I won a game with Wedge Antilles too

By Schu81, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Hello there!

Yes, I know there is already another thread about winning matches featuring the epic hero of the Rebellion.

But I have to tell you about my story anyways :)

So, yesterday I have had a little tournament with my friends, who I regard being experienced and intelligent players.

I usually play rather "modern" lists, even though I always try not to netlist, because the newer waves seem to feature so much more options than the older ones.

But I just love the iconic T-65 and its most famous pilots, such as Wedge Antilles. He was my absolute hero when I started this game. Nowadays I think that Poe Dameron is a much better choice for a competitive match, but I still feel like going back to the roots, going back to the OLD heros.

So I have played this list yesterday:

WedgeAntilles (29)
Predator (3)
BB-8 (2)
Integrated Astromech (0)

Wes Janson (29)
Veteran Instincts (1)
R3-A2 (2)
Integrated Astromech (0)

Horton Salm (25)
Twin Laser Turret (6)
M9-G8 (3)

Total: 100

My plan was:

Horton Salm should always put a Target Lock on Wes in the very first round, so I'll have free rerolls on all 3 ships.

1 dice via Predator on Wedge, 1 dice via M9G8 on Wes and all blanks via Pilot Ability on Horton.

So, using this list I faced my very first enemy.

Tie / X7 Ryad, Tie / D Vessery and Zeta Leader

I knew this was going to a hard match and I would not have expected to win this in the first place, but as soon as I brought my ships into action, I noticed that there is chance to win this!

I could actually kill Zeta Leader in the very round of combat, because of the combined firepower of all 3 ships. The opponent tried to go after Horton and ionised him with Vessery. This didn't help so much, though.

Wedge and Wes are freaking horrible, as soon as they reach range 1. I could take out Vessery shortly after that and it came down to a 3 vs 1 fight against Ryad for the rest of the match.

My opponent flew Ryad perfectly, so he could avoid the firing arc of Wedge for 3 times in a row, while fighting Wes.

So what did Janson do in this situation? Of course he used the stressbot to keep Ryad from taking actions (such as the free evade) whenever possible. Horton Salm flew his slow Y-Wing back into the action, to help his brothers in combat, but this old piece of junk is just horrible to maneuver through an asteroid field and so he went out of touch for 1 or 2 rounds in the meantime.

After all it was more than just an uphill battle for Ryad and she was already down to 1 hull, when she almost killed Wedge with a mighty close combat attack. BB8 gave his life (integraded astromech) to save Wedge and the ship with just one remaining hull.

Then it happened! I made a huge mistake and calculated the BB8 sidestep into my maneuver forgetting that I had already dumped the astromech one round ago. That's how Wedge crashed onto an asteroid right in front of Ryad at range 1.

Poor guy! I am sure he didn't even see it coming aynmore, when Ryad blew his ship into oblivion. One loss!

But as I said.. Ryad was already down to 1 hull and when Wes and Horton finally got her into firing arc & range, she was gone really quick after this.

Victory! 100 : 34

Edited by Schu81

Very good, sah. Carry on. (Though obviously that was Fake Wedge. ;) )

Edited by TheHumanHydra

It was somehow amazing to read this! :)