So ran two slightly different list of Epsilon Squad Swarms in some Casual games the last couple of days.
Yesterday’s list
4x Epsilon Squadron (3,4,5,6,)
Epsilon Ace w/ Comm Relay
Epsilon Leader w/ Primed Thrusters
So First Matchup: Vader, Juno, Marrek. Vader PS 10 and Juno and Marrek with PS9. Title and ATC plus missle and guidance chips. (What Missles doesn’t Matter and you’ll read why.)
so I positioned 5 in the middle and the Ace to the Right on a flank by himself. My opponent setup on the left at an angle to try to weave through Asteroids as easy as he could. So round one just movements and no shooting. He didn’t want to get in too deep with so many shots. Second round, I have one ship up closer than I’d like in range of all 3 while others fanned out to setup pathways to come through or setup future moves. He rolls Vader in takes a targetlock and an Evade. Ace takes a shot at Marrek and Marrek easily avoids. Vader goes to tread tracers on a ship and realizes he can’t fire them! Basic shot evaded by the Epsilon. This trade goes back and forth and nothing.
4 is in a really solid position and easily sloops into firing position. 3 does a K-turn looking pretty as well. 5. Goes to sloop and runs into Vader. Leader ends up bumping into 5. Ace is into position and 6 went on a sloop the other way. Juno Banks away from the swarm and is effectively out of the fight. Marrek zooms past on a 3 bank, showing some skills to escape being blocked in. Vader attempts to follow, and is blocked all the way back to initial spot. Ace deleted Vader’s shields. Vader whiffs at Leader. Leader r1 gets 2 on Vader and 3 finishes the dark lords day.
4 chases after Juno as Marrek does a 4k and Juno runs. 3,6 and Ace give chase as 5 and Leader Sloop back into the fight. Pretty uneventful Juno lost a shield beyond that nothing exciting. Next roun Juno swings back in, gets a target lock. Swarm still giving chase now in better firing. Marrek does a 1 forward and Bumps 3 who was trying for position on Juno. Juno forgets to fire Missles, takes a normal shot nets a hit pulls the target lock for a reroll, blanked out and forgot he could add a hit from the ATC. My poor opponent not having a good day.. Juno is taken out and he conceded realizing Marrek had 0 chance.
Next game was vs a very new player. Ran a Miranda, Poe, Gemmar. The build was neither optimal or flashy so won’t get into details. Long story short. Baited with Ace Swarm flew in from the flank. New player took bait. Bit of circling but finally took all 3 down, only lost one Epsilon Squadron Pilot. Hurray experience over newness, especially with a swarm.
Edited by Ronu
Make the title more accurate