
By sagitar, in Dust

I must say, having stumbled upon this game on a shop website, I am rather tempted to buy it. I'll go for the german version wich is 14 dollars cheaper than the english, only because of the language.

At first sight the board looks very risk like, but there's the circles wich don't really make sense to me, I reckon it's a bit like roads you have to follow?

I've checked out photos on the geek and to me it seems that the gameboard might quickly be crowded with game pieces.

there are loads of them, but if you only play with two people, it seems a shame, cause you'll never use them all.

also not immedeatly impressed by the detail of the game pieces. on first sight they looked a bit crude (I think the word is) to me, But maybe I'll just have to go find me some better pictures.

As I understand game play is much fun and there is a demo wich I'm going to try and find.

No doubt that'll convince me I must have this.

Is this a game wich is going to flood us with expansions, as the fashion seems to be now=a=days. Once onto a good game, they really seem to like to milk the subject and expand it to dead. But I somehow that won't happen with this game.

I got the german and english version. The first one is a bit better in cardboard thinkness and print quality. The components are language free, you only need the the english rules. In my opinion there wont be any expansions for this game and thats good. If you only will play the game with 2 players, you are not only using all the pieces, but will loose the best aspect of this game, which occurs if you play with 4 players and up.

I would be very curious to know why anyone would buy the game twice.

Fancy there being such a quality difference if you buy the game in german. I assume this means the german version is manufactured in Germany, adding some extra 'grundlichkeit'.

So in future I'd better go for the german versions gui%C3%B1o.gif

Having said so, I had a message from a chap who has the game A HOUSE DEVIDED (or is that nation) in the american version and in the dutch version (NORTH AND SOUTH - it's called over here). And he assures me the dutch version is much better quality wise.

Surprising that, I would have imagined the americans'd keep the best for themselves.

Hi mates! This boardgame sounds great! Wonderful art and a game dynamics like Risk AND Asix and Allies, with a bit of Steampunk-background that is really in my tune.

Someone has it?

It's really cool how it seems?

Let me know.

Thanks a lot. Keep flying,
