Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (IC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

On 3/8/2018 at 12:55 AM, Shlambate said:

" It sseemsss I owe you another debt." Usshkr would say to the troubled looking girl before him, as she would speak to protest he puts a claw over her lips, " Twice you sssaved me from a death in disssgracce, I thank you." He would turn to gaze at Shura, " Sssomeone at one of the Clubsss Hetaera worksss at wasss looking into the Couriersss, He looked liked a better looking Tucker without the ridiculousssly colored hair. Careful Tucker doesn't try sssomething funny I feel he might be making a move, what I don't know." Usshkr starts to pull himself up wincing at the pain in his left arm broken this time not removed from his body.

"A better-looking Tucker, huh? Well, that shouldn't be hard to pull off," Shura replied with an amused grin.

Edited by AdvocatXD

" Ssshura don't joke around! He could be trying sssomething and thisss might explain why the Courierss never got back in touch with me after I got..." He pauses visibly in more pain to spit out that he lost to a Wookiee than to the wounds he had suffered. " armsss removed," He pulls him self to his feet while he was in pain he wasn't going to let that slow him down. " You know he never liked me, he could be keeping me away to try to sssteal a few sshipmentsss... or worsse." He turns to Hetaera " I ssay we go now with sssome backup in tow." She could tell whom he meant and didn't like the idea.

The doctor that had saved Usshkr would glance up as he finishes packing his tools away. 'Tucker huh, a lot of people seem to be looking for that fellow. I hope he doesn't end up in my office'. He would straighten up as he takes his back and tucks it under his arm. 'One of my patients from today was asking about him today, what do you folks want with him?'

At this point there would be a beeping from Shura's comm. It was the rookie from work. 'Hey, Shura, you coming back soon? I don't like doing this guard stuff on my own, it get's boring'. The unspoken truth was that he didn't want to be blamed if anything went wrong, which was understandable for a fresh recruit.

Meanwhile back at Ree'Peek's home, Munch would slump into a threadbare armchair. 'You know, for a big spender, he's not easy to get ahold of. I talked to the doc across the way-' at this he would hold his hands up to show a couple of fingers set with splints. 'Yeah, he didn't know where he was, but he does cheap fixes'.

Edited by Rabobankrider
On 3/5/2018 at 10:49 PM, SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION said:

“Statement: This unit would give gratitude to you small organic meatbag for the spare parts, this unit appreciates your care for this unit’s wellbeing.” HU-1K says.

Giz walks out to his speeder truck and opens the back of his vehicle. As the chadra-fan searches through the spare parts he accumulated, Giz finally finds the parts he's looking for. He walks back to HU-1K and says, "I have a few different types of parts in this crate, but first lets see what's wrong."

After a few seconds he says, "Well the bad news is your LTM matrix is kicking on and off and I don't have a toolbox, but the good news is that I have the correct parts and I won't need a toolbox to fix this. Lets see why the LTM matrix keeps acting up."

After three seconds of looking inside HU-1K, Giz finds a component that resembles a broken glass tube. Upon seeing this he exclaims, "Well no wonder the EO circuit has been malfunctioning in the LTM matrix... This will be easier than I initially thought!"

Giz takes out the EO circuit and puts a new one in with ease; then without thinking he starts buffing out some scratches with some dura-steel wool. He then offers to replace the scratched off paint which occurred during HU-1K's fight. Giz finally steps back and says , "O.K., try to accessing your long-term memory. Is it still flipping on and off or is it good?"

HU-1K stands there for a second as he does an internal reboot. "Statement: Diagnostic complete; Statement: repairs to memory banks complete; Analysis: Long Term Memory recovery at 1%; Statement: Past 240,000 Hours of memory recovered." HU-1K's memory banks were functioning better than ever, he hadn't had matinance done on them in years. "Statement: greetings, friendly meatbag Giz; friendly meatbag Leto; friendly meatbag Leto;"

On 3/10/2018 at 11:07 PM, Shlambate said:

The doctor that had saved Usshkr would glance up as he finishes packing his tools away. 'Tucker huh, a lot of people seem to be looking for that fellow. I hope he doesn't end up in my office'. He would straighten up as he takes his back and tucks it under his arm. 'One of my patients from today was asking about him today, what do you folks want with him?'

At this point there would be a beeping from Shura's comm. It was the rookie from work. 'Hey, Shura, you coming back soon? I don't like doing this guard stuff on my own, it get's boring'. The unspoken truth was that he didn't want to be blamed if anything went wrong, which was understandable for a fresh recruit.

"Alright, I'm on my way," Shura replies and then turns off her comm.

Edited by AdvocatXD

Before she exited the apartment, a sudden thought struck Shura. She turns back to Usshkr. "Wait a sec.......that Wookiee..........the one that injured you.............was he, by any chance, named Drooler?"

Edited by AdvocatXD
17 hours ago, SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION said:

HU-1K stands there for a second as he does an internal reboot. "Statement: Diagnostic complete; Statement: repairs to memory banks complete; Analysis: Long Term Memory recovery at 1%; Statement: Past 240,000 Hours of memory recovered." HU-1K's memory banks were functioning better than ever, he hadn't had matinance done on them in years. "Statement: greetings, friendly meatbag Giz; friendly meatbag Leto; friendly meatbag Leto;"

"Hmm...seems to be some error there if you're saying Leto's name twice," Jace said. "At least you aren't as chatty as a B1."

Edited by satkaz
19 hours ago, Rabobankrider said:

Meanwhile back at Ree'Peek's home, Munch would slump into a threadbare armchair. 'You know, for a big spender, he's not easy to get ahold of. I talked to the doc across the way-' at this he would hold his hands up to show a couple of fingers set with splints. 'Yeah, he didn't know where he was, but he does cheap fixes'.

Re'peek's eyes would narrow at the injuries on display. "Wait a sec, who did that to you? Was that because of your debt, or asking around about Tucker?"

" I didn't happen to catch itss name while we were fighting to the death." Usshkr seemed annoyed at the question posed to him by the slightly taller Twilek. " Why? D o you know where the Walking Carpet iss?" He seems to be interested despite being annoyed at the inane question about the carpets name.

Edited by Shlambate

"Tucker came by at work today," Shura explained, "he said something about having a 'big, Wookiee wingman.' Tucker works for the courier service, so I thought this guy might be the Wookiee we're looking for."

Edited by AdvocatXD

"It's great to finally have a lead.. but you're in no condition to be settling this score, right now."

He's conscious.. but still considerably worse for wear, from that match.

20 hours ago, SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION said:

HU-1K stands there for a second as he does an internal reboot. "Statement: Diagnostic complete; Statement: repairs to memory banks complete; Analysis: Long Term Memory recovery at 1%; Statement: Past 240,000 Hours of memory recovered." HU-1K's memory banks were functioning better than ever, he hadn't had matinance done on them in years. "Statement: greetings, friendly meatbag Giz; friendly meatbag Leto; friendly meatbag Leto;"

"Uh, at least both Letos are registered as allies," Giz smiles. He sighs and says, "Well... Back to work."

After forty minutes Giz steps back and says, "How's that?"

2 hours ago, AdvocatXD said:

"Tucker came by at work today," Shura explained, "he said something about having a 'big, Wookie wingman.' Tucker works for the courier service, so I thought this guy might be the Wookie we're looking for."

" Ssso Tucker tried to have me killed.. and the kid didn't have the gutss to do it himsself." Usshkr stated pacing he was furious. " Sshura we are going to need sssome help to get at Tucker if he hasss that Wookiee with him, go back to work and act like nothing hasss happened bessidesss an urgent call from your girlfriend." Usshkr didn't know if the two Twilek's were dating but they seemed much more friendly than simply roommates.

2 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

"It's great to finally have a lead.. but you're in no condition to be settling this score, right now."

He's conscious.. but still considerably worse for wear, from that match.

" I have jussst the Idea we are gonna find that droid and bring him with us to take out Tucker." By the look on Hetaera's face Usshkr could tell she was not at all on board with this course of action.

Edited by Shlambate

"Statement: Optical repairs complete; Statement Identification error rectified; Statement: Greetings friendly meetbag Jace." HU-1K says.

2 hours ago, SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION said:

"Statement: Optical repairs complete; Statement Identification error rectified; Statement: Greetings friendly meetbag Jace." HU-1K says.

"Well, good to see you back, HU-1K." Jace says. "Hmm... as for Tucker, we'd be wasting time trying to figure out where he is just searching the place, not to mention we'd start to look suspicious. Leto, you said you encountered a Trandoshan who did some work for those couriers, right? You remember how the guy looks like?"

"Also, I wonder if Jex got some more info about Tucker...."

Leto's concerned face for Munch shifts over to Jace to respond. " I'd say the ex-courier was roughly seven feet with brown scales. Wore what appeared to be light armor with a black vest over it. Certainly apprehensive to questions and a stiff on the dancefloor. I believe he does security for the Twi'lek on the card " he says, pointing at the table.

" Did Jex tell anybody where he was going? " he questions. Leto began to worry about the doctor until he remembers the Nautolan disarming the imperial lastnight. " Maybe the crackshot doc already heisted the goods while we were making a big fuss here " he thought.

Scanning the room as he thinks again, Leto says " Hey Re'peek, I'm going to look through these crates around the place with your permission. There has to be something of use left here forgotten ".

Edited by Vergence

HU-1K perks up at the description, “Query: Would this be the pair you are asking about?” He projects a rotating hologram of the twi’lek and the trandoshan he had fought, with the Trandoshan almost exactly matching the description.

Wait.. what?!?!

"You mean that green murderbot that tried to turn you into an Usshkr-kabob ?! " Should've had that Doctor examine his head, while he was here...

Huh, I think that’s them HU-1K. How did you know or do that? ” he questions, impressed by the droids detail. Meanwhile, Leto was peeking into all the crates within the room.

Edited by Vergence

" He fought with honor until you intervened. If you remember he dropped hiss sssword before the fight began." He picked up his new set of brass knuckles, " I want that twerp Tucker'sss head on a sssilver platter, but in this ssstate I need help to ssnuff him out." He looks back to Hetaera a his eyes locked with hers " Who elssse iss going to be able to back usss up.,, Ssshura iss a good ssshot but ssshe'll need a hundred more pounds of muscle to be help againssst a Wookiee." Usshkr slides the knuckles onto both sets of claws, with noticeable difficulty due to his broken arm.

“Statement: This is the Trandoshan and Teilek that this unit fought at the Interstellar. This unit would like to point out that the Trandoshan’s combat prowess is on par with this unit’s and may be helpful if the Trandoshan is hostile to Hostile Organic Tucker.” HU-1K replies, if he had been a fleshy meatbag he might have winced at the memory of the battle, but he wasn’t, so he didn’t.

Surprised, Leto asked " The Twi'lek dancer picked a fight with you!? " unsure if he's understanding the droid correctly as he glances at the card. The human had heard rumors of brutal underground fights occurring at the Interstellar. He momentarily thought " Wow, not only is she trouble but the girl is Hawk Bat crazy ". Leto had only known one other Twi'lek in his childhood that was just as gutsy for the species on Nar Shaddaa.

Remembering how HU-1K was prior to Giz repairing him, he confirms " So.. you're saying their still alive, right? ". Leto recalls the Trandoshan saying he was no friend of Tucker. " Wow, I think this droid is on to something " he considers, realizing the group needs an insider at this point.

Edited by Vergence

“Statement: The female twilek meatbag was attempting to help her friend, after this unit started to demolish this unit’s opponent. So this unit skewered the Trandoshan on this unit’s sword and went for the Twilek. Unfortunately for this unit, several armed guards stepped in tand stop this unit from carrying out this unit’s just revenge.”

Leto gets an image of HU-1K’s description. He thinks “ If HU-1K skewered the Trandoshan, he’s going to need medical attention. Where the kell is Jex! ”. “ Hey Munch, what’s the name of the doctor you used? ” he asks, thinking the two might need assistance.