Would having “The Imperial palace” face up in a province add 3 to the total glory as long as the orator’s ability is concerned?
The palace says it adds to each of your “glory couts”, but, the orator asks whether you “count more glory” among the ready participanting characters. I know it is nitpicking, but between the different wording and the fact that “glory count” is a defined term in the Rules Reference (page 8), which counts all ready characters not only participating ones, I’m not 100% sure the palace counts.
I believe this would be the relevant part of the Rules Reference:
QuoteGlory Count
When the players are asked to count glory, each player counts the total glory value among the ready characters he or she controls, and adds 1 to the total for each ring in his or her claimed ring pool. The player with the highest total wins the glory count.
◊ Some card abilities may require the players to count glory. Glory counts required by card abilities are made in the same manner, and the ability will detail how to process the result. Such counts do not affect the status of the Imperial Favor, unless the ability text causes the Imperial Favor status to change.