I hope unicorn will have more decent skills and conflict abilities not only so much movement but also battle abilities especially for the 3 and above fate cost characters. The Stronghold must also have its own strength not only 0 and better ability. I hope whoever is the designer of this clan will improve this because it is a sore eye for those loyal to the unicorn clan. Dont let this clan will be a dismay.
Bring Decency to the Unicorn
There is nothing wrong with the design of the stronghold. Some of the characters are lacking, IMO, however they have a decent number of viable characters to pull from, and with Yurt they now have the ability to essentially run a 37 card dynasty deck. Honestly, I haven't had more fun playing any other clan in the LCG than I have when playing Unicorn. Depending on match ups and which splash you go with, Unicorn have a few viable builds for competitive play.
I'd wait to see what they look like after all 6 of the packs from the first expansion cycle are released, before I write them off entirely.
21 minutes ago, Ishi Tonu said:There is nothing wrong with the design of the stronghold. Some of the characters are lacking, IMO, however they have a decent number of viable characters to pull from, and with Yurt they now have the ability to essentially run a 37 card dynasty deck. Honestly, I haven't had more fun playing any other clan in the LCG than I have when playing Unicorn. Depending on match ups and which splash you go with, Unicorn have a few viable builds for competitive play.
I'd wait to see what they look like after all 6 of the packs from the first expansion cycle are released, before I write them off entirely.
0 strength is way too harsh for an ability that just saves you one honor most of the time. I don't see why it is not 2 strength or at least 1.
I agree that Ponies are very fun to play but I am a hipster that likes to win with "weak" factions.
As to characters Unicorn is unfortunately brought down in power by their awful clan champion and horrible 4 drops(I know this is an unpopular opinion but I think Moto Horde is the only semi decent one).
I can't wait to get Talisman of the Sun and put it in a tempo Unicorn deck, making your opponents swing into public forums and shameful displays or wasting their conflicts with Captive Audience and Harmonize.
Edited by BordOne46 minutes ago, BordOne said:0 strength is way too harsh for an ability that just saves you one honor most of the time. I don't see why it is not 2 strength or at least 1.
I agree that Ponies are very fun to play but I am a hipster that likes to win with "weak" factions.
As to characters Unicorn is unfortunately brought down in power by their awful clan champion and horrible 4 drops(I know this is an unpopular opinion but I think Moto Horde is the only semi decent one).
I can't wait to get Talisman of the Sun and put it in a tempo Unicorn deck, making your opponents swing into public forums and shameful displays or wasting their conflicts with Captive Audience and Harmonize.
I'm not entirely impressed with the 4 drops either. At this state in the game the raw stats of Horde are generally better than Tetsuo. However as the card pool gets deeper, I suspect people will come back to Tetsuo, as the move can be a big deal when you are playing a clan with a decent amount of ready tech.
While Altansarnai is easily the worst of the clan champs, when I look at her as a 5 cost character that is good when going first, and play her as such, then she's not terrible. While that isn't a ringing endorsement, she does improve as more decks start to trend towards playing a smaller number of quality characters instead of swarming the board. Unicorn now having the Yurt also makes for the possibility of a hidden Altansarnai flipping and being Charged into battle when an opponent wasn't expecting it, not to mention the extra honor from Yurt to allow you to play 3 copies of Assassination to clear the chaff. When your opponent has just a couple quality characters on the board and you put them to the decision of killing one, her strength is visible, but, as a clan champ I think we've all come to expect more.
The province strength I think is fine at 0. You have to look at the potential of what it can do. Right now it's just a move in of your best cavalry character to a military battle. Since the Unicorn character pool is somewhat lacking it's not that impressive, but, think about what it means for the future. If moving a Moto Horde to a military attack, or defense, and adding 6 skill to the battle is the floor of that ability, imagine what the ceiling could be. Not to mention the built in protection against unopposed honor loss. 0 province strength makes sense as the ability is superior to any other stronghold......as long as there are the characters to make use of it.
Right now I think the biggest problem are the lack of raw stats and conflict cards that don't help win a conflict. Unicorn have lots of tricks to alter the conflict but few of them actually swing the skill totals so far in their favor that they can with without using a lot of cards and/or fate and or honor. For example, Unicorn has to get their discard full of characters and then spend 3 fate for Cavalry Reserves to try and net a skill boost of 6 or more. Lion plays WotL on Toturi and gets 6 military for free.
Yurt helped a great deal and if the rest of the expansion packs big some goodies to Unicorn, I would not be surprised to see them make a top 4 before the 2018 WC
Edited by Ishi Tonu@Ishi Tonu Yup Yup Yup totally agree on the Yurt.
I guess I just dislike the stronghold due to how conditional it is. It needs both cavalry and military conflict and while I agree its potential is very great at the same time during most of the turns its not that important. I am not sure it compares favorably with Scorpions stronghold that changes the whole gameplan of the opponent(cannot really be dishonored). Then again I agree potential might be higher
On Altansarnai I do not agree she is still one of the worst five drops even with new ones revealed and her ability doesn't do anything 90% of the time. Just give us the other Uni five drop already(Ide Tadaji doesn't help the high cost characters situation either)!
The 5 drop just released can fill altans role hopefully
Keep in mind the stronghold is not tied to the Unicorn clan, just the Cavalry trait. In the old game Dragons (the creaturs not the clan) had the Cavalry trait......if Dragons or other neutral baddies with Cavalry get printed, the stronghold gets potentially bonkers.
Altansarnai's ability can be shuffled into a conflict you have already won while she is bowed. Use her good stats to defend against an attack, luring you opponent into a sense of security on their characters.
Not as good as the other champions, but as a decent 5 cost chatacter in a Unicorn's kit, i dont see any reason not to include her.
I agree. The unicorn should put clothes on their ponies. For shame, tis indecent!
Decency has been broughtened!
Juro is decent for sure. I'll find a couple slots for him but Altansarnai is still the best unicorn 5 drop..... And that is a bit of a let down considering what Juro was rumored to be
26 minutes ago, Ishi Tonu said:Juro is decent for sure. I'll find a couple slots for him but Altansarnai is still the best unicorn 5 drop..... And that is a bit of a let down considering what Juro was rumored to be
I don't know. Loses 2 Political but everything else is the same or better. The rumored was far better but this is still quite good. I'd not mind 3 Altansarnai and 3 Juro, while leaving 4 fate area almost null.
Will have to try first though.
Hey, I don't ask for superiority, just adequacy.
I recall another forum post somewhere around here where the commenter listed Clan X as "becoming top tier, along with [insert 5 other clans here]." So... they just listed 6 out of the 7 clans as "top tier" and guess which one was omitted? Yeaaaah.
47 minutes ago, Wintersong said:I don't know. Loses 2 Political but everything else is the same or better. The rumored was far better but this is still quite good. I'd not mind 3 Altansarnai and 3 Juro, while leaving 4 fate area almost null.
Will have to try first though.
That was the plan for me, but, now I wonder if having so many 5 drops is a good idea as Juro is not really great for winning a conflict when you need raw stats. Horde still fills that role better for their cost.
Luckily it will take very little tweaking as the Unicorn decks I am running are pretty much dialed in, but all of them had 2-3 slots that we're just filler. Juro is an easy substitute to make. Opinions about how he stacks up to other 5 drops is irrelevant when he's easily better than a good majority of the Unicorn cards. No matter where you or I rank him he's not one of the worst 37 cards Unicorn can run
I think you guys are underselling his ability a bit. It doesn't matter that his politics is kinda low(I agree it should be 3 probably) when you attack with him politically and the opponent has to either overcommit or lose the province(since you can just back away after declare defenders, or fan if uo).
Same with defending, you send him in, if opponent overcommits rescources to break and you have no way to defend it you just let uo and counter attack. He is like reverse version of doji challenger(albeit a bit more balanced in stats).
I think he will be way better then altan(maybe because I didn't hear the roumors).
Edited by BordOne58 minutes ago, BordOne said:I think you guys are underselling his ability a bit. It doesn't matter that his politics is kinda low(I agree it should be 3 probably) when you attack with him politically and the opponent has to either overcommit or lose the province(since you can just back away after declare defenders, or fan if uo).
Same with defending, you send him in, if opponent overcommits rescources to break and you have no way to defend it you just let uo and counter attack. He is like reverse version of doji challenger(albeit a bit more balanced in stats).
I think he will be way better then altan(maybe because I didn't hear the roumors).
The ability is great that's for certain. Where I struggle is his cost for that ability. Look at what the great 5 drops do, they impact the game in a significant way. Juro doesn't really do that. He can't double ring or discard or cancel an opposing action or political kill someone of being two extra guys into play....etc. The effects on the other 5 drops have more immediate and sometimes long term effect on a game. He's more in line with Taka in terms of having an impact over a long period of time if left in play, but, that means you're paying 6+ to keep him around, and then hoping you get more characters to support him.
Juro's ability is not at the same level as his cost. Its too cute and looks to be more of a play not to lose effect than a play to win effect. It may turn out better than I expect, but, if I was counting on one personality to carry me, as 5 drops are designed to do, Juro would not be the 5 drop I would count on
Edited by Ishi TonuAre any other ponies salivating at the chance to play Moto Juro, Harmonize (phoenix splash), Rout, Captive Audience, and Waning Hostilities, for absolute moving mayhem? *laughs maniacally*
Edited by Blu3keyHostilities, not Conflict
1 minute ago, Blu3key said:Are any other ponies salivating at the chance to play Moto Juro, Harmonize (phoenix splash), Rout, Captive Audience, and Waning Conflict, for absolute moving mayhem? *laughs maniacally*
Well, I *wasn't,* but Harmonize is hilarious. "Hello my friend I see you are here to invade. Let us put our weapons aside and have some tea instead. *Five minutes later-* AND YOU! WE MEET ON THE FIELD OF BATTLE!"
Harmonize is worth it just for "We both agree to quit the field." *moments later, hop on horse and ride back to the battlefield* Well, I never said I wouldn't come back...
Edited by Waywardpaladin