Star Wars: Kings of Nar Shaddaa (IC)

By Rabobankrider, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire Beginner Game

Munch would look puzzled at Ree's question before a look of realization would flash across his face. 'Oh the fingers? It wasn't anything too bad. There was a scuffle at the bookies with an Ithorian and a Gamorrean, and I didn't get out of the way fast enough is all. He would go back to feeling sorry for himself as the others talk about their next course of action. Glancing back up as his name is called, he would frown for a second. 'Huh? Oh, it's that old guy who works out of the Scepter tower block. Oh, what's his name'. He would pause as he screws his face up in thought before turning back to Ree once again. 'Zain something. His first name is definitely Zain, Maybe it was Dredlemm? Something like that'. Fortunately there weren't many doctors to sift through in the sector, especially within a single block.

The doctor in the mean time had made his leave of the group and their injured Trandoshan. He didn't like to stick around too long after a job had been done, mainly in case something had gone wrong and he was blamed for it.

Leto nods to acknowledge Munch, " Ok guys, this is a bit of a wild card... how does the group feel about contacting the Trandoshan by using the business card? Call to accredit the brawler for a great fight and next offer a medical service exchange for courier intel? If nothing else we recommend Dr. Dredlemm for any immediate assistance. Ideas? " he questions. Leto went to grab what he initially considered to be a crowbar to open some crates but discovered it was actually a vibrospear. " Ha! I wonder who might use this " he thought before returning back to the crates.

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"It's good of a plan as any, Leto." Jace said. "By the way, since you've been fiddling around in them, you find something interesting in those crates?

Leto was rummaging in a larger crate with a bunch of plated plastoids that could be inserted into vests, jackets, and pants. " I think I just discovered a crate full of plastoid plates mesh with energy dispersion layers. Some sort of older clothing armor inserts? " he responds. He points towards another crate across the room " Inside that metallic case its full of various costumes, makeup, hair pieces, urban camouflage, and variety of disguises for different species. Beneath that, it holds a set of anti-riot gear and I've been using this vibrospear as a crowbar. Feel free to join in! " he chuckles.

The human pauses his search for a moment. " So shall I be the caller or HU-1K? Or did somebody else want to give it a try? " he asks, unsure who the best candidate is.

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“Statement: As this unit threatened the Trandoshan’s companion and almost murdered said Trandoshan, the pair may not be friendly to this unit.” HU-1K says.

Leto nods to HU-1K. " Can't argue with that logic " he thought. He grabs his comlink and the Twi'lek's business card. Leto knew he begun this heist project without much to go on. It was time for him to step up and be bold.

The human begins to beep the comlink frequency given on the card. " Hello, Hetaera? This is Leto, we met at Sound Investments last night... So, ironic story. I'm told you voluntarily encountered my good friend, HU-1K, recently. I am calling to congratulate the challenger and accredit him for an amazing battle. Also to see if you could use any medical assistance? HU-1K spoke highly of the Trandoshan and wanted to see if he's alright " he questioned into the comlink looking to friends to see if he's on track.

"Armor inserts, huh? That could be useful. " Jace says as he starts to take a look at them. These inserts would definitely give them an edge, since they'd be able to take a blaster bolt easily. Plus, it was less noticeable than carrying out full armor suits.

He overhears HU-1K's statement. "At least we got some insurance if things turn out badly," he says, shrugging while holding an insert in one of his hands.

With the Doctor making a hasty exit, and Shura returning to her security gig, Hetaera is grateful for the distraction of her chirping comlink. "Excuse me, Usshkr, I should take this."

"Hi, this is Hetaera.." Leto? From the Sound? Hadn't really expected him to call..

She hears him out, suppressing a groan. "Usshkr, it's for you. Seems your killbot buddy wants to hug it out and share an oil bath with you, after all."

Returning to Leto: "My friend here would not ask for such assistance, himself.. but he truly could use it.. Can you vouch for my safety.. or is the droid still bent on revenging itself upon the meddling ring girl?"

And what is this really about..?

Edited by Edgehawk

Excellent, I’m actually on a project with a doctor who could medically assist the Trandoshan to recovery. Ah, HU-1K is an honorable friend and i’ll let him tell you directly. You can trust the giant’s words ” he says, passing the comlink to HU-1K.

The Twi’lek needs to know you’re to powerful for the need to seek revenge upon her ” he says to the droid with a grin.

"Statement: This unit apolagises for its actions. This unit is old, as such until recent matinence was performed on this unit was prone to frequent bouts of what you meatbags term: 'violent emotions.' Conclusitory Statement: Due to matinence performed on this unit, this unit no longer wishes to punch your meatbag body's head into a pulp."

"You're a real charmer, H-U." Hetaera still suspects some ulterior motive, but reluctantly agrees for them to meet up the next day, at a private room of the Sound Investments .

Shura will be off duty by then, and can come with us, too. "So.. what do you think this is really all about, Usshkr?"

" Why delay the meeting until tomorrow? I want Tucker'ss head tonight!" Usshkr would growl seemingly angered at the notion of waiting. " Ghrakhowsk, we ssshould meet with the droid now sso I can kill the Wookiee and reclaim my ssscore." Hetaera could tell he was very serious and was getting antsy as he seemed to be pacing around the room.

Eventually Shura would make it back to the diminutive building that she was being paid to guard. Her partner would have take up his position inside the room between two of the glowing shelves of data pads. He would have found a rolling chair and had propped his feet up one on of the half empty shelves. In one of his hands he held a data pad he was tapping through. It didn't look like he'd taken it from the shelf, most likely another of his various games he likes to play when he gets bored, which is often.

'Oh hey' he'd mumble without looking up. 'That Tucker guy came by again, he had another set of data to drop off. Must be busy, whatever he does'. He'd glance up from whatever he was doing for a moment. 'So where'd you run off huh?'

Glad I didn't miss anything important. Shura thought.

"One of the kids had a boo-boo," she replied nonchalantly, "thanks for covering."

Her statement was vague, but Meetan knew what she meant.

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The young recruit would chuckle at this, shaking his head as he continues to tap away. 'Civis, can't leave them alone for five minutes'. There was a certain irony to his comment considering he was hardly a veteran of combat. 'You need to set up some cameras or something, keep an eye on them you know?'

He would stand up, stretching while stifling a yawn. 'I should probably check outside again, otherwise the owners get all winey'. Part of the guards duties for this job was to patrol outside the building, as well as the inside of it. There was a couple of narrow vents where smaller species could gain entry. It was better to be safe than sorry.

Jace would keep on checking the crates while Leto and HU-1K kept talking to the Transdoshan.

"Oh, found a matching set." he would mutter as he pulled out a vest and some pants. "Premade inserts for plates, saves me time from making my own. Plus, I needed another set of clothes."

Checking in some more boxes, Jace found the jackpot: in one, there was a crate with 5 heavy blaster pistols. "Hmm, looks like DL-44s, but there's been quite a few knockoffs. They're still deadly in the right hands."

Making sure the power cell was unloaded and his finger off the trigger, he pulls one out of the crate. "Grip's nice, it's pretty balanced. Barring a full-sized rifle, this will work."

"If anyone needs a heavy blaster, I found some here." he said to the rest of the group. "And where in the frakk is Jex? I hope he didn't get into any trouble."

Ever since Shura was hired for the job, the mysterious courier service that Tucker worked for had always peaked her interest. Though, she always knew better than to ask questions that were above her pay grade.

However, after what had been happening the past few months, combined with Meetan's excessive talking, Shura's curiosity started getting the best of her.

By the end of her shift, Shura had copies of all the cargo manifestos, contacts, code words-all the information she was able to acquire related to the courier service. Shura hopped back on her swoop and took off.

Back at home, a disgruntled lizard awaited her. Grant it, Usshkr always looked disgruntled, but this time, it was more than usual. He was pacing anxiously, muttering some stuff about Wookiee pelts and Tucker's head. He seemed more ticked off than before she left. Something had obviously happened while she was gone. Shura looked to Hetaera for an explanation.

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Leto begun searching through the scattered crates again after HU-1K set the meet up with Hetaera. About mid way through a different pile of crates, Leto finally discovers something of use. " Ahhh Ha! Electrobinoculars! " he shouts. The rummager had finally located about four pairs of electrobinoculars which he quickly set aside for the party's usage.

After Jace announced his find, Leto made his way next to him. He says grinning, " Guess it wouldn't be a bad idea " down playing the need for armed protection.

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Giz starts to try the riot armor on and states, "This will save my tail if things get messy and they will."

Giz hears Jace has found some heavy blaster pistols and so he picks one up safely taking out the power cell. He inspects it a little bit longer and says, "This will do." Giz, now with his mind racing, thinks about how he could modify his gear.

HU-1K would walk out to gather their vehicles, pulling the three speeders into the garage, before walking out into the open neighborhood. About fifteen mineutes later he would return, this being signified by a loud scraping noise. If anyone bothered to look outside, there would now be a speeder truck in the garage, one that hadn't been there before. "Statement: this unit has moved friendly organic Giz's transport."

@Rabobankrider having trouble posting in the OOC right now, the truck was previously agreed upon.


"So, Shura.. The clanker that nearly scrapped Usshkr, here.. We're going to meet him. Come with?"

"So let me get this straight," Shura began, "You want to go and meet up with the same crazy droid who skewered your pet lizard over there into an Usshka-bob?.......I'm down. When's the meeting?"

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" Now, if I would have my way." Usshkr growls from behind Shura "The droid wouldn't have ssstood a chanccce if I had my old armss and you ssshould thank me for taking the sssword for your girlfriend." Usshkr would put a claw on Shura's shoulder and then turn his gaze to Hetaera " Ghrakhowsk letsss go now, we ssshouldnt wait. Tucker and hisss walking carpet may get away!"

"They're not going to 'get away,' Usshkr. Especially if they don't think they have a reason to," Shura explained firmly, "Besides, I have some new information you might want to know about. So sit the frak down and heal. "

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" You don't undersstand, that walking carpet is all the ssscore I have accrued in my life I need to kill him the sssooner the better! If I die in the night from my woundsss, I DIE in Disssgraccce, I will not be able to pass into the afterlife. If my ssscore is Zzzero the Sscorekeeper will not allow me in. Ssso time isss of the essssenccce." Shura could tell now it was probably a bad idea to tell Usshkr that the Wookiee he had been after was with Tucker, all Usshkr could focus on now was regaining his score. " But it isss not your deccisssion it isss up to my Ghrakhowsk!" He would point to Hetaera who was still dressed up as a clown.