Duplicate Limited

By kainlettern, in L5R LCG: Rules Discussion

Not sure if this has been asked but i watched a game online and some flipped over two copies of their champion on their provinces. They put one into play and the in their discussion while playing the discarded the second one and put a fate on the one just put into play. They did this like it is a rule yet when i went through the rule book from the core set i didnt see it. Is this true and if so where can i find it as i am the kind of person who likes to see it in writing so i can reference it.

Page 6 of the Rules Reference under the Duplicates heading. I forget which page of the Learn to Play and don't have it in front of me.

A duplicate is a copy (in a player’s hand or provinces) of a
unique character that is already in play and under the same
player’s control. A player may, as a player action during step 1.4
of the dynasty phase, discard a duplicate from his or her hand
or provinces to place 1 fate on the copy of the character in play.
After discarding a duplicate from a province, the province
refills face down.
A different version of a unique card (that shares the same
title) may be discarded from a player’s hand or provinces as
a duplicate.
Related: Unique

Thank you! I found the rules reference. Did not know that existed.

Ya, this is a critical part of the game.

However, the LEARN TO PLAY rulebook assumes a single core format and never addresses this critical rule.

Wish they'd have put a little more rules reference into the initial box for the true new player, rather than assume that every player will search for the rules reference.