Casual First Order Squadron match ups.

By Ronu, in X-Wing Battle Reports

So ran two slightly different list of Epsilon Squad Swarms in some Casual games the last couple of days.

Yesterday’s list

4x Epsilon Squadron (3,4,5,6,)

Epsilon Ace w/ Comm Relay

Epsilon Leader w/ Primed Thrusters

So First Matchup: Vader, Juno, Marrek. Vader PS 10 and Juno and Marrek with PS9. Title and ATC plus missle and guidance chips. (What Missles doesn’t Matter and you’ll read why.)

so I positioned 5 in the middle and the Ace to the Right on a flank by himself. My opponent setup on the left at an angle to try to weave through Asteroids as easy as he could. So round one just movements and no shooting. He didn’t want to get in too deep with so many shots. Second round, I have one ship up closer than I’d like in range of all 3 while others fanned out to setup pathways to come through or setup future moves. He rolls Vader in takes a targetlock and an Evade. Ace takes a shot at Marrek and Marrek easily avoids. Vader goes to tread tracers on a ship and realizes he can’t fire them! Basic shot evaded by the Epsilon. This trade goes back and forth and nothing.

4 is in a really solid position and easily sloops into firing position. 3 does a K-turn looking pretty as well. 5. Goes to sloop and runs into Vader. Leader ends up bumping into 5. Ace is into position and 6 went on a sloop the other way. Juno Banks away from the swarm and is effectively out of the fight. Marrek zooms past on a 3 bank, showing some skills to escape being blocked in. Vader attempts to follow, and is blocked all the way back to initial spot. Ace deleted Vader’s shields. Vader whiffs at Leader. Leader r1 gets 2 on Vader and 3 finishes the dark lords day.

4 chases after Juno as Marrek does a 4k and Juno runs. 3,6 and Ace give chase as 5 and Leader Sloop back into the fight. Pretty uneventful Juno lost a shield beyond that nothing exciting. Next roun Juno swings back in, gets a target lock. Swarm still giving chase now in better firing. Marrek does a 1 forward and Bumps 3 who was trying for position on Juno. Juno forgets to fire Missles, takes a normal shot nets a hit pulls the target lock for a reroll, blanked out and forgot he could add a hit from the ATC. My poor opponent not having a good day.. Juno is taken out and he conceded realizing Marrek had 0 chance.

Next game was vs a very new player. Ran a Miranda, Poe, Gemmar. The build was neither optimal or flashy so won’t get into details. Long story short. Baited with Ace Swarm flew in from the flank. New player took bait. Bit of circling but finally took all 3 down, only lost one Epsilon Squadron Pilot. Hurray experience over newness, especially with a swarm.

Edited by Ronu
Make the title more accurate


Same Squad as before but gave PA to both Ace and Leader.

first matchup Rebel 10’s

Wedge: Adaptability, BB8, Proton Torps, IA

Horton Salm: R2-D6, VI, Plasma Torpedoes, TLT , Guidance chips, EM.

Arien Kraken, VI, Assault Missles, Chips.

Intially I slow rolled not wanting to eat TLT shots immediately. Second round Everyone screaming in a few turn to engage. Wedge takes a TL. Arien swings in, but is just not in range. Horton slow rolls as a TLT does and takes a target lock. Ace barrel rolls away from Wedges arc takes a range 3 on Arien and nothing. Wedge fires his torpedo range 3. Blank, Blank, Focus, Focus (changed to a crit). 5 easily evades. Horton shoots his plasma torpedoes at Epsilon Leader. 2 hits two blanks, rerolls focus blank. 3 hits after chips. Epsilon Leader 3 evades!

Swarm engages into position and Horton does the unexpected a 3 hard turn away?! It was rather unusual positions by the Rebels to avoid the EPSILON Squadron overall. Wedge Takes to 4k away into a shooting position, and Arien turned to run away to avoid blocking and fire. Next Round Horton (still stressed does a 2 Turn to avoid a potential off the map and falls prey to #5. Horton thought he heard a who and then saw it was laser fire blasting into his hull eliminating him.


Wedge and Arien are on the run and have to fight. Arien does a 4 Strait and ready's himself against Epsilon Leader who Slooped in his direction. However Epsilon Ace holding Lock onto Arien swings around and grabs a focus. Wedge out of position to do much tried to put distance between himself and the slooping Epsilon Squadron only to find them waiting for him. giving him no choice but to risk the Console Fire being allowed to continue in favor of a focus. IMG_0274.png.e258f58b0a244c09c2866640a7c4c5b2.png

Arien takes 3 from the Epsilon Ace and Explodes. Wedge shoots at the Ace but cannot connect as the Ace masterfully evades the shot. Wedge is able to avoid the slooping Pilots but then 4 who came about after his initial Prey Horton was defeated takes a shot. Wedge is no more.

Epsilon Squadron 3 Rebels 0.

Another game similarly matched with Wedge, Intensity, BB8, IA, Horton with his TLT. Arien with Assault Missles and GC and a bandit Squadron Pilot took flight against the Epsilon's. They got 3 before they themselves went down.

So thoughts so far is a lot of fun to fly. Pattern Analyzer seems like it might need to just be stapled to Epsilon Leader. Then it's just a matter of what to do with the 2 points remaining with Epsilon Ace or one of the others. The PS 12 Randomly part of the squad seems to be giving opponents fits with targeting priority wanting to get him down so he can't arc dodge but chasing him might mean turning your back on 10-15 shots which doesn't help you either. Lot of fun though and I have to thank @Magnus Grendel for opening my eyes to this little swarm.

Well done with the swarm!

Pattern Analyser is great on Epsilon Leader combined with the Segnor's Loop.

I'd probably suggest Advanced Optics once it comes out for Epsilon Ace - bank a focus turn 1 and you get focus/evade if shot at, focus/target lock if not, or a PS12 barrel roll if it's useful.

Epsilon Ace does cause people absolute fits in the right match-up; people obssess so much about pilot skill that they seem to expect it to be an automatic win, and some of them have no idea how to cope when the crutch is kicked out from under them. Watching a 17 point ship who doesn't even rate an elite pilot talent barrel roll out of a PS11 super-ace's arc and drop a range 1 shot into them is a joy to behold....

Are they tournament-devastating? No. But are they good enough to give people who don't know how to face them fits? Yes. The combination of Segnor's Loop and green turns makes TIE/fo unpredictable as heck in a close-in dogfight.

So today it was Kylo and Epsilon squadronas his wingmen.

Kylo Ren: PTL, A. sensors, Threat tracker, Title, AT

Epsilon Leader: Primed Thrusters

2x Epsilon Squadron and Primed thrusters. (4 and 6)

Against RAC, with Proton torps, Vader, Tactician, Predator , Engine Upgrade.

with Nu Squadron, GC, Assault Missles x2, EM, Title.

I spread out until I could get clear of Assault missle ranges. Kylo to the far left where his gun boat and RAC started. Epsilon Squadron came up hard. Kylo took 3 off RAC. RAC fired his Proton Torps at Epsilon 4 but missed due to nice rolls. Epsilon 4 Hit Crit from range 3 crit is Direct hit. nice shooting E4!

Maneuvering, Epsilon’s swing in. Nu squadron turns out but gets blocked by RAC. RAC charges up to block Kylo. Kylo squeezes by but only chose to focus to open the dial up next round. Kylo shoots the Nu takes a shield. RAC fires at Kylo, and two evades and a blank means 3 evades for Kylo and no Damage from RAC. Epsilon Leader buries 3 more into RAC, Epsilon 4 takes 2 shields from the NU, and Epsilon 6 is avoidable.

Then Ugly happens. E4 sloops and barrel rolls trying to trap the NU. E6 turns to give chase to the Rear-Admiral. Leader gets blocked by 6. The Nu swings just past the block by 4 (Chose to target lock Leader, just in case he gets to shoot? OK?). RAC has to fly over an Asteroid to start to turn around. Kylo uses his advanced sensors to target lock then Talon Rolls behind the Nu. Shoots ugly roll then spends the target lock 4 hits and blank focus for the Nu and vaporized the Attack Wing. RAC gets 3 hits on the token less Leader and Vader does the rest. E6 gets a pair of hits and RAC is at 9.

E6 turns to close the gap on his prey. E4 turns and barrel rolls to get back into the hunt. Kylo clears stress on a 3 bank then Barrel Rolls and boost to chase RAC who did another 3 bank to put distance between them hoping Kylo wouldn’t get a shot. Kylo shoots hit focus blank, blank, rerolls for the Title... crit!. RAC gets an evade, Crit is a direct hit again RAC is at 11. Shoots at the Epsilon 6 trying to get lucky. Only takes the shield. Epsilon 6 finishes off the Decimator. Showing the First Order to be superior to the even the Empire.

Edited by Ronu
Cause proper math and builds matter.

So for those curious, it is not easy to adjust to NOT flying Kylo like your typical Intercepters. The title is a watered down version of Predator and will have to see if it is enough to warrant regular use or not. 48 points for the build on Kylo, not sure if he hit at that weight but compared to RAC he certainly counted his weight there.

The gunboat did zip in this match. I did see an earlier match and both were using missle loadouts maybe with harpoons it’s worth it but otherwise,certainly not. Takes your cannons and be happy for that. Maybe a flechette for the Title when and if you slam, it otherwise the Missles really we’re off the marks here.

So broke out with Omega Squadron today.

Lt. Dormitz: HCS,Collision detector, PA, Systems Officer, Ops Spec.

3x, Omega Squadron, Snap shot, HCS. (4,5,6)

and against some resistance scum.

Poe, Bb8, Intensity, B1, IA. Crimson Leader, OS, Proton Mines, Traj Sim, D Plate. TLT Y-Wing.

Setup and used the high laugh point to go after the bomber. Ate a Proton mine, and snap shots did 0. But huge token stacks from the HcS, were just glorious and nothing else happened. Then turned and got a block on the bomber, while 5 came about behind the Y wing and Dormitz crept up issuing orders and the crew passing around target locks. 4 and 6 trapped the bomber to be able to shoot. More snap shots Whiffed. Dice were not happy today!

bit more plinking of the bomber and Y wing took some heavy shots from Dormitz and 5 to end up down to 3 hull remaining. Bomber boy takes some fire and collects a stunned pilot and two Fighters in close proximity in front and Dormitz about to swing in front.

Poe was playing keep away but had to engage now, the Fighters 4 and 6 were wounded, the bomber is in danger and the TLT is not long for the world either. Dormitz turns and collects an Asteroid, while 4 and 6 shift to block the bomber and get shots. POR takes down 6. 5 overshoots and has no shot.

Next round bomber does the unexpected pulls a 3 bank but fires a Proton torp 5 strait then caches the other half of the Asteroid Dormitz hits, leaving himself in harms way of the bomb. Poe not wanting to eat the bomb as well rolls inside and then banks onto his own Asteroid. 4 turns but caught Dormitz, and takes down the bomber. 4 goes down to the TLT.

5 is able to turn and finish the Y wing as Poe and Dormitz get off the rocks. Dormitz has issues though, A Damaged Engine and Cockpit, the Engine a much greater concern. The Cat and mouse games are on. Poe and the F/O dance for 3 rounds 4 rounds, 7 rounds. Finally, Poe guesses on where 5 is going and 5 came up virtually no where near the spot. POE Talon Rolls, ands up range 1 of the Omega pilot, guns facing the wrong way, and now tokenless. 5 fires Hit, Crit,Hit. Poe down to just his hull, blank focus. The F/O reigns another day.

Problem is that without Juke, or some sort of 'add an extra die' ability, Snap Shot can so easily do bugger all, which is annoying given the effort of getting the shot in the first place.

Well done! Doubly glad to see a well-handled generic take down a super-ace in an end-game fight.

7 hours ago, Magnus Grendel said:

Problem is that without Juke, or some sort of 'add an extra die' ability, Snap Shot can so easily do bugger all, which is annoying given the effort of getting the shot in the first place.

Well done! Doubly glad to see a well-handled generic take down a super-ace in an end-game fight.

Was doubly nice to have the Shuttle giving some Action cheat pre maneuvering made the F/o so much more willing to do stuff like sloops and K turns

37 minutes ago, Ronu said:

Was doubly nice to have the Shuttle giving some Action cheat pre maneuvering made the F/o so much more willing to do stuff like sloops and K turns

I keep meaning to get an upsilon shuttle. Stridan with a Systems Officer and Hux just looks like amazing support for the little ships, handing out a mini-autoblaster to whoever needs it every turn...

So today was more experimentation.

Lt. Dormitz w/ Collision detector, HCS, Sys off, and Ops Spec.

Epsilon Ace with Threat Tracker and Shield Upgrade.

Quickdraw; Adrenaline Rush, Title, Threat Tracker, FCS, LWF

VS Wes Wedge and a rookie pilot. Everyone had an R2 and IA. Wes and Wedge have PTL. And Wes and the rookie had Flechette Torps and Wedge with Proton Torps.

This game was short really short. Opening volley, Wedge gets 1 Shield off QD and eats 2 of his own. The rookie gets a some shield damage from EA, and Wes had no shot nor did the rookie or Dormitz.

Round two Wes comes up, EA counters and Dormitz gets into position. The Rookie drifts up right in front of Dormitz and Focus. Wedge guesses where QD goes and guesses wrong. QD sloops not using the Adrenaline rush yet getting a focus from Dormitz and slips behind Wedge. Wedge gets 4 damage and pops the Astromech to stay alive. Wes exchanged fire with EA firing his Torps neither doing damage. Dormitz takes down the Rookie to 1 hull, and takes 1 Shield Damage in return.

Round 3, Wedge swings around an asteroid to get position on Dormitz, QD gives chase. The Rookie blocks Dormitz, Wes overshoots trying to clear EA. And the Ace turns in taking a bead on the rookie from the Systems Officer, and his own focus. The Rookie was taken down. Wedge took 4 shields from Dormitz, before he too went down to QD. Wes ran away realizing he had no hope.

Round 2 I pulled off the shield upgrade for Harpoons. Not a great idea honestly. Still won closer than it should have been honestly. One harpoon isn’t terrible but can really see the spam issues being talked about. I really liked QD with Adrenaline rush though, a lot of flexibility on a hindered dial. Makes me wish Tomax’s skill was on a SF. Will definitely need to do more work with QD and AR.

So couple of games today. Went with a mini swarm that I wa# hoping was both efficient and effective.

Quickdraw; Squad Leader, AO, FCS, LWF, Title

Omega Leader; Juke, Comm Relay

Epsilon Ace; AO

Epsilon Squadron Pilot; Hyperwave Comm Scanner

action efficiency is the idea here and if QD doesn’t have or need his action he can pass it along so it is not wasted.

my First Opponent ran a bit older List having not gotten some of the newest toys.

POE (9); R5-p9, PTL, Title, IA

Red SV, VI,Weapons Guidance, R2-D2, IA

Tarn Mison, Flechette Torps, BB8 IA.

I deferred initiative with Ace and QD going after Poe to limit target lock removals. The pseudo co-ordinate action was pretty big. My opponent tried to slow up and see my flight path in. Ace ain’t after Tarn while the ESQ tried a flank from the left. QD eased up the right along side Ace the cut through the debris pushing into Poe and the RSV. OL was along the ESP on the flank but cut in front to zero in on Poe.

Once Poe and the RSQ came throu my opponent was in trouble. Poe was stressed but had to go through debis, so cleared on stress only to pick up another. Quick draw gave chase, Tarn swung through but ended up in range 1 of QD final spot and EA stopped short of a bump with a TL and his focus still being held.

Poe and Tarn went down in flames. The RSQ had gone the other way and needed 3 rounds to get back into a firing position. Gave the squad time to get sorted out and encircled him for the win.

game 2 was against Nim, Moralo.

Capt Nim, Expertise, TLT, Cad Bane, Bomblet

Moralo Eval, HLC, Weapons Eng, K4, EU

He set up oddly, Moralo Facing East and Nym behind the same direction. So I set up to run down from behind but mindful of Nym’s bomb. Nym Targets the ESP with his LRS. And it took 2 rounds of chasing before shots fire. Nym Hit EA with one of his TLT shots. The TIEs only get 2 shields on him and Moralo took 2 as well from QD.

Realizing a bomb is coming I turn hard or jet past looking to chase the YV since I was actually behind it. QD gets a range 1 against Moralo, but also held range 2 to Nym. OL turned but was blocked by EA who was still in his way. ESP had come across 5 straight just didn’t block Nym. Ace turned but was blocked by the ESP and took 1 from a bomblet so dropped to 4 and no shot on Nym, for his troubles. QD takes 3 from Moralo, the another 1 from Nym on the initial shot. Nym looked at his options didn’t like shooting at OL with no mods, forgot he was range 1 of ESP so took a TLT on QD. QD took 1 fired 3 more into Moralo, and the 2 more off Nym.

My opponent decided to get aggressive. ESP banks in front of Nym the looking at where Moralo could go barrel rolls near an asteroid to await a target. Moralo hard 2’s into the fight, taking a stress for his troubles. EA soft banks up takes a focus and readies to be fired upon. Nym Talon Rolls to his left. OL moves to position to fire. And QD makes a turn but bumped the ESP. Moralo took 3 more from the TL QD leaving him at 2 hull. Nym shoots at range 1 of the ESP trying to clear him out before he can take down Moralo. Hit hit focus blank. However had to point out the Stress from the Talon Roll Nym did, as to why he couldn’t use his expertise. OL and EA clean up Nym. Moralo takes range 1 of ESP, 3 blanks and a focus... OUCH, insult to injury. ESP Hit crit, and Moralo cannot Evade and also burns down.

Overall mean list in a not so scary kind of way. It doesn’t look intimidating at all on paper. It flies beautifully though, and everything can spread out and work independently or the can fly together depending on what is needed. QD with Squad Leader was as good as could be hoped, letting someone else avoid arc, or take an extra token, was huge. Certainly a build others should look at.