Hi all,
It's about time that I understand how this works and I need your help. Sorry for taking this a bit long.
I read this on RRG:
A space is adjacent to each other space that shares an edge or corner with the space.
• Two spaces that share only an edge that is a wall, blocking terrain, or a door are not adjacent.
Sounds clear to me that a space sharing no edge and one corner are adjacent. Because of this common corner, the following is valid (same section of RRG):
QuoteTwo figures that are in adjacent spaces are adjacent figures. These figures are one space away from each other. This means that a ranged attack targeting an adjacent figure needs at least 1 Accuracy to not miss.
And this also means that melee attack is possible.
In the following picture you can see two spaces sharing one invalid edge (a wall) and a valid corner (lower corner at the end of the wall). For what read so far they are adjacent:
<missing picture>
Because these spaces shares a corner they are adjacent. However description of this image on RRG says the opposite. Melee would require reach and ranged requires accuracy 2. This is totally consistent with counting space rule, but it seems to me inconsistent with adjacent definition.
Any idea?
Edited by Golan Trevize