This is a list I ran at an event over the weekend, I was really excited to actually play at a venue that wasn't my house and actually get a chance to play with some new people.
Turns out I actually ended up winning the event, by a single point!
Reanimate Archers x6 [45]
--Heraldry: Raven-Standard Bearer [3]
--Training: Combat Ingenuity [6]
----------Total Unit Cost: 54
Carrion Lancers x1 [15]
--Training: Rank Discipline [4]
----------Total Unit Cost: 19
Reanimates x6 [35]
--Champion: Ardus IxErebus [23]
--Heraldry: Terrifying Heraldry [5]
----------Total Unit Cost: 63
Death Knights x6 [55]
--Equipment: Obcasium's Gauntlet [5]
--Training: Column Tactics [4]
----------Total Unit Cost: 64
Army Cost: 200 points.
I love my 3x2 archers with Raven-Standard Bearer, especially when playing against other ranged units. I would use my Carrion Lancer as a blocker for these archers or try to use it as a distraction by putting it into terrain so it could just sit there and blight and then quickly move out an an initiative 3 rally and march to exit the terrain and block anyone coming for my archers. I wanted to be quite a heavy damage army which is why I chose to put Ardus in my Reanimates for the added white die whilst my Deathknights would flank and look to take out dangerous units that could cause a damage to my weaker units, such as the Leonx Riders.
The 6 tray Deathknight unit is very hard to wipe out and I feel its worth the point value for that alone just because they're so **** tough!
Really hope to play another event soon as I have now got hyped all over again for this game since experiencing organised play for the first time.