"The Unicorn’s strange approach to battle vexes many of the clans across Rokugan. Though they may not understand their methods, few can dispute the fearlessness of the clan that rides into battle. Their Cavalry are fearless when riding against the warriors of the other six Great Clans, or even to the south, where the dread Shadowlands await." -Fate Has No Secrets article
"I will follow you, and they will follow me. Even into Jigoku itself." -Moto Juro (flavor text)
Am I crazy that this makes me hope for a Crab/Unicorn alliance and Juro is speaking to Hida Tsuru? (Maybe that alliance leads to a marriage between Shinjo Yasamura and Hida O-Ushi = baby Kuon and Kurroda?!?) Okay, I'm getting carried away now.
We already have the Wayfinders and Hiruma scouts working together...
What do you think?