One of the first things that stuck out to me while reading up on the beta today was how the rings have a strong psychological aspect to them. Just by knowing a character's ring scores you can build a pretty nuanced mental image of their personality, which is pretty unique for an RPG. I noticed while going through the 20 questions to build a character concept, I started to prioritize certain rings based off of how I wanted the character to think and feel using a Myers-Briggs-ish framework. I thought it might be fun to expand it into an actual thing an in-fiction philosopher might use.
- The ring one wears represents their mask: the way they passively project themselves, how a stranger might describe their personality, and the approach they take in an unfamiliar situations.
- The ring one wields represents their favorite tool: the way they actively project themselves, how an acquaintance might describe their personality, and the approach they take when taking a task head on with confidence.
- The ring one carries represents their personal talisman: the way they see themselves and strive to be, how a friend might describe their personality, and the approach they take when something personal is at stake.
- The ring one hides represents their shameful secret: the way they are without control or restraint, how a lover might describe their personality, and the approach they take when in a panic or a rage.
- The ring one buries represents their naked vulnerability: the way they grieve and grow, how someone looking for cutting words might describe their personality, and the approach they take when all is lost or they have no choice.
For an example of how to apply this to a character, here's how I'd divide it up for the momoke Kitsuki Investigator I'm working on.
- He wears Earth : Defaults to terse and reserved. He prefers to stay in the background and observe so the enemy can make the first mistake. He comes across as shy or a man of few words on first impressions.
- He wields Fire: When it's time for action, he acts aggressively and decisively. He delights in overcoming a challenge with a burst of passion and creative thinking. In a debate he would ask questions and probe for faults in the opponent's reasoning until he could unleash a tirade of criticism to utterly crush their argument.
- He carries Water: When it's time to make a decision, he prefers to remain flexible and keep his options open. He takes pride in his ability to adopt multiple perspectives in order to grasp the larger picture. In familiar company he is open and easygoing. He believes himself to be a kind and understanding person.
- He hides Air: As someone who strives to cut away all distractions that might cloud the truth, he has a deep hatred for lies and games. Backed into a corner, though, he won't hesitate to fast-talk, weasel, and cajole his way out of a situation. Despite having little respect for the finer subtleties of fluff like fashion and ceremony, those closest to him know of his penchant for idealizing natural beauty with flowery and poetic language.
- He buries Void : Deep down he is terrified of fate and destiny. He wants for his choices to be solely his own, duty and Kami be damned. It takes an utter failure for him to truly look within when one of his ideals is challenged.
There's also some interpretation to be gleaned from which position a character's higher and lower rings are in, e.g.: A character with a high ring in wields is in the zone when being proactive, while a character with a low ring in carries isn't very confident in their self image.
So, what do you guys think? I think it could be especially useful in a very social/political game where the GM needs a quick and dirty way to give NPCs some internal strife for the players to discover and exploit.