Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (IC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Shura points her heavy blaster pistol at the most convenient and most able target and fires.

The pain started shooting up Jace's body and every inch of it wants to just give up and lay to rest. But the old veteran couldn't give up just yet.

He injected himself with a stimpack while loading one anti-armor missile at the group. He fired as soon as the missile was loaded and the system gave a ready signal.

The missile streaked into the burning group and blew up around them.

Although the armour piercing missile is not dedicated for dealing with infantry, it certainly does the job. The remaining Duros are flung from their feet by the explosion. They are not out of the woods yet though, there is still the second group of gang members to deal with, and they were breaching the house.

With little regard for military tactics or for their own safety the remaining Duros charge through the large hole int he buildings wall with a shout. Their blaster fire is erratic but still deadly, with Giz catching a few grazes from his cover. The leader would emerge through the wall with the other, panting slightly. 'Lets see you fire that blasted missile with us in here!' He would declare.

Duros Group 1 Combat Check : 2eP+3eA+2eD 4 successes, 3 advantage

p-s-a.png p-s-a.png a-a-a.png a-a.png a-s-s.png d-th.png d-th.png Moves to engaged range of those in the house, does 9 base damage to Giz, advantage negates Giz's defence till next turn.

Missed Setback Dice : 1eS 1 failure

" What in the...?" Usshkr said as he saw the hole in the side of the Base wall, He picked up his pace and sprinted into the breach. When he burst through he saw Hetaera, Shura and their friends firing away at some Duros, clearly the ones who made this grand entrance into their Base. When the firing had died down from both sides Usshkr cracked his knuckles letting his presence be known, " Anyone here trying to hurt them hassss to go through me." He would say with growl as they turned to face him, Usshkr was however not fully recovered from his earlier fights this day and earlier yesterday, it was showing, he was too slow and his pain too great for him to catch any of the Duros in his attacks, but they now were fully focussed on him so his Ward, Hetaera and her friends could plan and execute a counterattack.

Edited by Shlambate

Giz would aim his blaster at the next closest Duro and fire at him, saying, "Not so fast."

The Gang of Duros were deftly dodging the attacks of the angry Trandoshan, but they weren't themselves able to yet get far enough away from him to train their guns on Usshkr, however it seemed they were getting complacent in their ability to dodge the Lizard man. " Ha the big lizards too sl..." a Duros would begin to say when Usshkr's fist would catch his face, while the man was stunned Usshkr would lift him over his head and throw him at the rest of the crowd, " Who'sss next." Usshkr would say as he made for another attack at the squad of Duros. If Usshkr didn't have their attention before he certainly did now.

Edited by Shlambate

Jace bobbed and weaved out into a kitchen, then fired his pistol at the crowd. With some good luck, the blaster bolts hit their mark without threatening Usshkr at all.

At least in this moment, he could take a bit of a breath.

The Duros suffer more casualties as they storm the building, and the suprise appearence of a furious Trandoshan is an unwelcome sight indeed. As it is Usshkr who is blocking their exit, the Duros leader decides that his is their priority now. Twisting on his heel to aim his pistol at the vetran he would shout to the others. 'Cut him to pieces! We'll deal with the others after!' The other Duros would comply without hesitation to their orders. They would form a ragged firing line with some crouching while others stand tall or try to duck behind what little cover remains in the room after the destructive gunfire. Although the large brawler is quickly bearing down on them, enough of the thugs muster the aim needed to catch him in the torso with a few painful shots. This will undoubtedly slow him a little before his next attack, giving the Duros a few moments to recover.

Duros Group 2 Combat Check : 3eP+2eA+2eD 2 successes, 1 advantage

p-a.png p-s.png p-s.png a-s.png a-a-a.png d-f-th.png d-th.png Flip destiny point, does 8 base damage to Usskr, advantage spent to recover 1 strain.

Hetaera masks it well, but she is scared; she knows it is time to act, though.

Releasing her two-handed grasp of the pistol, she smoothly draws and activates her neuronic whip with a menacing Zzsnappt!! as electricity courses through it. Lashing out, she wraps it around the arm of the injured Duros in front. Pivoting, she leverages the surprised thug into the table she had been crouching behind. No longer wearing her "war paint," she nevertheless belts out a high-pitched shriek of a battle cry: "Kee-Hapt!!"

Emboldened by her success, she lashes out at the next one, only to be pulled off-balance herself by the writhing Duros as he twists away. Hitting the floor hard, still holding on to the whip, she sees her adversary looming over her with a leer.. No doubt they'll rememember and appreciate this final performance.. until Usshkr very nearly punches his head clean off.

(Distracting Behavior (up to 3 Engaged foes suffer 1 Setback); Dodge incidental on any incoming attacks).

Edited by Edgehawk

**** Duros. Shura thought, the searing pain from the wound on her shoulder now catching up to her.

Not being able to aim properly because of the injury, Shura misses but her scatter shots distract the Duros, allowing Usshkr to gain the upperhand.

Average Ranged (Light) : 1eP+2eA+2eD 1 failure, 5 advantage
p-a-a.png a-a-a.png a-a-a.png d-f.png d-th.png

Shura passes her 5 advantages to Usshkr.

Edited by AdvocatXD
On 8/27/2018 at 8:09 PM, Edgehawk said:

Hetaera masks it well, but she is scared; she knows it is time to act, though.

Releasing her two-handed grasp of the pistol, she smoothly draws and activates her neuronic whip with a menacing Zzsnappt!! as electricity courses through it. Lashing out, she wraps it around the arm of the injured Duros in front. Pivoting, she leverages the surprised thug into the table she had been crouching behind. No longer wearing her "war paint," she nevertheless belts out a high-pitched shriek of a battle cry: "Kee-Hapt!!"

Emboldened by her success, she lashes out at the next one, only to be pulled off-balance herself by the writhing Duros as he twists away. Hitting the floor hard, still holding on to the whip, she sees her adversary looming over her with a leer.. No doubt they'll rememember and appreciate this final performance.. until Usshkr very nearly punches his head clean off.

(Distracting Behavior (up to 3 Engaged foes suffer 1 Setback); Dodge incidental on any incoming attacks).

He would take the shots like only an enraged Trandoshan could and fought through the pain, he rushed forwards with ferocity ready to draw blood, Then he saw Hetaera fall to the side after trying to deal with some of the attackers, seeing she was in trouble he bounded over to take care of the threat on his charges life. " Enough playing with the Little Lady, your ssstill danccccing with me." He would growl as he approached and then knock the goon out.

Then there were five, Usshkr rushed forward to face them once more, his Charge would not be safe until the threat was terminated, one of the attackers would rush him with a knife, it was the last mistake he would ever make, Usshkr grabbed his hand, pulling the knife from its intended target, broke the arm it was attached to and sheathed the knife in the Duros' stomach.

On 8/30/2018 at 9:50 PM, AdvocatXD said:

**** Duros. Shura thought, the searing pain from the wound on her shoulder now catching up to her.

Not being able to aim properly because of the injury, Shura misses but her scatter shots distract the Duros, allowing Usshkr to gain the upperhand.

Average Ranged (Light) : 1eP+2eA+2eD 1 failure, 5 advantage
p-a-a.png a-a-a.png a-a-a.png d-f.png d-th.png

Shura passes her 5 advantages to Usshkr.

Spying a Duros aiming at Shura who was firing at the group with none of her shots connecting, he threw the knife catching the Duros' hand. " Picked on the wrong bunch of misssfitsss Bub." He would say before he knocked him down, making sure the Duros wouldn't get up he broke the mans leg. Now there were three left.

Edited by Shlambate

Jace fires at the enemy again, making sure the shots don't hit Usshkr. A couple of shots hit their marks, and as Jace aimed at the remaining crew, he pulled the trigger. Nothing.

Frakk it all, out of ammo.

There were times like these back when he was on the battlefield, and it almost always cost him. This time seemed to be no exception.

Edited by satkaz

Hetaera knows she must get back up, and fast! Recalling a move she'd once rehearsed for a choreographed fight scene, she wonders if she can still do it, when it counts? Drawing her legs up, the performer arches her back and kicks her legs down.. "Hrrrkkfff.." (more sheer exertion than battle cry, this time) ...and her body follows! Never dreamt I'd actually be using that one in a real life-or-death scenario!

She keeps her footing long enough to wrap her whip around a startled Duros, but is too off kilter to maintain a defensive stance. She again follows the whip, letting it take her along with the falling enforcer, stumbling as she goes.

Quickly deactivating the whip, she lies still, taking what cover she can behind the limp form of the downed thug.

(Incidental to

Jump Up (next 10xp committed); Suffers 2 Strain to take cover; Setback to next check, from 2 Threat).

With the onslaught agains the Duros thugs, only one was left in a few moments. This thug is not the leader, he was gunned down by Jace earlier. The last one would glance around at his attackers before turning to make a dash back through the whole in the wall. He nearly trips as he makes his dash for freedom, heading straight to the truck that he had arrived in. As he runs he would shout over his shoulder to the party. 'We know where you live you thieves! This isn't over, you're at war now!'

Usshkr stands watching the Duros run away, he was in no condition to run after what looked like a Duros about half his age. When he was out of sight Usshkr went to Hetaera's side and lifted her off the ground, " Be more Careful nexxxt time, you ssslipped and fell twiccce." As soon as he was satisfied with his check for any wounds, he went looking for a chair so that he could rest from the fresh new injuries he had just suffered. In the fight he looked ferocious, angry as if nothing could fell him, when he sat down he was breathing heavy and still nursing his broken arm, Trandoshans may heal faster than most races but one day was not enough time and these past two days and last three fights had taken their toll on him.

Jace moves quickly, grabbing a carbine and switching the settings to stun. He fired as fast as he could, but the quickness of the shot and the growing fatigue made sure the shot went off.


At least the Duros got the point quicker as he fled even farther.

Great, I let someone go, we don't know who sent them, and this place is sure as **** burned.

The fight seemingly over, Hetaera once again regains her feet in impressive fashion. Still got it!

Seeing that the last Duros is close to getting away, she draws a bead with her heavy blaster, and fires. The Duros takes the shot in the knee, and drops, writhing in pain.

"He's all yours, folks."

(3 Advantage to disable, instead of inflicting wounds/strain).

Edited by Edgehawk

After failing her last shot, Shura watches as Hetaera shoots down the escaping Duros.

Good shot, Hettie. Shura thinks to herself.

The Duros would stumble forwards as his momentum carries him on. He slams head first into the door of the truck he was running for and slumps to the floor, groaning in pain as he clutches at his leg while being curled up in a ball. He wasn't going anywhere fast, but was also in a pretty bad state after the battle. He may need some medical attention, it was difficult to say from within the burnt out building.

Meanwhile all the way across the sector, there was subtler criminal activities being carried out. In a small room lit with a red strip light a medical droid and a human were slaving over a sterile work surface. The surfaces that surrounded them were covered in all sorts of chemical equipment and glassware. Set in the ceiling were several hoses and other equipment that were crucial for spice synthesising.

It was this that the droid and human had been working on, synthesising spice. In fact they had been working on just this for a little over a week. They had been 'hired' by the Duros gang that runs the sector before the attack on the bar. For Dashtha, this was a way to repay her debt to the gang for the loss of their product. For the droid known as 'Two-Bit', he had simply been dragged off the street. Few people in the sector cared about a droid who disapeared.

There would be the scrape of metal as a large sliding door is opened up. A Duros with a snub looking carbine slung under his arm pokes his head through the doorway. 'Have you made any progress today?' he would ask in a gruff tone.

Giz walks up to the duros glaring at him and says, "Look, size doesn't matter to me, so let me make this clear. If you don't give us your bosses holo-frequency, the only thing you'll be able to say to him is Whoo-tini. So, WHAT IS THE FREQUENCY?!!!"

Edited by BeingofMortis

Dashtha turned and pulled a datapad from a table. Tapping through she repeated the information verbatim while her eyes flicked between the small screen and the duros.

"Ehmmm, samples 34c were administerd to our most recent....... volunteers......... the humans among them developed skin lesinos within 16 minutes and respiratory functions were impaired in 27. 4 of 6 succumbed to the effects. After effects are still being observed. The twi'lek produced no visible symptoms but also encountered failing respiratory function after 27 minutes. Timing of the symptom being within a few seconds within separate species interesting - investigate further. 2 of the 3 succumbed to their symptoms. The Zabrak developed........"

She would continue till she finished reciting her notes or she was interrupted.

Edited by SithArissa

Oh, good, we got him.

As Giz starts grilling the lone Duros, Jace stays nearby, just in case this one didn't want to fess up.

The Duros would pull the door to the lab wide open and stomped across to the scientist. He would ****** the datapad from her, frisbeeing it across the room. It smashes into the wall somewhere behind a crate. 'The boss has told you, he doesn't care about your science research stuff. All he wants is a product that you can make cheap and he can sell high. Get it done!' he would snap as he jabs her roughly in the shoulder. With that he would storm out of the room, sliding the door shut again with a dull bang. There is the sound of a catch locking before the room is quiet.

It had been like this since day one. Cheap product that the Duros gang could sell at a high price. They didn't care about addiction free spice, 'that doesn't make credits!' They were just the same as the other gangs across the planet. It didn't help that these workers had been kept against their will. How long could they put up with this?

A slight sigh of frustration, before she forces herself back into apathy. Dashtha picks up the pad to check if it was still functional or if the last sessions notes were lost to the void. The Duros didn't exactly provide ample equipment or a budget of any kind to acquire more of what she needed.

Turning back to her work, the droid hadn't even stopped its own task. She picked up a vial of sample 56a. She went through all the processes of determining if it was even able to be absorbed by a sentients blood. The 'fresh' samples she was provided didn't bother her. The ends justified the means. Placing the sample dish under the scanning microscope she observed the spice slowly be taken into the individual cells, but oddly there was a strange alteration in colour as the chemical was fully processed. Interesting. The red blood cell itself seemed to still be as alive as it could be outside its host body, but she suspected it was now unable to carry the vital oxygen molecule most species used their circulatory syster for. The spice had permanently rendered the cell inert and should enough of it be taken at once the whole system would fail.

"56a unfit for experimentation"

She would say out loud knowing all her vocal notes were being recorded by the droid for documentation at the end of the day. Day? Or was it night now? She shook her head to get the wayward thought out. There was no time for trivial flights of fancy.

She then placed the 56a vial onto the rack opposite the droid, sample 57a was already waiting.

Shura looked at the pathetic ball of Duros scum lying on the ground. He and his goons came to their house, and then when the Duros got their asses handed to them, this guy threatens to tattle on them like some kind of wuss. She had absolutely zero respect and zero sympathy for this loser. All she saw was a soulless lump of garbage that needed to be put out of its misery.

But not until they got something useful out of him. They needed that holo- frequency, and, despite Giz's small stature and sqeaky voice, he was one of the best at intimidation. That Duros sleemo was going to give it to way or the other.

Edited by AdvocatXD