Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (IC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Usshkr stares down the Human before he speaks, " I know where the orders are placed, you could place an order and ssset up an attack that way, I can't go up to him, the whole courier ssservicce believesss I'm dead. However I can ssshow where they are and you can ssset up your trap." he clears his throat "Now for the priccce the Healing will be appreciated but Ssshura tellsss me that there'sss a Wookiee under Tucker'ss employ." He looks to each person at the table, it was a big group but the Wookiee could probably take out all them easily if it got close, he would need the droid if things went wrong. " I need it dead, I used to be the Musssccle the couriers preferred until sssaid Wookiee beat me in an ambussh..." he pauses briefly and growls as he remembers the fight like it were only yesterday "...which cossst me both my armsss and almossst my life. That Wookiee hasss all the Sscore I've ever accrued in this life. I need your promise that both the Walking Carpet and Tucker die, the carpet because I need my ssscore to reach the afterlife and Tucker becaussse that ssscum didn't have the Gutsss to faccce me himssself, hisss lack of honor dessservess nothing lessss." Usshkr walks up closer the table, he crosses his arms despite it being painful for him to move his broken left arm. " To enssure both their deathsss I will fight alongssside you, not to mention if the Wookiee isss there your droid will be no match for him, it beat me when I wasss ssstronger, my armsss currently aren't asss powerful asss they asss were during that fight."

Edited by Shlambate

Leto thought " I've heard of the feuds between Trandoshans and Wookiees... however, never seen it first hand. The plan wasn't to become a hit squad. How can we be objective and not lose sight of the goods to heist? We certainly could use the muscle but if we wipe entire courier service... somebody is going to come investigate ". Less enthusiastic to discuss the details of a hit, Leto tries to redirect the conversation to a mutual agreement. " It seems Tucker and the Wookiee deserve to met their fate at the end of your claws. We will certainly ensure assistance in helping you reclaim your score but we are focused on the stockpile storage of goods. We weren't looking to place an order to just create a hit. We were hoping to keep this outing hushed and anonymous if you catch my drift " he attempts to explain. " If you can point us to their headquarters and provide adequate security intel on their vault or storage unit, upon success we will help you reclaim your score. Even if it needs to happen elsewhere away from the couriers, we can assist you in tracking them down " the human assures.

"So, Gentlemen.. We're in. Your offer of medical services brought us to the table, but we'll still be expecting our fair share of.. well, whatever the take is?" Hetaera looks to Leto, then lets her gaze drift over the others. "Your crew could use the extra muscle, and I can run distraction." She shrugs at Usshkr. "Revenge is sweet, but it doesn't pay the bills."

" This Isssn't jussst revenge." He would reply to both Hetaera and Leto, " It'sss a matter of Honor!" he stares at Hetaera with a bit of disappointment in his eyes "Human I underssstand what you want to do but if you bring me with you and the Wookiee isss there we will both be able to sssmell each other ensssuring a fight. But if he isss there and I am not he will make ssshort work of your droid and likely the ressst of you."

"Also, I have something important that we need for the job," Shura pointed out, "I swiped some data about the couriers while I was at work. These are records of the courier service for the past six months."

Most of the data was useless, but one document discussed taking a route using back roads and quiet alleyways in the industrial sector. The route ended in a residential area for a customer named Faad Doos.

"I know the area is run by a local gang in a relatively secure place, but I'm not sure who's in charge," Shura shrugs and takes a swig of her Mustafarian Whiskey, "As for revenge, I'm all in. Let's just play it smart and not draw attention to ourselves."

Jex would slouch back in the booth as he listens to the others discuss their plans for the heist. He would hum for a moment as he leans forward in his seat. He would tap on the table with his index finger as he talks to the rest of the gang. 'Maybe it'd be easier to do this while they're out on the road? If we want to avoid too may casualties and keeping ourselves low key, that may work. Minimal witnesses and people trying to shoot our brains out you know?' He'd grin as he glances from one to the other before continuing. 'Plus, it's like they're bringing the goods to us, like some kind of deadly postal service'.

Leto kind of tilts his head back once the papers mention the Duro, Faad Doos, as the customer. He points to the name on the papers to Re'peek and Jace quietly muttering " Duro pawn broker that has connections to the sector swoop gang " looking for a reaction. The human begins to question what kind of goods could the couriers be transporting. Collateral is huge a wild card for a job as dangerous as this one.

Re'peek considers the information about the pawn broker. "I could maybe try and sneak in and see what information I can find about the swoop gang. Rifle through his files or something."

Jace ponders the situation. "Hmm, hitting the warehouse itself could be bad. We only have a couple of small arms, while they could be all armed up." He hears Jex's idea. "Hitting them on the streets could be a good option, but not only do we have to find out where the couriers are, we need to figure out how to block said courier run. Otherwise, the moment we open up, they'll run."

"Hmm, maybe if we could lure them into one place, then use some speeder trucks to block their path, that could work out."

Jex would look around the table for the others reactions. 'Could do. If Shura here has the route we could probably find somewhere to nab them. He'd gesture to Giz. 'The little fella there has a truck that could probably black their path. That's a start at least'.

" According to the cargo manifesto, the shipment is a offworld source which appears more promising than local pawn collateral. It seems somebody trusts Faad enough to move goods into our sector, as this is the fourth shipment " Leto says to his crew. " The good news is the courier service is sending in 'Tucker's crew'. This may make it easier for us to provide the agreed upon vengeance. Are either of you familiar with the courier's transportation? We are not going against a repulsor tank, right? " he asks the Trandoshan and Shura.

Edited by Vergence

" For the lassst time itsss not Vengeanccce but a matter of Honor!" He would growl at the Human's comments, upon hearing mention of a repulser tank the Trandoshan let out a laugh. " Who do you think they are the Empire? No their trucksss are ssstreet legal in fact you wouldn't be able to tell them apart from a regular ssshipping truck. They prefer sssecrecy not ssshowsss of forccce."

Jex would sigh, slumping back into his seat. His facial expression seemed to suggest that he was content with this response. 'Well that's a relief, I don't want to have survived the whole imperial uprising just to get gunned down in the streets of this cursed moon'. He'd glance back up at the others before speaking. 'So, how are we gonna do this? If we're gong after the truck I'd say we either need to stop it moving so we can grab the cargo, or we need to steal the actual truck. Might be the easiest way to avoid people knowing it was us'.

On 4/10/2018 at 1:56 PM, Rabobankrider said:

Jex would look around the table for the others reactions. 'Could do. If Shura here has the route we could probably find somewhere to nab them. He'd gesture to Giz. 'The little fella there has a truck that could probably black their path. That's a start at least'.

Giz finishes thinking to himself.

He looks at Jex and squeaks, "That might work, and I might have some other surprises to slow them down!"

Giz thinks a little more and says, "Maybe it's time to show everyone the attachments I gave Smog."

Edited by BeingofMortis

"My role in this.." Hetaera considers. My last distraction didn't go so great.. or maybe it worked a little too well..?

"Maybe we could.. borrow .. a vehicle, to be rear ended..? By your truck? Would this Tucker be inclined to assist, to help a pretty face?"

" Absssolutely not! Ghrakhowsk, I will not allow you to put yourssself in Danger." His eyes Zero in on Hetaera he didn't like her plan one bit and she could tell, " While he would be attracted to you, the Wookiee would be too clossse to you for my comfort. The Wookiee would tear you apart if he sssmelled my ssscent on you. In itsss eyess I am already dead and my being alive makesss him look bad by hisss primitive Honor... he can't have that." Usshkrs claws were grasping the Table very hard, if it wasn't metal he likely would have scratched it.

"Oh! Okay. I'll just pretend to sit this one out, and then jump in, without a plan!? Because that worked sooo splendidly, last time!"

Hetaera's voice is not raised, but her tone speaks volumes. She will not be sidelined.

"Look.. I'm just trying to participate in this.. my way. Would you have me wearing some outlandish mask, brandishing a blaster like some common thug? Stand and deliver.. "

Too late, she looks about at the somewhat motley assemblage at the table.. some of whom would no doubt be performing as thugs with blasters, in this production. She smiles, sweetly. "No offense."

Usshkr grimaces, " Then Fight from behind me and not put yourssself in the open. I will not be one to fail a life debt!" Usshkr isn't mad at Hetaera he's annoyed by her insistence to endanger herself, if he fails his life debt while he has no score it is almost assured that he will not be allowed to go into the afterlife. " Ghrakhowsk you can help in other waysss, but you will not be bait."

"Statement: This unit estimates that it may be able to stop the truck."


"Look, Usshkr.. I understand. And you know I respect your honor, and your debt."

Hetaera will not try to charm the Trandoshan, but nor will she back down.

"But I've told you," she asserts, "I'm through with the whole obedience thing. Was never much good at it, anyway. I need to pull my weight."

She considers.. "Maybe you can be the one I'm arguing with, in our staged accident? You'd be right there with me, then. And don't forget, we have our girl on the inside, to ensure things go smoothly."

Usshkr sighs " You remind of my daughter Ghrakhowsk, sshe wasss sso Ssstubborn..." He backs away from the table and crosses his arms " Fine I'll agree but I can't be the one arguing with you, it will have to be the droid he'sss the only other here capable of handling a Wookiee if thingss go sssouth." This was the first time Usshkr ever mentioned having any family let alone a daughter, he seemed to turn sullen upon mentioning her.

Edited by Shlambate

"And the Wookiee reminds me of my big, hairy Uncle Bojo, but let's not get off topic," Shura said, defusing the moment, "the transport itself is a gray, pre-clone wars era vehicle normally packing six people. I could identify it if I saw it. The shipments are usually separated from the passengers in a storage compartment in the back. The employees guarding the transport are just a bunch of thugs. Not very useful for anything more than a scuffle."

Edited by AdvocatXD

Observing the emotional scene being created in front of him, Leto realizes the Trandoshan connection to the party was a life debt. Happy Shura got the business meeting on track, he decides to jump in. “ So, there is a compartment that holds the goods? This might be a tactical advantage considering our party’s skill set ” he claims glancing at Re’peek. Leto pivots the documents discussing the courier route to Faad’s and turns to Hetaera. Being familiar with the residential area near the hideout, he says “ I bet if we study the back roads, we will discover an ideal alley to trap their vehicle to strike ”.

Jex would lean back into the conversation as a thought crosses his mind. 'Are we going to steal their truck? Or just crack it open to grab the cargo. Something worth thinking about'.

"Depends on if we have drivers willing. Wouldn't be hard to lift the cargo out, otherwise." Jace said, eyeing HU-1K. "But if Giz is gonna go with his attachments, we might not have enough room to store everything."