Sorastro’s Other Talent

By Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun, in Imperial Assault Painting and Modification

We all know Sorastro is a Maestro with the paintbrush, and is graced with an even, calming voice reminiscent of a Grand Moff about to doom a civilization.

But I was floored to learn that the Renaissance man CREATES the music in the tutorials he produces for all of us as well. If I later find out that he is also a world class Soufflé chef and a former Soviet era ballerina, I would just take it in stride at this point.

I was hoping this thread would be videos of Sorastro's interpretive dance.

3 hours ago, TauntaunScout said:

I was hoping this thread would be videos of Sorastro's interpretive dance.

Tonight on Masterpiece Theater ...

A very special performance of Sorastro in ‘ Alderaan Reasons

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun