Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (IC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

"Come on then, you two. It's almost time to meet up, and they're probably already there, at the Sound." Hetaera catches the Trandoshan's appraisal of her attire.. she had removed her war paint , but was still garbed outlandishly, even for the club. "Oh, fine! " She changes into something a bit less brazen, and performs a quick pirouette for his approval. "Better?" she teases.. "Let's go."

That stubborn lizard is going to get himself killed.

Shura lets out an exasperated sigh as she follows her roommates out the door.

Edited by AdvocatXD

A beeping noise would break the silence at Ree's as Leto's comlink begins to alert him to an incoming transmission. The voice at the other end was Jex's. 'Hey, Leto, can you hear me? I lost my com, I'm borrowing one from a cantina right now'. There would be a pause as he seems to be talking to someone else before continuing. 'I hit a brick wall with my search, you guys find anything?'

" Yeah, we found a lead and are going to follow it up. Come back to Re'peek's place and we will take you with us " he responds to Jex, happy to know he's still in good shape. " Also, your services might be in need " he says, as he tries not to chuckle looking at HU-1K. " Only on Nar Shaddaa " he thought sighing at the situation.

There would be another pause as Jex talks away from the com before returning. 'Alright, I'll be there in a few. Just don't do anything stupid till I get there you lot'. With that the conversation would end.

Fifteen minutes or so later Jex was walking in through the door of Ree's dingy housing situation. 'Alright' he'd declare as he walks through the door. 'So what's this lead you lot have come up with? And where are we going? Will there be somewhere to grab food while we're there? I'm still starving'.

Met a Trandoshan at work last night who use to be employed by the courier service. The off duty dancer who he was working security for gave me her card. The same pair met HU-1K at an underground fight club and seemingly challenged him voluntarily. HU-1K was victorious; the Trandoshan could use medical attention. We are hoping to exchange your medical services for courier intel at a Sound Investments tonight ” Leto says, pausing. “ Didn’t you just come from a Cantina? There are airspeeder food trucks, hover food stands, and diners nearby. Oh! and Jex meet Giz. He has a more comfortable transportation solution for us ” he says, making sure everybody was ready.

Edited by Vergence

"Staement: Meatbags, end the pleasantries. This unit wishes to meet its challenger for the purposes of negotiating with the hostile organic for information."

Jex would look genuinely surprised by this. 'Man, you guys really went to work on this one huh, alright, I'm in, but lets just go easy alright? We don't know that the trando isn't just looking for a rematch. They've got a whole thing with fighting, I think it's a religion or something'.

At the question regarding food, Jex woud have to give a sheepish smile at this. 'Well, you know I lost my com?' He'd go to turn his pockets out at this. 'Sort of lost my credit stick as well. Town is a lot more grabby at this time of day than I thought it would be'.

With all of the investigating and events having gone on, it had reached the early hours of the morning. In a few hours the courier would be on its way. Before any of that happens though, it was time for this gathering of down on their luck misfits to come together.

At this time the gathering came about it was almost dead. A few drunken stragglers thrown out of drinking establishments here and there, the homeless huddled up in doorways and alleys. Every so often a landspeeder would blast down the street, transporting people back to their beds most likely. There was a surprising chill in the air, you could almost feel a breeze blow through the bowls of the moon, but not quite.

Jex would rub his arms to keep the chill out as he glances around, stepping out of the door from Ree's house. 'So are we taking that truck in the garage? Don't really feel like walking this morning'.

" We are taking the speeder truck to Sound Investments. You all heard the negotiator, lets move out guys! " Leto responds, as he jumps into vehicle. " I've reserved us a small table away from the main dance floor for business privacy " he tells the gang once everybody was inside. As the group took off, Leto begun to think " I hope we discover this courier service transports a lot more than just blasters and spice ".

Edited by Vergence

"Good thing you're safe, Jex," said Jace. As HU-1K wished to get things done, Jace had to agree. "Best to get things going. However..."

Jace went back to the crate and starts placing the items that he and Leto had found onto the truck. "The first part of business is to make a good impression on the other party. Doesn't matter if it's some food or a crate full of heavy blaster pistols, a a gift."

Edited by satkaz

Jex would nod at this. 'Blasters might be good, fits with the theme of the meeting I suppose'. He'd gesture to the large green droid as he continues. 'I guess it's a good job it's still around for this kind of stuff right?'

Giz climbs in his speeder truck and waits for everyone to get in. As soon as everyone steps into the vehicle Giz starts heading toward the Sound Investments to meet up with their potential allies.

A few moments later...

The speeder truck pulls up to the club Giz says without looking back, "We're here!"

Edited by BeingofMortis

"That was a good ride." Jace said as the truck stopped. He then started to take the items closer to the end of the truck, ready to deliver the "gifts" for the other party. "Gotta get them ready for whoever we're meeting."

As Giz parked the vehicle, Leto began to hope Salc wasn't already at the club. The human was not entirely sure how Salc would handle his protege making such a bold move for childhood friends. " Thanks, Giz. Ah good thinking Jace; I suggest we keep the crate there so we don't draw attention during the meeting. If things go smoothly afterwards, we can demonstrate our gifts of friendship " he says. After Leto jumps out of the vehicle, he motions for the gang to follow him. As the group approaches the entrance, he thought " Please be your usually late self Salc ".

The gang would be greeted by two bouncers in casual nightlife suits, Elvis a robust Dug, and Sloe a muscular Quara-Aqualish who wore a translating vocoder around his neck. " Boys, lookin' stylish as always " Leto says, with a mutual forearm to elbow bump and simultaneous back pat to demonstrate respect. " Is Salc here? " he questions. Sloe abrasively grunts through his tusks, " Ha! Good one Leto! You know boss-man don't bounce.. " the vocoder translates. Unsure how to interpret Sloe, Leto begins to look at Elvis for clarification. " What my polished colleague meant to say was, No. Our beloved Mr. Salc Bron is not presently in and not expected to be for sometime " Elvis firmly says, in a deep industrial sector accent staring at Sloe. Leto nods as if the conversation went smoothly, " Gotcha. Well this lot is with me " he says, motioning towards the gang with a grin. Both bouncers would nod and step aside to allow the group of humanoids to proceed inside.

Entering inside, the multi-level room was largely quite. It was too early for the usually plethora of lasers to beam across the dancefloor and walls. DJ H0-U5 was still busy setting up on stage and only a few club guests had yet arrived. Leto assertively strolls up to the purple LED-lit ground floor bar and says, " Mick, there is going to be a early meeting at table 12-D in the back. Could you send someone to take a drink order if a few? Thanks " to the Quermian mixologist. Leto next would guide his friends up to the following tier within the club to a table in the back which could comfortably seat ten. " Alright, get comfortable guys; feel free to order drinks once someone comes by " he says, focused on the arrival of the Twi'lek and Trandoshan.

Edited by Vergence

The trio arrive at the club, to find their arrival has been expected. Hetaera makes her way past the purple-lit bar, and up the flight of stairs where they had been directed. Leto and company are at a table in the back, and he rises to greet them as they make their approach.

Introductions are made, and she orders a drink. "A Jedi Mind Trick , shaken, please. Double-strained, with a twist of Roonan lemon. "

The ice blue cocktail arrives quickly, in a martini glass, and is just the thing to take the edge off.. whatever is about to unfold.

Usshkr's eyes narrowed at Leto, the human from the other night with the ridiculous hairdo, looks to much like Tucker for his own liking. He however didn't try to scare him off or rip hm apart at Hetaera's wishes. Apparently he owned the droid and it was the only he was going to beat the Wookiee in his current condition. When Hetaera orders the drink the server looks up at him expecting an order, Usshkr stares him down and growls " I don't want your pissss drinksss!" the server, now shaken moves on to Shura for an order. Usshkr did not sit at the table he stood next to the droid whom he had fought and respected, his eyes did not leave Leto's head.

Seeing the Trandoshan meatbag eyeing Leto's head, HU-1K stares at Usshkr, "Statement: This unit will fight you if you attempt to hurt this unit's friend, organic meatbag 3, a.k.a. Leto. Observation: In your weakened state, combat will not be honorable. Conclusion: Benefits of protecting ally outweigh honor. Statement: This unit has warned you."

He looks to the droid, " Don't worry I won't hurt him. He jussst looksss like sssomeone I want dead. The main differenccce being he looksss better for a Human and hisss hair isssn't a ridiculousss color." He turns back to look at Leto and Hetaera. " Ssshe trusstss him ssso I don't hurt him it'sss that ssimple."

Shura orders a Mustafarian Whiskey. A clear shot glass with red, foaming liquid is brought to her. She tells the server to leave the bottle.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Zay's baby brother. Long time, no see," Shura said, referring to Leto.

Edited by AdvocatXD

Giz jumps into a seat and starts to spin in his seat for a while then says to the server, "I'd like a Tarisian Fizz with 2 Floaters on the rocks please."

First he started thinking about the drink he ordered with its brown hue and tan clouds hovering over the drinks poping like a mini fireworks display.

He then looked at Shura surprised and asks, "Heyy Shura! How's it been!"

Edited by BeingofMortis

As the trio arrives to the table, Leto begins to recognize the dark purple Twi'lek. " Is that Shura? Where has she been? And how did she get tied into this usual crew? " he thought briefly. After Shura starts to conversate, Leto begins remember why as a child she was closer to Zay and Cami. In Leto's head, he had placed her into the 'only wants to talk about your older brother' category growing up. Regardless, as kids Shura certainly stood up plenty of times for the gang and he was truly happy to see her.

Leto would take a deep breathe at the Trandoshan's comments... Leto begun, " You took the words out of my mouth, Shura! Great to see you. For those of you who don't already know please meet Desperado, HU-1K, Giz, Jex, and Re'peek" . After a brief pause, " Thank you for agreeing to meet us. We wanted to offer you the opportunity for smooth medical recovery " he says looking at the Trandoshan. " Jex is our experienced medical expert " he says motioning towards the Nautolan.

Edited by Vergence

Jace gets comfortable with the seating in the club. When the server comes, he says, "I'll just take a glass of water."

To him, a drink off of work is fine, but when the proverbial poodoo is going to hit the fan, getting a taste of alcohol could mean being a second off, and that had led to many of his fellow compatriots meeting an untimely end during the war.

As Leto introduced him to the second group, he would just nod and smile. Leto could do the talking for now.

Edited by satkaz

'Leto!' someone would shout from across the room. A quarren dressed in bland looking robes approached the gathering from across the room. This was Dryl. He was an assistant for Salc, usually responsible for the admin of the club, the 'boring work'.He was a serious individual who had never been a fan of Leto. He had referred to him on multiple occasions as 'too frivolous to run a club'.

'You know I've told you about having you little pals over while we're trying to clean the place up'. he would snap as he approaches the group. 'Whatever you're doing, rap it up quick alright?'

"Query: Friendly organic Leto, wold you like this unit to remove the hostile squid meatbag from the presences, so that you can conclude your business?"

The humans eyes would stare into Dryl's as he spoke. He simply nod to acknowledge Dryl, gently shake his head 'no' to HU-1K and pause all conversation until the Quarren returned back to his duties. Once it was just the party at the table again, Leto turns back to the Trandoshan to speak " I'll make this brief. We are seeking the precise location of your previous employer, the courier service headquarters within the warehouse district. As Shura knows.. Tucker is no ally of ours but, until we met you.. we had no other leads. In exchange for the courier details, we will offer you a complete medical recovery. This is simply what we can adequately offer for trade. Are you open to this temporary partnership? ".

Edited by Vergence