Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (IC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Daughter.. He's never spoken of his family, before.. Hetaera allows herself to smile at her friend's attempt to lighten the mood. Glancing over the courier documents, she produces her datapad, and pulls up a map. " That neighborhood is pretty much dead, now, so.. we could block them.. here? Right after they turn, so they don't have a chance to alter their route? Either of those alleys could work for an ambush.. or both, even..?"

" I agree. The area is largely quiet and we could easily block them from behind with the speeder truck . At present, I'm leaning towards cracking open the courier's compartment and transferring the goods over to Smog. Reason being they’re more manageable inside the vehicle. We might not need to handle all the guards at once and who knows how their vehicle is rig. The last thing we want is the courier's service tracking their own vehicle transponder back to us. Those alleyways may be useful for an frontal ambush if need be too. What do you guys see? " Leto questions the party.

Edited by Vergence

"Good point with the tracking; I'd rather not have them tail us. Otherwise, the plan seems good to me."

"Statement: This unit will allow you puny meatbags to handle the planning if the plans your fleshy organs you call "brains" allow generate allow this unit to damage other meatbags." He turns to look at Shura, "Statement: This unit doesn't care who the meatbags are."

" However we assssault them just make sssure I'm not downwind of the Wookiee, if he isss there me being on the wrong ssside will blow our cover too early." Usshkr states as he overhears the plans for the attack. " If the Carpet isssn't there I knew of a Zzzabrak and Twilek who would take my job whenever I was busssy, both would be easssier fightss than the walking carpet, even if they were there together."

No worries there ” Leto replies back to HU-1K. The further the human considers the heist operations, “ Is anybody comptent at jamming communications? Jex? If we can prevent the vehicle from communicating and immediately handle the driver... I believe everything else could fall into place ” he says, taking a step back to see if he’s missing anything.

Jex would hum in thought for a moment, tilting his head from side to side. 'Well, I mean, I can try. Computer stuff was never really my thing. If we're fast enough it won't matter who they contact though, we'll be done and gone before they get there. Maybe if we can grab a few concussion grenades or something we can end the fight before it begins? Grab the stuff and make a dash for it'.

"That could work, but we'll need to find somewhere for those grenades."

After Giz spins in his chair again, and then finishes his drink along with the floating cloud over the fizz, saying "Sounds great, I can fit Smog there no problem."

Getting up Giz moves toward where they came in and squeaks, "I'll get Smog started up then." Giz walks out, nodding to Elvis and Sloe as he passed them. Giz jumps into the drivers seat of his speeder truck and starts it up.

Edited by BeingofMortis

"Well, I think we'll figure out where to get some concussion grenades. But for our new friends, follow me." Jace said. "I got some gifts for you guys."

As soon as they start getting out, Jace heads towards the back of the speeder truck and grabs the crate, checking to make sure no one else besides them was snooping around.

"So, Usshkr, right?" he says to the Transdoshan. "Looks like you're one to get up close. Got this for you." he says before handing the spear over to him.

"And, Shura and Hetaera, correct?" he says to both of the Twi'leks. "Got two heavy blasters in this crate. Haven't been touched, they're good. Got some armored clothing, too, if one of you wants to take it."

"Ooh. Dibs," Shura pipes up almost immediately. Hetaera gives her a look.

"What? As long as Usshka-bob doesn't skewer himself with his new stick, you've got life debt protection. You'll be fine," she assures her friend.

"We'll follow Giz to Re'Peek's place," Shura told her old friends. She turns to Usshkr, "You ready to make the Scorekeeper lose count?"

Edited by AdvocatXD

"Statement: Would the scaly meatbag like a rematch after this job. Statement: The interference from the last bout should not occur again, if your friend has any intelligence."

Usshkr picks up the Spear offered to him by the Silent Human, before he offered him a spear he hadn't heard him speak, or at least seen him speak as he was focused more on Leto during the Negotiations as the Tucker Body double seemed to be the groups Leader. " Thisss will make a Good Hunting Spear..."

8 hours ago, SHADOWGUARD CHAMPION said:

"Statement: Would the scaly meatbag like a rematch after this job. Statement: The interference from the last bout should not occur again, if your friend has any intelligence."

" Let this Old man'sss bonesss heal firsst Droid, but I will be open to a good fight now and again. It was a good thing for me to know my limitss only four monthsss after losing both my armsss." He clapped the droid on the back with his good arm.

8 hours ago, AdvocatXD said:

"What? As long as Usshka-bob doesn't skewer himself with his new stick, you've got life debt protection. You'll be fine," she assures her friend.

He glares at the Twilek, " I've been hunting and fighting sssince before you were born... " He steps up to her and Hetaera " I'm not sssome blundering oaf!"

Edited by Shlambate

(no longer relevant)

Edited by Edgehawk

Sounds good, Shura. See you all there. ” Leto replies back to the new additions as he jumps into the speeder truck.

After handing out the items, Jace got in the back of the speeder truck. "We'll see you all there."

Hopefully, this will all work out and get them closer to Danjo. Hopefully.

Hetaera accepts the blaster, and handles it as Shura had taught her. Waving this thing around should definitely increase the odds of me getting shot, myself... "Depends what kind of distraction I'm running.. Guess my damsel-in-distress cover will be blown, in any case, once the job proper gets underway... Thank you."

Stowing the blaster in her purse, she gets in with Usshkr and Shura. Hoping to distract the Trandoshan from her friend on the other side, she prompts him a little about some of things he had introduced in recent conversation.

"Ghrakhowsk..?" she ventures, stumbling a bit with the guttural pronunciation, "What is it, exactly? And I'd love to hear more about your daughter?"

1 hour ago, Edgehawk said:

Stowing the blaster in her purse, she gets in with Usshkr and Shura. Hoping to distract the Trandoshan from her friend on the other side, she prompts him a little about some of things he had introduced in recent conversation.

"Ghrakhowsk..?" she ventures, stumbling a bit with the guttural pronunciation, "What is it, exactly? And I'd love to hear more about your daughter?"

He turns to his charge as she comes to him with questions, " Ghrakhowsk, or in your Basssic language One who iss under protection of a life debt. Sssince that iss a mouthful I ssstick to calling you Ghrakhowsk." Usshkr clears his throat as she asked about his Daughter, " My little one... no... no longer livesss... becaussse I failed asss a father and a protector... I failed my beloved too..." a few tears rolled down his scales "they both died that night thirteen yearsss ago." He stares seemingly of into the distance not looking at anything or anyone.

The day was beginning in earnest now. People begun to leave the shadows of their homes to go to work as shops and factories. Many would simply go back to drinking, gambling and their more nefarious work. Still, at this time the streets would be quiet and the drive to Ree'Peeks property would be uneventful.

Munch would be sat on the steps of the house with a portly Weequay and a battered looking protocol droid. All three were huddled around a small collection of chance cubes as credits exchanged hands here and there. The Bothan would recognize both as locals. Both were harmless enough, although the droid was a bit of an oddity thanks to its corrupted programming. Munch would look up expectantly as the party returns.

Jace had been thinking about where to get some of those concussion grenades for the job, but it had been a while since he had set foot on Nar Shaddaa. However, one person did manage to come to mind.

"I wonder if DeGroot's still out and about." He remembered one with a penchant for drinking and tampering with explosives. Guy was a, and had quite the accent. But if grenades were needed at the drop of a hat, he could fashion any explosive one wished.

"Hope he hasn't been drinking that scrumpy, though. Blew out one of his eyes because of that..."

When he got back to the house, he told everyone, "Gonna see if a contact of mine is alive and kicking for those concussion grenades. I'll be back."

As the party approaches the hide-out, Leto notices Munch and a few new faces. Not wanting to go into details around the new comers, Leto greets “ Hey Munch, meet Hetaera, Shura, and Usshkr” pointing at the two Twi’leks and Trandoshan. The human doesn’t go any further into the conversation beyond that as the group enters inside.

Munch would seem more relaxed than he had earlier. Perhaps it was something to do with healthy stack of credits in front of him. He also seemed to have earned himself one the droids hands. He must be on a bit of a hot streak, which meant that inevitably he was going to lose it all in a few minutes.

He'd look up to offer the newcomers a friendly nod. 'Hi there, you fellas here for the-' he'd stop himself at this before spilling the beans. 'The, er, the job?' He'd give the party a knowing look as he tries to cover up his lack of subtlety.

Meanwhile Jace would have a relatively uneventful journey on his search for grenades. On any other planet, something like this would seem very odd indeed, but on Nar Shaddaa this was simply business as usual. Everyone knew someone who could get something on this moon.

This particular contact was a little known figure in the sector. Most of the armaments cam through the Hutts or the Duros, and selling on their territory was a risky business. This fellow however was largely left alone, seen as being relatively harmless by the overlords. Unfortunately, other than the other location of the building, Jace didn't have much else to go on.

He ran his shop out of an apartment of a squat block of flats about an hours walk away from Ree'Peeks. The building was an ugly looking affair of grey concrete and small dirty windows. Down here the buildings weren't adorned with the bright neon lights of the upper levels, instead this one had a number of holo terminals outside displaying an assortment of wanted posters thrown up by the imperials. In the lobby there were a few scruffy looking figures of various species.

"I am truly sorry for your loss." Hetaera reaches up and places a hand on Ushhkr's scaly cheek, wishing there was something more she could say...

Exiting the vehicle, she smiles and nods at the cursory introduction, but is uncharacteristically not in the mood for further pleasantries. "Charmed, I'm sure," she replies, following Leto inside.

She steals a quick glance at Usshkr, but he is back in Protector mode, searching the shadows of this new location for potential threats.

Usshkr collects himself and looks down to Hetaera locking eyes with her " I will not fail you, I will fight to my last breath if need be." he heads toward the vehicle that was to give them a ride.

Usshkr doesn't greet the he doesn't even bother to look at them they aren't a threat to Him let alone Hetaera, He carries himself well despite his injured condition. He then spies Hetaera's staring at him, with pain in her eyes, "You were quiet the whole way here, you never usssually sstop ssocccialzzing, what'sss wrong?" he whispered to her, Usshkr figured that it was likely his telling her the fate of his daughter after comparing them out loud.

"Hello there, fellas," Jace says as he approaches the figures. "I don't suppose you know a man named DeGroot. Has an eyepatch, is into things that go boom."

He thumbs the holster the heavy blaster pistol is attached to, readying the weapon at a moment's notice. "I'm looking for him, he and I have some business."

"Now, I know you all are decent people around here, so it would be kind to tell me where he's at. Otherwise...this place is a little run down. I don't think anyone will miss you anytime soon."

Edited by satkaz