides the grenades across the table. He would hold his hand out to Jace with a stern expression. 'The rest of the credits' he'd state.

Jex Medical Check : 2eP+1eA+3eD 2 successes

p-a-a.png p-s-a.png a-s.png d-th.png d-th.png d-th.png Heals broken arm.

Jex Medical Check 2 : 2eP+1eA+3eD 0 successes, 1 threat
p-s.png p-a-a.png a-a.png d-f-th.png d-th.png d-th-th.png Jex takes 1 strain.

"The rest of the-" Jace said, exasperated. "How much more as you asking now?"

Edited by satkaz

The nikto would get a sneer across his face as he opens his mouth to speak. 'You di-', he would be cut short as there is a commotion outside the door. There was gunshots and a lot of shouting before on words was heard shouted a number of times.

'Raid! Raid!' This was bad, if this was an imperial raid, illegal arms dealing was a one way ticket to Kessel, if you even got that far. If it was an enemy gang there would still result in a lot of fatalities.

The nikto would stare at Jace for a moment before grabbing the pistol he had just been traded and point it square at the humans skull. 'You! So you brought them did you? What are you? An imp?'

Jace pulled his pistol out of the holster and trained it at DeGroot at the same time DeGroot did. "If I was an Imp, I would have shot your buddies downstairs a long time ago. And do you think this is the time to even argue? We get caught by the Imperials, we're both screwed. So, I'd say it'd be in our best interest if we worked together, yeah?"

Gritting his teeth the nikto would squint at Jace for what seems like an age before letting his pistol drop to his side. 'Alright, well I ain't going to hang around to watch this block turning into a kill zone'. He'd step forward, grabbing the human by the shoulder he would push him towards the window. 'Alright, get out, hurry up!'

Looking out of the window Jace would see that a dumpster had been placed two stories below the flats window. It was about half full, and had been filled with all manner of garbage. It would be a tricky jump, but it may well be a more convenient option than getting into a firefight.

Well, it's faster.

Jace grabbed the grenades and followed DeGroot's lead as he started to jump. He landed on the trash, but the garbage wasn't as soft as he would have liked. Still, at least there wasn't anything broken...right? Either way, he was gonna feel that in the morning.

Edited by satkaz

The nikto would lean out of the window to look down on Jace, perhaps to see how well he fared. 'Huh, I assumed he'd break a leg at least' he'd mutter as he begins to clamber out of the window. Just as he is about to leap, there is a loud bang behind him and the weapon trader is dragged back into the room forcefully with a shout. The arm that had wrapped around the aliens neck had been clad in white armour. It was definitely time for Jace to go, the truck the gang was planning to kidnap was about to start it's journey in little over an hour, it didn't leave them much time to set up.