Brought triple wookiees to regionals, and my brother and I worked out our own unique version that we feel can stand up to any list. If you want to know how we came to our final version, and some of the math behind our decisions, you can read it HERE
Tres Wookiees
Lowhhrick (28) w/ Adaptability (0) , Rey (2) , Hotshot Co-pilot (4)
Wookiee Liberator (26) w/ Predator (3) , Tactician (2) , Operations Specialist (3)
Wookiee Liberator (26) w/ Predator (3) , Tactician (2) , Inspiring Recruit (1)
Total: 100
View in Yet Another Squad Builder
List tactics. People are practically forced to kill Lowhhrick or suffer from Low adding another evade on top of liberators reinforce. Low with HSCP forces them to spend their focus, opening up attacks for the wookiees increasing their damage significantly. Rey on Low is as good as Expertise and immune to stress. Operation Spec refuels Rey throughout the game, as well as provide Liberators with more oomph. I brought smallest rocks possible so I can 2 sharp around them and prevent being tractor beamed onto them as well.
Round 1
vs PTL Fenn, Talonbane with Harpoon, and FCS Thweek.
I knew I could take out Talonbane easily, and he was worth 34pts, as much as my most expensive wookiee, this guarantees me at least final salvo. HSCP can make short work of Fenn and Thweek as well.
Early on, Cobra PTLs for Harpoon missile and gets it on my cheap 32pt wookiee. I deal a couple damage to Cobra, and double stress him. Next round Cobra dies, and I double stress Fenn. Im not in a position to get Fenn next round, as I know he is running away, so I go for Thweek who is still on my cheap wookiee. A couple rounds go by and Thweek is on 1 hull, and my wookiee is on 2 hull. Last round of game, Fenn finishes my wookiee.
34-32 Win. Another round and Thweek was dead
Round 2
vs PTL/Kanan Super Dash, Lothal w/ ABT, FCS, Hera
If it was LW Dash my list can obliterate, I was fearful of facing a PTL Dash who can get behind my wookiees so easily. I slow rolled my wookiees and let Dash come to me so I can be in a corner and then Dash has to fly away from me, instead of behind me. It worked, but my opponent did a good job of staying at range 3 and out of more than two arcs at any time.
HSCP was a dream here, cause my dice were cold early on, but he couldnt save the focus for defense and I was still able to plink damage from Dash.
Lothal rolled naked crit crit crit hit on a wookiee and I got 2 console fires and a damaged sensor array. Left on two hull, I was able to bank and stay away from Lothal fire and keep him alive. This wookiee stayed alive the entire match, and even got a crucial block on Dash preventing him from boosting at the end!
I chased Dash all game, and shot at the Lothal when I couldnt shoot Dash, able to take Lothal to 7 hull for half points. Lowhhrick finally died, but Dash was on 2 hull remaining and in a corner. My 2 hull wookiee who somehow managed to survive stopped Dash from boosting away as time was called in the round. I got a final shot on Dash and killed him.
Win 78-34
Round 3
vs Z95 swarm (three with harpoons and rest with tracers)
I did not practice for anything like this, who does? This is Blair Bunkes Z swarm and everyone was talking about it. Now I get to face it. Blair placed rocks in the corners, I made a small triangle cluster centered near his edge. My plan was to race forward toward his edge and bank around the small cluster and bring the fight there. I wanted to use my side arcs, attacking his Z's from a distance and not head on. I need to take 3 Zs out to win if I only lose 1 wookiee.
Blair brought his swarm down the right, I went 4 straight and 3 bank up left side. Blair turned into middle of map. Next round I straighted behind a rock with my cheapy wookiee (get as much defense as I could) and Lowhhrick was next to him to add an evade and was out of range of all but I think two of the Zs. My other wookiee 3 banked forward in attepmt to start getting behind his swarm.
First combat, Low attacked a Z with a harpoon missile, HSCP took his focus. I plinked some damage from another Harpoon carrier with my wookiees. He tracered my cheap wookiee and harpooned it. After the round, wookiee was only down shields, not bad.
Next round I just played defense with hurt wookiee, 4 straighted toward Blairs edge and reinforced the rear, while Low banked to attack. My other wookiee was now behind his swarm. One Z dead. Another died the next round. My wookiee finally died after behind double haprooned and it triggered doing lots of damage, but also 2 shields to one of his Zs as well.
Time is called, last round. The hurt Z is stressed and no tokens and is on 1 hull at range 3 of my Liberator who has a focus token. If I kill the Z I win. I roll hit, blank,blank. Predator lets me reroll both blanks, and I get eye, blank, ugh. Focus for 2 hits. Blair rolls his 3 naked green dice and gets 2 natties.
Final Salvo is 10 dice vs my 6 dice.
Loss (32-32 final Salvo)
Round 4
vs Mindlinked Old Teroch, Mindlinked TLT palob, Assajj w/ Tactician, title, cargo chute
My dice have been cold all day and they froze in this game. On top of that, I just royally screw up here and thought Asajj had latts even though I read his list and was like "hmm, tactician, interesting" As soon as the game started I went back to Asajj latts mode cause thats all I have faced for a year. So, Im going for Palob for the easy kill, and stop terochs focus machine. But Asajj double stressed Lowhhrick and I was like "oh ****, its tactician Asajj!". I went for Palob hard, and dice failed me all game, while his squad pounded Lowhhrick to death. For the entire game I was able to do 3 damage to Palob, and 2 damage to Teroch. I was rolling 3 blanks, and predator into a blank. Or hit, blank blank and reroll into a blank. One time I even rolled blank,blank,blank and predator for another blank! Meanwhile Im pretty sure his Palob rolled a natty evade every roll of the game. With Opspec I was ending rounds with 3 focuses piled up around my wookiees. I had focuses from op spec and couldnt even roll eyeballs to use them. Crazy.
So, im cleaning up my mess after the loss and notice my inspiring recruit card on my cheap wookiee!!!!!!!! Holy ****, that is the reason I put this card in my squad, so I can ignore double stress!!!! SON OF A *****!!!! Im so pissed at myself. I know I can beat this list 9 out of 10 times if I wasnt a dumb moron. All this dumbness I did and only loss one wookiee.
Loss 0-34
Round 5
vs Double Lancers. Ketsu w/ VI, Engines, Glitter Glitter, Dengar, Title and Asajj w/ PTL, Latts, Glitter, Gyro
Ketsu comes racing up the field, trying to get behind my wookiees. I bank and prepare for it. Next round I 2 sharp them all and Ketsu lands range 1 of all three. They do some damage to my cheapy wookiee and then my wookiees go to work, dropping Ketsu to 3 hull.
Assajj goes for Low next round, but I see it coming and just 4 straight Low right into Asajj so she can't attack Low. My wookiees turn away and get in position to attack Ketsu the following round.
Low runs away from Assajj and my wookiees attack Ketsu who is turning back towards Lowhrick. I finally finish Ketsu, and then able to double stress Assajj. This is the end of Assajj, and a few rounds later Asajj is triple stressed and on 5 hull. I just focus with all three of my wookiees and end it.
Win 100-0. Game was closer then score indicates. Opponent did 13 total damage to my wookiees, but I was able to force him to spread damage.
Round 6
My MOV is pretty good at this point, and if I can table my next opponent and certain matchups go my way, maybe I have a slim chance of making cut.
Next matchup
vs MY BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!! We built our lists together and both flying the same triple wookiees! We are both 3-2 and not happy!
We talk about just final salvo and go home, but then are just like, "we are hear, lets play."
We engage in the middle of the map, Im able to get my wookiees behind the mustache rock and attack his Lowhhrick while he goes for mine. I get range 1 on his lowhhrick with both of my Liberators, and I purposely bump my Low into one of his Liberators so that I only take two shots. This was the game right here, as I killed his Lowhhrick and mine survived with 2 hull.
That mustache rock was the key to the rest of the game. It allowed me to 2 sharp behind my brothers wookiees, while he had to either straight or bank. I got behind his wookiees and stressed them, forcing him to bank instead of turn.
I did it!
Win 100-0
I ended up 12th overall with 812 MOV. A good showing and I WISH I could have killed Blair's 1 hull Z95 and been 3-0 at that point. Also wished I wasnt a dumbass in round 4!!!
Really felt good with this list and it can take on anything I believe. Hot-Shot Co-pilot and especially Op Spec were tremendous. Felt like I was mindlinked with Wes Janson out there.
Lowhhrick always had a focus, I never ran out. Sometimes I started combat round 2 and only had a single focus on Low, but by end of game (or when Low died), my rey card had 2 or 3 focuses on it from Op Spec. Never once in the tourney did I not have a focus for Low at start of combat.
Hot Shot Co-Pilot allowed me to push damage through when normall I wouldnt have. So many times Dash just wanted to save his focus, and Fenn really wanted to save his focus, but couldnt. Worth every point and then some.
Wookiee Nation! Had fun and got my wookiee reps in!
Thanks for reading!
Edited by wurms