Today we had a Q4 tournament with 24 players. 4 rounds and a top 4 cut. I ran,
Chewbacca (Heroes of the Resistance) (49)
YT-1300 (42), Swarm Leader (3), Rey (2), Jan Ors (2)
Captain Rex (14)
Sabine Wren (17)
Sabine's TIE Fighter (15), Juke (2)
Airen Cracken (20)
Z-95 Headhunter (19), Veteran Instincts (1)
I went 2-2 despite my high hopes after 3 warm up matches the night before which I won against the guy who ended up in 5th for the day.
First match vs Inquisitor (Title, PTL, Autothrusters), 2x Glaive Squadrons (-2 Title, VI)
I was most worried about facing defenders and it seems with good reason. This list picked me apart. I started off on the wrong foot getting Sabine too far out front where his Inquisitor got a free shot sinking in two damage with no return fire. Sabine died the next turn out of range for Chewie to get his revenge shot. Airen went down next with Rex following quickly after. I managed to kill one of his Defenders with a 6 die attack from chewie in the 2nd round of combat but that's about all I did. After the support was dead Chewie didn't stand a chance. 34-100 loss
Second match vs Trandoshan Slaver (Mangler Cannon, Jabba, Boba Fett, Glitterstim), Sabine's Shadow Caster (Glitterstim x2, PTL?, Gyroscopic Targeting), Binyare Pirate (Hotshot Blaster)
The match started off pretty good for me, He lined up his slaver directly across from my whole squad which was spread out over about a third of the right side of the mat. I ended up getting the slaver in range one of Chewie with everything having arc on it and sunk in 5 damage with chewie and another 2 with the rest of the squad. That's about where the good news ends. The next two 5 die attacks chewie threw out ended up with one hit and 4 blanks and he was able to pick me off. Chewie did eventually kill the slaver with a revenge shot after I lost some ship(I can't remember which one) in the end I had his Sabine down to one Hull left and he wiped me out. 60 something -100 loss
Third match vs Nym (title, genius, autoblaster turret, PTL, Cluster Missiles, Accuracy Corrector, Bomblet generator) Etahn A'baht (PTL, EU, advanced sonsors, ?)
My opponent said they hadn't had much practice with this list and it showed. I'm not sure if I have all the upgrades left but there was plenty of room to have made Etahn a Corran which probably would have made a lot more sense. In the first round of combat I managed to Isolate Etahn and strip his shield with Chewie. The Tie's and Zed didn't get any other damage in that turn. Second round I accidentally put Sabine in good bomb territory for Nym, the bomb ended up in range of Etahn as well. This left the E wing with one hit left and killed Sabine. Chewie got a revenge shot (All during activation phase) and killed Etahn. Then he Reyed up for a focus and Airen shot giving him a TL with Airen and Rex having Nym in arc with evades out. Nym used autoblaster and took two of chewies shields. Chewie sunk 5 damage into Nym. Nym died the next round after taking out Rex. The whole match took about 30 minutes. 100-31 win
Fourth match vs Fenn (PTL, Autothrusters), Thweek (Auto Thrusters, MKII title, Virago, Sensor Cluster), Talonbane (Vaksai, EU, Vectored Thrusters, Auto Thrusters, PTL, ?,?)
This was the closest match of the day. My opponent managed to get Thweek into trouble despite stealing Sabines ability, he should have been able to be anywhere he wanted but he ended up in range one of Chewie in arc. Two evades to feed Swarm Leader led to Thweel with one hp left after first attack. My other ships couldn't finish him off with his Sensor cluster in play so he lived to take shots away from other targets until the next round. Sabaine managed to blow up Thweek in the second round allowing Chewie to take 6 die attack against Talonbane leaving him with only one HP after two rounds of combat he managed to kill Rex in this round as well with his Fenn.. I managed to take out Talonbane in the third round. I also lost Chewie in the third round :(. That left Sabine and Airen against Fenn. This is how it stayed until the end. I managed to sneak one hit into Fenn at some point and in turn he only managed to get one hit into Airen until we ran out of time. 67-63 win