STAR TOURS Model...?

By emeraldbeacon, in X-Wing Painting and Modification

So I've been thinking about what model I'd need to use, to get a Star Speeder 1000/3000 in proper X-Wing scale (for what that's worth these days). In the past, I'd found one at Disneyland that came in blind packs, that seems close to 1:270 scale (though perhaps about 25% too small). Other options are the Matchbox-like cars shaped like the Star Speeder, which to me appear about double the proper size (but seem a good fit for a large base, which does seem appropriate for the Space Bus).

What thoughts do you folks have?

Ask this guy...

Maybe he says something about it on his blog.

The real question is: Why would you want a StarTour ship model for X-Wing?

I would want one for a mission or something similar. Use it instead of the Senator's Shuttle.

On 5/12/2017 at 1:28 AM, Darth Drago said:

I would want one for a mission or something similar. Use it instead of the Senator's Shuttle.

Instead the star tours I had made the star conmuter 2000 is a shuttle simillar to this ship and appears on Rebels animation series.



I had made a model cast of it in case someone is interested on acquiring it.

If sto, keep me informed